BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine being such a patriot that you insist other countries take millions of your citizens.

BecauseYoudBeInJail 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a big weekend for satanists. I'm sure he had a big pizza and hot dog party and is still recovering...

BecauseYoudBeInJail 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ask her to fill out a last will and testament

BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gary Webb is a good guy
Victor Thorn is a good guy
Christopher Sign is a good guy
Seth Rich is a good guy

Er, I mean "was".

Good guy journos and whistleblowers are fairly easy to identify...

BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

THX 1138 & Rollerball (original) too

BecauseYoudBeInJail 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm suggesting that some crimes, if large enough, will go unpunished if the risk of prosecuting them is total economic collapse. Surely you are old enough to remember AIG? Imagine that but with half the planet as claimants.

BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you: Trump shall rise again!

BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Silly rabbit still thinks the normal rules apply. Informed consent has been completely flushed down the shitter and the EUA (aka no-can-sue) jab is the largest clinical trial in history, courtesy of the globocommie technocrat transhumanists. Why would they feel compelled to inform you if you're in the control group?

How do you expect to get paid in a lawsuit that, if you prevailed, would promptly inspire about 3 billion others to do the same? I don't think there's enough money on earth to cover that claim. Then again, if your goal is to destroy the global economy then usher in a new globocrypto controlled by the World Bank that can be easily deactivated any time a sheeple posts a mean tweet, then maybe your landmark lawsuit and the few billion others that follow will succeed in speeding us to that fate. Or maybe the massive class action will net you a sweet settlement check for $5.62 like all those Thalidomide babies who are living easy now.

Start thinking bigger and realize that unless you got an invite to Barry's raver a couple weeks ago, you're not on the "marked safe from chattel" list just like all us crazy Q tards. You may not think you're one of us now, but as Master Yoda said, "You will be".

BecauseYoudBeInJail 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's not that young anymore... maybe you could suggest she switch to Big Helga

BecauseYoudBeInJail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not shown: Those 1-2 deaths saved are 350lb diabetic 13yo Warhammer players one Ding Dong away from ringing the bell anyhow

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