BetsyFreedom85 24 points ago +24 / -0

I often think about this tweet. Seemed so desperate and frustrated… how we all were feeling…

BetsyFreedom85 10 points ago +10 / -0

My retired nurse aunt, who got her first two shots, is refusing the booster along with her friend group. More people seem to be waking up.

BetsyFreedom85 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I’m going to be the lone voice defending crypto on here and that’s ok…

I think people should diversify and own crypto, and tangible assets as well like real estate and gold/silver.

Melania just unveiled her NFTs to raise money for her platform. If crypto is “evil”, why would she do that, and why would Trump let her?

Trump has to prefer the US dollar. That’s his position in trying to protect the US. But he’s also a billionaire who is insulated and protected, he has plenty of money for his family and their future. For the little guy, crypto can be an enormous opportunity to change his financial future.

Crypto is much more than Bitcoin. It’s emerging technology much like the internet was back in 90’s. And a lot of people were skeptical and didn’t like the “newfangled internet” back then, and wondered what the point of it was.

People doing shady things with BTC or crypto is no different than people doing shady things with fiat or gold over the centuries. And if the internet plug is pulled or an EMP goes off or whatever, well the cash in your bank is just as screwed as the crypto in your wallet.

Just my two cents :)

BetsyFreedom85 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take a look at what exclusionary diversity has done to the city of Jackson, MS. Rampant violent crime, horrible pot hole roads worse than a third world country’s, and a water system on the brink of complete collapse. The city has been run into the ground for decades and its only hope are some holdouts who refuse to give up.

BetsyFreedom85 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven’t been in a grocery store in months. Since early fall. I get all my groceries delivered; and I can say they are out of many things now. Usually about 20-40% of my order gets refunded because they are out of stock of certain items.

BetsyFreedom85 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good grief. Some people are so stubborn and easily manipulated. I know of several people who were very sick after their first two jabs, swore off the booster, then ended up getting it!! The programming is real. But yes, lots of people are finally waking up.

BetsyFreedom85 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh yes. And someone dropped this little nugget and I check it now and then… it’s all the posts the mods are deleting in that sub that we never see


BetsyFreedom85 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the sense that taking the vaccine lowers people’s immune response to fight back latent virus that would normally not present if they hadn’t taken the vaccine, yes they are giving people shingles.

BetsyFreedom85 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I first heard this idea I really thought it was absurd and still do, honestly.

After briefly reading through the SC decision, it seems a major stretch from what they were discussing, which essentially was whether the company Myriad could patent cDNA which is not naturally occurring DNA, it is lab-created.

There is nothing in there at all about people being determined to be “trans human” as a result of using a patented biological product. Just because someone gets a pacemaker or an implant or gene therapy product does not make them “own-able” or “transhuman” legally, at least not by any reading of this document that I can see. A pharmaceutical company does not own people because they injest their patented products, or we would all be owned by the products we use (irony there, I know…)

So I think this a major stretch, and not one of the daily things I would be concerned about.

HOWEVER, I will issue this disclaimer. Roe v Wade already dehumanized the unborn human by allowing them to be killed by abortion, almost understood as property of the mother to be allowed to live or die at her whim. The Supreme Court ruled this nearly 50 years ago.

So that being said, we’ve already begun a descent into dehumanizing people. Depending on how the court rules on mandated injections, will show us the path they will take forward.

My two cents. Something to think about, but I don’t think this concern is necessarily one for this moment in time. If there is some other case they’ve ruled on that would give more clarity to this issue that would be interesting.

But honestly, we are all children of God with eternal souls, and his creation, and he is greater than medical procedures and injections and whatever the Supreme Court says about us.

BetsyFreedom85 4 points ago +4 / -0

His mere unvaxxed presence challenges Australia’s totalitarian assault for control of every person’s body, property & livelihood. That’s why it’s become an international incident. It shines a light on the outrageous evil they are perpetrating.

BetsyFreedom85 21 points ago +21 / -0

That whole shitshow “inauguration” complete with Lady Gaga performing and Garth Brooks running in and singing and running out at the end was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever watched. It felt completely fake and rehearsed.

BetsyFreedom85 4 points ago +4 / -0

So someone posting on Reddit, an Internet forum where anyone can post and say anything (unless it goes against wokism) is concerned about the validity of VAERS which is actively managed, edited and run by the CDC and FDA.

They forget that little part. More entries have likely been scrubbed than left on there for the masses to see…

BetsyFreedom85 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was pretty stressed about doing this, but I personally confronted my child’s administration at her school to confirm there would be no vaccine clinics or vaccine days or anything of that nature, and let them know I did not want her to be a part of anything like that.

We’ve only been at the school a year… but God provided me the opportunity to do so, and so I did.

Aside from that, I never wear masks and even wait until they bitch at me at the doctors office before I put one on below my nose. Only because I have to be there.

I talk to anyone who will listen about the absurdity of masks and now vaxx crap. Send articles and compilations. Wrote my husbands exemption letter. Constantly send info to family and friends who will listen.

I also helped with something that I’ll write about one day, but not willing to share just yet. But it’s a great story.

BetsyFreedom85 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes I think by the 5th or 6th booster everything should go smoothly. We need MOAR

BetsyFreedom85 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s a combination of people have sniffles or flu or a cold and thinking it’s “Omicron” which I honestly don’t even think exists…

People wanting tests because their families are demanding it or because they want out of work for a week or two and they have a new scariant to blame it on…

And also people getting tested because their work is requiring it. That is a lot of the problem that fuels the fire; workplaces demanding tests and sometimes consecutive negative tests even for people who aren’t sick.

BetsyFreedom85 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are rapid antigen tests and PCR tests and I’m not sure which are being used, probably both depending on the situation; but the tests are most accurate when people have actual symptoms. Asymptomatic testing is what drives up the numbers and false positives.

As an aside, hubby has seen thousands of patients through the “pandemic” so he can pretty accurately tell the symptoms of someone with actual Covid regardless of the test.

Positive flu cases are also increasing.

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