Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's a cutie... Also she's really an authority on this topic, but she's cute 🥰

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Macroagressions, obdm, the Union of the unwanted, grimerica outlawed, the ripple effect, ochelli effect, no agenda, tin foil hat

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be a buzz kill, but most likely your dogs on its way out. When a dog refuses to eat for an extended period of time it's usually giving up and ready to take it's flight, you see the same behavior in all other living things including humans. When a spirit wants to leave this plane it's going to leave this plane, we have no control over it. I've seen this personally with my own dogs and human family members.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

You misunderstood. Anytime a state makes a positive move in regards to reversing gun control legislation there's always a series of events to try to shame people for wanting gun rights and it usually comes in the form of false flag shootings to try and sway public opinion.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would seem that the lack of comments and up votes on this is a clear indicator on how much mind control everyone here is still under. Everybody loves having some make believe enemy to fight over in order to avoid personal responsibility for their own lives. God forbid we escape the matrix....

Bannedin321 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get ready for some false flag school shootings in Florida.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

It didn't start with the movie. The Punisher comic book series started up in 86.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok well for any of the naysayers here the least you should take away is investors buy low and sell high, meaning there's a significant downturn awaiting at minimum and they're taking profits before the drop. There's a reason why these people are repositioning themselves financially. Your beliefies and feelies are irrelevant to the truth.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been saying for years that people from the north east shouldn't be allowed to vote, also there should be a mandatory waiting period when they relocate to another state to escape their situation. I live in Florida and trust me a high percentage of the elderly population is guilty of bringing their shit politics with them, all they care about when reaching here is making the t time and hitting the country club to get plastered by noon.

Bannedin321 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to be the Debbie downer here, but it's highly improbable that anything will come from this. A good portion of truckers don't own their own rigs anymore and work for a trucking company that has a bottom line to maintain and grow, trust me there are plenty of delivery companies that are waiting to get into that market because they ignore politics and focus only on green and this would be the perfect opportunity to snuff competitors out of the game., also there are plenty of foreigners that are independent contractor truckers that also only focus on green. And if it really got that bad the national guard, FEMA and red Cross would intervene. Sorry, but y'all are setting yourselves up for more disappointment.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm used to getting downvotes along with also being used to people chomping at the bit to accept everything that's pushed to their direction to fit their preferred narratives. All it takes sometimes is not even 5 seconds of research to uncover certain truths... People are unfortunately sheepish still in 2024 and demonstrate time and time again how easy they are to manipulate. I'd like to think we aren't lost as a society, but I have had the tendencies of being foolishly optimistic. When people cling to stupid stuff like this without practicing discernment it only solidifies my stance.

Bannedin321 2 points ago +2 / -0

A ufo shows up at the Superbowl and abducts Americas most treasured person Taylor Swift?

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Live your lives people and don't live in fear. Personally I don't believe in disease x, it's fear porn like the Chinese virus that supposedly attacks the brain with a "guarantee" of certain death. You've seen these supposed deadly diseases that are always predicted to eradicate a large portion of the population and what do you get? Bird flu, swine flu, bird flu 2.0, convid 19, monkey pox(rebranded due to being racist?) Convid, convid, convid, convid again, disease x and whatever else I missed in the timeline and nothing ever comes from it. I'll say something important here which will most likely fall upon deaf ears, but all this is a distraction and take it from a pede who's basically died, stopped breathing and heart stopped, blah blah blah, dying is the easy part and living is hard and trust me it's much harder to come back to this shit hole after going through one of the scariest things for majority of people. After being brought back and coming back into the state of being conscientious once again I cried, but they weren't tears of joy. It was nice for that period of time to not have a care in/of the world. I will add don't be fooled by my text, I've done alright in this world and I enjoy life to the best of my ability, but ultimately I'm not from this world, I'm still on vacation.

Bannedin321 0 points ago +1 / -1

As an inclement weather enthusiast I find this to be a low IQ type post, no offense op, but start paying more attention during non election cycles to weather patterns. There's a tornado season in spring and winter and of course there's snow in Winter and early spring, sometimes later depending on the region. December is the beginning of winter and it only gets worse through the following3-4 calendar months up until spring where we start the cycle over again with tornado season.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are literally the same people who were peacefully protesting during the summer of love.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +2 / -1

And for some reason people want to do away with abortions.... Sometimes there is such a thing as a necessary evil.

Bannedin321 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a little much to claim God or Jesus sent Trump, actually I believe it's considered blasphemy.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's not forget to also still be afraid of the murder hornets, killer bees, giant mosquitoes, covid, white lung pneumonia, solar flares and I'm pretty sure I'm missing some other stuff.

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the same thing will be posted again after the next Superbowl

Bannedin321 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure the gay porn won't be the straw to finally break the camels back, no pun intended 😂

Bannedin321 2 points ago +3 / -1

Unfortunately that seems to be the consensus. If q would have said getting on the trains or busses would save your life people here would be waiting with anticipation to board the trains and busses to whatever unknown destination. Maybe the 4-6% is actually referring to the survivors.

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