Banditos 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not even that. They're scared of being ostracized by all the other normies at work and around them. Everybody left over at that shithole is a collectivist at heart.

Banditos 21 points ago +21 / -0

Be ready- once the Trump/Q connection becomes absolutely apparent, they will instantly drop Trump and shift to full DeSantis circle jerk. And once any DeSantis' Q connections are revealed they will revert to full blown neocons again. Because that's what they always fucking were.

And I'm not talking about the OG t_d from reddit in 2017. That's not the crowd that is nonstop anally rage violating themselves with a TV remote in their bedrooms that currently occupy the pride parade called patriots.win.

Banditos 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't mean offence to anyone here, and I know this isn't what you're claiming, but nobody on GAW should really consider themselves bakers. The bread that is meticulously prepped and processed on 8kun is an operational procedure that is exponentially beyond 99% of the content that passes through here. However, that bread is not primarily meant for end-user consumption. That is not, and has never been its purpose. So places like this (and voat before it) serve a much needed function in absorbing that content downstream of its original source.

But lets be honest, this place is 70% meme reposts from t_d. Another 20% of the "content" is somehow more worthless than memes, leaving us with a good 10% of info worth digesting, discussing, and sharing. I understand why the mods have left things wide open for participation here, but this is the downside of that approach. Especially when its basically been years since any Q drops of note.

I think the easiest fix to instantly clean this place up would be to drop a minimum character requirement for all new posts. I'm sure the mods have considered similar routes, but they have decided to keep things open and have this place remain more of a "rah rah" pep rally for Q than primarily a research and intel board. And I'm not knocking them or that decision, they're dealing with a much different crowd than the original group of us that migrated from the OG q sub on reddit on over to voat after the purge.

And to some degree I think the Q team themselves had reason to instruct the Watkins to nuke voat upon the steal and stopping of active Q drops. I think its been some benefit to scatter that original crowd to the wind the moment shit got real with bidan's inauguration. Cause if that group had been able to stay organized and remain in contact they likely would have been tempted to go into business for themselves and caused some major disruptions on a national scale. Instead we now have a platform in GAW that serves as a soft landing for normies new to Q, and I'm sure that's what's needed most at this time. I can stomach the memes and low effort content, but I really wish these fuckers would actually read the drops. Cause I can guarantee a large part of the userbase here couldn't be bothered to go back to the start and read them all. The content here is proof enough of that!

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

They wouldn't. But anons give everything three strikes until they're out of copium. Just kidding, they'll always keep explaining it away as a good thing no matter how many strikes.

Don't blame them necessarily, you gotta keep faith however possible at this late hour. But it doesn't always make for good analysis as events like these develop.

Banditos 18 points ago +18 / -0

Just checked as well on Truth. He def retruthed this. Patriots In Control username, WWG1WGA the storm, even a fuckin Q on the lapel. THIS is as blatant as it gets.

Banditos 2 points ago +6 / -4

We're already seeing a lot here saying its fine if the midterms are stolen and part of the plan to secure 2024 lol

Banditos 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some parts are, some parts may not be. But I hope you're right, it's just getting exhausting how many times we have to do the mental gymnastics of "this bad news is actually good news!!".

The military force vaccinating all enlisted troops is still unexplainable if they're the entity people are expecting to swoop in at the last minute and clean up everything entirely on their own. I think this is an active war in every single institution, including the military. And I don't think we're always winning every battle as much as people here would like to believe.

Banditos 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's embarrassing to see how few people even here have actually read the Q drops. This question and topic is fucking pathetic every time its posted. Hilarious how they still can't comprehend this happened a long ass time ago at this point, with Q confirming who it was and his reasoning for the exact phrasing around the subject.

Banditos 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's the reverse illumanati gesture. It's their pyramid upside down and has long been speculated as used by masons that are in direct conflict against the European bloodline families, and their Rockefeller counterparts stateside. For decades Jay-Z (Roc-A-Fella y'all) would "throw the rock in the sky" hand gesture of the upward pyramid.

Trump has been seen flashing the reverse pyramid sign many times just like Barr is in this screenshot above. Very visible and purposeful positioning each time as well.

Banditos 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've always assumed the "blackout necessary" was going to be referring to the Q blackout of the last year and a half, up until the start of declass. Where all of this intel is finally brought out of the DARK and inTO the LIGHT.

