How about now?
Smart man right here.
This guy both fucks and understands financial terrorism.
Not to mention the Trojan horse leadership making decisions like removing mypillow. Brilliant move if you’re “working” for a hedgie who blew his load shorting bbby. You don’t have to worry about conservatives fomo’ing to squeeze it.
Better than this week datefagging going on currently haha.
Funny.. A couple of the normies at the bathhouse who are in the early stages of waking up point this out... and give Fox a lot of credit by insulating their tendency to along with the "premise" is simple naivety. Attributing this admin's "mishaps" to incompetence as you say... Their attempt at internal dialogue is like watching a baby deer try to walk for the first time.
Yep. And you have to wonder if controlled opposition leadership ran it into the ground to appease hedgie short sellers (who really like when the company their shorting goes bankrupt). It’s been done before anyway. So you do things like yank my pillow and then you don’t have to worry about conservatives buying in and forcing a squeeze. Just speculation and nothing I can say is financial advise. RC communicates like Q fwiw.
“Look at that beautiful baby!”
I got banned from pdw :/. Thankfully GAW will still have me.
Scripture would suggest we not call them fools and delight in their misery, difficult as this may be.
It’s possible Elon has some leverage with how SEC handled Tesla short sellers. The slow squeeze was not exactly how it should have played out.
Hard to blame them tbh.
Devil’s Advocate… the latest matrix movie rings true. That is the majority of normies would be rather stay plugged in. I don’t know where good guys come up with the 4-6% stat. A astonishingly large number of people are incapable of internal dialogue and introspection. If there were in fact a great awakening, I suspect many of the normies wouldn’t wake at all, rather continue in their pattern of hive mind. See Covid.
I would also point out that you’re missing a key point. The people MUST repent to see deliverance. We’re up against a shrewd enough co-op skilled at maintaining their democracy through decades of ops and indoctrination. Though modern day subversion and 5th gen warfare is extremely difficult to conceptualize for the average normie, there is still much we allowed to take hold in this country with no excuse for it. Do you think this country as a whole is worthy of God’s mercy? If he does indeed grant it, I think Sodom and Gomorrah deserves an apology.
I like it in the ass.
I’m dooming hard. For the first time ever. 99% because of normies. I’ll never forget the response to covid. They felt so important and virtuous. Never considering for a second the inevitable long-term devastation their compliance would yield…. on so many levels. The only rebuttal they could muster was “sciency science scienterrific” or “grandma killer”.
The mindless drone normies lapped up every narrative fed to them by their preferred uniparty news network, sponsored by Moderna and Pfizer. I really can’t recall hearing more than 5-10 original thoughts verbally produced by an individual since 2020. These are the same toads who bought into the faux patriotism psy-op post 9/11 and rallied behind the Patriot Act because Fox News said it was good. 20+ years later and we’re wearing our Ukraine pins and drooling over war against Russia. Normies learn nothing, ever. Just robots who still believe in institutions and 99% rank and file are good guys.
And you watch… soon the normie cuckservatives will be shouting that it’s time to leave trump and follow desantis, who is backed by patriot stalwarts like Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Ken Griffin. You can point this out to normies… if you enjoy colossal wastes of breath and general futility. Just don’t forget that outside info beyond the 100% honestly crafted narratives will need to be processed through the Karl Rove filter. And anyone with R next to their name is a good guy. Hell, I wish we could put 4 on the ticket for 2024. DeSantis/Crenshaw/Rubio/Jeb in no particular order. That would be unstoppable ticket. Because Republican good.
The fact of the matter is you cant short term patriot game a coop (“our democracy”) who has basically raised the vast majority of the ever asleep population straight from the shadows. You think school curriculums excessive focus on McCarthyism didn’t pay off? Or that duck and cover was strictly for our safety at the present moment? Nah, that seed sprouted with wild success when it was covid time. Let’s not forget book burning Orwell 1984 because it was pro-communist. We haven’t learned a damn thing.
Face it. We are too stupid. Too impulsive. Too inattentive. Too complacent. Too apathetic. Too fat and lazy. Too outclassed and outwitted. Too thoroughly indoctrinated beyond any hope of awakening.
Now call me a doomer or shill. I don’t give a damn. To hell with information warfare. It sucks. Screw the plan. And curse whomever decided it would be a good idea to wake me up and bring me to a fight with zero chance of winning barring divine intervention.
And I’m dooming on that too tbh. Go ahead… tell me why you think we deserve God’s mercy. He’s torched civilizations for far less egregious acts than the garbage we’ve allowed to fester in this country (see fat, lazy, and complacent rant above). The normies actually thought skipping church because of covid was God’s Will. Lord forbid we ever have an outbreak of leprosy again. Not that we would seek scripture for precedence on what to do. Only Fox News and the experts we must listen to can answer those questions. I see why Trump likes the Chaldeans. They understood timing and seized the opportunity to conquer Babylonia at the precipice (if tomorrow all the things were gone.. yadda yadda.)
In closing this useless wall of crybaby text, I’d just like to say 4-6% is a massive crock. Whoever in the clandestine circle that gamed that idea should be kicked in the nuts. Sometimes you must show the people? BS. People can barely discern the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart (unless the news breaks it down of course). And screw pillows and childrens books about kings too, krakens, etc. We’re better off embracing the L so we can return to God and his plan… only to eventually mess it up again and be delivered into the hands of our enemies like all of our predecessors throughout history.
Stupid normies. It’s all your fault.
Yeah, he pushed the Arizona hopium in 2020 as well.
I stuck a rubber band around my wife’s sac and licked her balls till they turned blue.
My wife and I both have dicks. Hers is much bigger than mine. I am always the receiver.
Or he knows the people of Brazil will get a nice dose of reality within a year with the trash in charge. Normies NEED to feel it or they get stupid complacent as our country found out first hand. Even then…. too many content to stay sleepy at the wheel. And Brazil populace is far more passionate than ours.
Yeah.. Bannon yelling down with the CCP right when this clip happens. Trump commenting on the winds. This is good stuff
Yeah, we’re nowhere even close to 4-6% much less a majority. There are plenty of conservanormies out there yet asleep at the wheel. At this point we will need divine intervention for any sort of mass awakening. It’s happened before I suppose.
Disinfo to muddy the waters and make us look stupid honestly. Stick to stories like this poor father. There’s tons of them.