Unless people wake up to the effects of that in time, we may win the Covid battle but lose the ethnic war - and end up outbred and outvoted.
Personally, I don't think the West will wake up on that until they are in a minority and it's too late
Yes, the "I told you so" isn't going to feel good. Not when people are ill all around us. A lot of ill people could collapse our way of life as we know it - even if the result is much less extreme, it could still be very significant.
To be fair, it is getting increasingly difficult for them to come to conclusions other than "the vaccine did it" as the evidence mounts.
Always the Covid bogeyman - indistinguishable from vaccine injuries and by mid 2020 virtually every symptom had been designated as "must have Covid"
I try to avoid this whole thing but I also try to be kind and lovely about it all - rather than get labelled as the "angry anti-masker anti-vaxxer".
Hopefully that will help them to see that it is actually their policies that are cruel and angry and hateful.
Also, neighbours might be less inclined to slag me off as I give away produce from my smallholding, log trees when they fall into the road etc. If you are contributing to the community, you can often get away with your foibles!
The older I get, the more I realise the people we are told are the source of all evil are not - and actually they are quite wise.
Really, their "crime" is not doing what they are told by the US and subscribing to their MIC and dollar printing (and exchanging it for the real assets of other countries) regime.
Not saying Saddam was a saint, but he'd gassed Kurds for years while the US didn't give a shit then, all of a sudden, they claim he has WMDs and invade
Any respite will be temporary - till a third shot is mandated. May as well face your new reality now. It is either:
Sign up to a 6 monthly jab or
Get another source of income which is enough to cover either your old or new life
If you want to do (2) - don't wait until sacking day - get prepped now - savings, skills you can sell and earn from as an unvaxxed etc
Just because the government writes something on a piece of paper and signs it, it doesn't mean you have to do it.
Been trying to explain that for 18 months and can't be bothered anymore. People can do what they like so long as they leave me alone - which I'm sure they won't
The presenter seemed to take issue/address the point about A&E being busy.
She seemed to miss that he was talking about them being busy due to vaccine injuries so she didn't talk about that and the nurse's testimony was left to stand
Everyone says this sort of stuff - especially people from the US.
But how many are really prepared to shoot a couple of cops to spend their life in prison? Even if the Reset doesn't go ahead as a result, they won't be released. Most people won't.
I know that it's a US "thing" to say "This wouldn't happen here as we have guns" - but it is happening there despite your guns - eg vax mandates. Enough people won't use them and you all know it. The ones who would are already banned from owning any. I'm not having a go - just saying what I see.
Like that trend in 2019 of celebs getting pets which suddenly died after a few weeks. They harvested plenty of clicks.
I'm not saying any of them killed their pets but I wouldn't be surprised at all. They really will do anything for clicks
I think these InstaHoes just stream whichever story they think will pay best rather than their genuine opinions/life. Also the stories might not even be real - aka Belle Gibson.
When the tide has turned far enough, she will get behind the "vaccine injured my kid" story and get paid for that, get on TV etc. No shame at all
Gov reacts by sending in their Tranny Response Teams to face sit them all with their fake genitalia................