From CA, sitting in the southland now. The residential blackouts happen all summer long and often to numbers higher than this week currently. I don't think its specifically a Q reference in this instance. The Trump Truths, however. seem to line up pretty damn well with that post in the context of the FBI, election interference, classified docs, mar-a-lago etc. Boom Boom Boom Boom? Maybe? Possibly? Finally?

Banditos 7 points ago +7 / -0

A pencil neck geek is not only a lightweight in physicality. The pencil neck geek is also a lightweight mentally. And the pencil neck geek is most assuredly a lightweight emotionally. And let me tell you, that turkey right there is absolutely one pencil neck geek.

Banditos 9 points ago +9 / -0

Am millennial. I thank God every day I didn't grow up in the great depression, the dust bowl, to get drafted off to die in a foreign WW2. Maybe survive, start family, only to get sent to die in Korea a decade later. Maybe survive again, elect president, watch his head get blown off, then watch as your son get sent to die in Vietnam. Then watch MLK get head blown off. Then RFK get head blown off. Elect Nixon, celebrate end to wars. Watch Nixon keep head on shoulders but get thrown out of white house with the economy collapsing shortly after...

I'm not gonna lie and say shits been anything BUT fucking disgusting in this country since Tues morning on 9/11, but the mortal toll doesn't even compare to the 20th century. This time around its a full blown war on the mind. And I'd still rather suffer psyop after psyop meant to mentally break me than have to sit 5 fucking minutes in some rice paddy in gooksville with shells flying over my head

Banditos 7 points ago +8 / -1

Telegram has been the most effective psyop in misleading and scattering the Q community.

Tbh a lot of the blame falls on Q and team for not staying in contact at the most basic level. I understand going silent during active ops, but it's not like 90 percent of the posts in 2020 were ground breaking intel anyways. The last 9 months of Q felt more like a recap and rally for newcomers. Could have kept that up to some degree even if it was one post every few months.

deleted 6 points ago +8 / -2
Banditos 1 point ago +2 / -1

Especially when patriots are the only ones being punished. Whatever shits about to get real, guarantee the working class right will suffer the hardest before it's all over.

Banditos 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the normie Q hangout for recent converts and hopium refugees escaping the cuckold clutches of the doomer fag clans at patriots.win. The real scene is 8kun. Everything else is, at best, downstream of research done years ago over there.

Voat was a solid middle ground between the autists and the normies, but wasn't needed anymore after Q stopped posting the moment the steal was solidified. The time for research and decodes was over. This is strictly a catch-up operation here at GAW for all of those that weren't following Q prior to Jan 2021.

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's definitely not in his feed though. We're not here to call you a liar, but the material you're re-posting seems to be false? Could very easily be total fake news by MSM. They're clearly trying to go all in on the deranged Trump narrative cause they know shit's about to hit the fan and some big Q proofs are assuredly on the way.

But I've yet to see any actual confirmation that Trump's truth account re-posted any of this today. If he had, I think the whole feed on GA this morning would be nothing but direct links to Trump truths.

What's your take on it? You seem to be following this pretty closely this morning?

Banditos 3 points ago +3 / -0

LOL is whiplash still shilling every single shitcoin possible on lobster? That whole scene got REEEAAALLY fucking scummy the past year. Hope they face consequences for it down the line

Banditos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heard he's naming his brand new yacht "Nuremberg Trials" and now hes preparing to sit on it for all of 2023.

Banditos 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yooo for real. Long before this culture war blew wide open to critical mass I always got mad lesbo "it's OK if I touch your no-no's" groomer vibes from Steven universe.

That entire aesthetic is the visual equivalent of an electric minivan handing out candy. Mostly just limp dick "adult" males that love that shit. And Big Mouth on Netflix is a million times worse.

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gabagool!? Ovaa heeerreee

Banditos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Heeere we gooo another defensive move that'll be months in court to stop something the deep state already got away with. Literally been nothing BUT defense from Trump since he was sworn in back in 2017. People will celebrate moving the ball 10 yards up the field on an issue we weren't even dealing with 30 days ago. It's always something new to chase after. Putting out fire after fire after covid after fire LOL fuck this movie

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