What would privatization look like?
I don't have all of the answers. But it would definitely involve reforming the benefits. Pre funding 70 years of benefits is insane. Probably transition from some kind of pension to a 401K.
But beyond that I'm at a loss. People like flat pricing for regular mail, and universal delivery to every address in America.
Would each post office be run by the lowest bidder contractor? What about the sorting facilities?
Student loans are a problem created by the federal government and made worse by Obama.
People could pay their way by working summer jobs and part-time during the school year.
Then the government started backing student loans, so the colleges could just keep raising tuition. Can't afford it? Just get a student loan! Many (most?) loans were from private banks, and if the borrower defaulted the government would step in to pay back the loan. But borrowers could still escape through statute of limitations, usually 7ish years, and the loan would be gone.
Then Obama took over the student loan business with the Obamacare Act. Wait, wasn't that about healthcare? Partly, but it was a full takeover of the student loan business. Now all student loans had to come from the Department of Education, and they can never be discharged through statute of limitations, bankruptcy, etc. They will even take your passport if you fail to pay.
What's the solution?
We have to get back to where we were before. No government involvement in student loans, and any private loans can be discharged in bankruptcy. That means sky high interest rates in the short term. But then if kids stop going to college, because the tuition is crazy and the interest rates on private loans are crazy, the colleges will have to lower tuition or go bust.
How do we get there? I'm not sure. On one hand it's unfair to have the taxpayers foot the bill for existing loans. On the other hand, there are plenty of kids who just got trapped in this mess of the government's making. Some kind of compromise is required.
Abortion is a heart issue
It is morally wrong.
But you will never convince any pro-abortion person that abortion is morally wrong with logic. They want to live free from the responsibility of raising a child regardless of the morality of their decision. Their heart is wicked.
The only way for them to change their view is for God to change their heart.
Pepe did nothing wrong!
Yes, we haven't had recess appointments for at least 8 years. The Senate has "pro forma" sessions which are basically opening and then closing the Senate every day with no work performed. They only do this to block the President from being able to do recess appointments.
There has to be a special election to replace a vacancy in the House. But a vacancy in the Senate the governor gets to pick a new Senator right away.
So if Rubio takes the SoS office, Gaetz can be instantly promoted to Senator to take Rubio's seat.
Traitor to the Republic