Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most drinking water sources (municipal and wells) are contaminated with chemicals, inorganic toxic metals, and radioactive elements. This is a problem that affects the entire US population. Over 80,000+ chemicals are registered by the EPA in America alone. There are no tests available to identify the presence of all the thousands of toxic substances present in the water. most radioactive elements testing is only available to govt agencies, so you’re not going to be able to reasonably determine the safety of your water.

Many chronic health problems are directly linked to ingestion of contaminated water over time. These pollutants creating a thriving environment for parasites to grow in your body, metals act as antennas for wireless frequencies that cause them to resonate and disrupt biochemical/energetic processes, etc.

Distillation is the only method that removes 100% of pollutants from water. It’s very detoxifying too, so when switching you might first go through symptoms. In the long run, it’s very healing. As for mineral depletion, it’s not settled science that drinking distilled water depletes minerals. Unless the minerals are organic versions (plant derived), they’re not even usable by your body. Adding trace minerals and electrolytes to your water will solve this issue for anyone hesitant about losing minerals. ideally you should be getting your minerals from your diet.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

If she’s struggled with anxiety for a long time, you should consider mycotoxins/metals/chemicals as a root cause contributor along with parasites. It’s common for people to suddenly develop psychological issues after being exposed to these substances, having no prior mental health issues. Psychological issues cannot be separated from physiology, and parasites and toxins are notorious for altering the mental state.

Actions you can take are finding a doctor who can order you a total tox burden Panel from Vibrant wellness labs that measures these toxins. Then get on a protocol with a doctor that knows how to detox pains, pathogens, emotions, energies, and traumas.

2 doctors that do this very well are Dr. George Stanton of Prairie Sage Health and Dr. Jaban Moore of Redefining Wellness Center. Also look in Cellcore Biosciences and Microbe Formulas supplement line. They are designed for detox and parasite eradication.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember ToreSays talking about situations like this related to predictive analytics software. Probing supercomputers to produce scenarios with the highest probability of a desired outcome based on multi factorial analysis and game theory isn’t far fetched. I’d argue that the accelerated rate at which the world has been descending into the abyss over the past 40+ years has been due to predictive analytics applied to international issues.

Beyondetox 31 points ago +33 / -2

While different sins require different punishments, the nature of sin, regardless of which one, is the same from God’s perspective. A single sin of disobedience forever separated man from God to eternal damnation. Christ’s redemptive action on the cross paid the debt owed for every sin once and for all. Accepting it forgives our sin, pays the debt we owe, and removes the sentence that awaits us after death.

Man didn’t do a thing to earn his salvation. It’s a free gift from God that has already been awarded to everyone, regardless of what sins are committed. If you don’t claim the reward by the deadline, it’s your own fault.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Parasites like all microbes serve a vital role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. While the popular opinion is to view them as serving no positive purpose within animals, it’s not entirely true. Parasites have tremendous capacity to absorb toxic waste from metals, to chemcials, to bacteria, and biotoxins. One reason they appear so detrimental to health is that their metabolic excretions (poop) are highly toxic in large doses.

Before blaming germs for health problems, first examine the the toxic load attracting and creating an ideal environment for them to reside (terrain theory). A dirty terrain makes a dirty germ. The body also plays a role in parasitic infection. Consider that the body is wise enough to manipulate the presence and growth of other microbes in the body to achieve its purposes i.e. fungal overgrowth in response to heavy/radioactive metals. Too much toxicity and the body may allow parasitic populations to flourish to absorb the many harmful poisons circulating.

As for the fallen angels who mated with humanity in the flood, they are locked in the abyss as punishment for that specific sin. Jude and Peter reference this directly in their epistles. Dr. Michael Heiser, among other ancient Near Eastern academics, have published extensively on this. Check out his book Unseem Realm for more info.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

Opening drainage pathways has been one of the most profound and useful concepts in my life. There’s a sequence to healing as well. Usually it goes drainage + mitochondria + mold > gut parasites + bile flow > systemic parasites + lymphatic drainage > systemic detox metals/chemicals/biotoxins > intercellular + Lyme. Drainage before killing.

Beyondetox 14 points ago +14 / -0

Parasite are a much bigger issue than most people realize and killing them is much more involved than pharmaceuticals can handle. They have life cycles that occur in different areas of the body, and many drugs only kill the adults, causing reinfections. Killing the parasites creates other problems too if not handled correctly. Parasites hold >5x their weight in toxic metals, Lyme, mold toxins, chemicals, and radioactive elements. Killing them dumps these poisons causing the immune system lots of stress and forcing it to sequester these toxins that it cannot adequate detoxify out of the body’s natural elimination pathways.

Supporting the drainage pathways (bowels, liver/bile flow, lymphatic system, fascia, extra cellular matrix) is 1/2 the battle. You don’t kill microbes if you’re not also optimizing your drainage, or you’re going to cause a lot of detox reactions and can hurt yourself.

These are naturopathic principles you’ll hear discussed by many integrative/functional/naturopathic doctors. A great primer for all this info is Dr. Jaban Moore of redefining wellness center. He also has many lectures on YouTube and healthmeans.com related to these topics, especially parasites. Hope this helps.

Beyondetox 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s worth researching the evaporation rate of iodine out of salt. Also worth researching how the salt is chemically bleached and stripped of the other trace elements that make it healing.

Iodine rich foods mostly come from the sea and from animal products such as meats and dairy.

Beyondetox 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also look into wireless frequencies. Every introduction of new wireless broadcast frequencies correlates with a spontaneous outbreak of strange illness in multiple locations. Read Arthur Firstenburg’s book The invisible rainbow for more info.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would recommend getting a total Tox burden from vibrant America labs to check your mycotoxin/chemical/metal toxin levels in your body. As for supplements to repair and detox, look for a practitioner that uses Cellcore Biosciences, or you can order directly from their consumer line microbe formulas. Your drainage pathways are clogged and impairing your ability to detoxify. your drainage pathways, parasites, poisons, and unresolved emotional traumas are always the root cause of health conditions.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. It’s mitochondrial dysfunction and toxicities from metabolic waste & infections, biotoxins, chemicals, radioactive elements, and heavy metals that lead to disease.

Beyondetox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lexham English Bible (word for word translation) and International Standard Version (thought for thought translation). Both versions more accurately translate the supernatural references that were lost or edited out as Christianity lost the worldview of the ancient near East cultures and Jewish thought concerning God, the rebellious angels, the Nephilim, and the true identities of the pagan gods of the surrounding nations.

Any Old Testament translated from the Septuagint and not the Masoretic texts is good. The Masoretic text dememphasized much of the supernatural worldview, especially as it relates to scriptures foretelling Jesus as the Messiah.

A good primer for understanding this is Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s book The Unseen Realm.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo! Is worth looking into the FDA approval of medications and the requirement for side effects to occur as a condition of approval. I’ve heard scientists who’ve left the pharmaceutical industry to make natural supplement formations say many times their drug formulas would be rejected because the drug wouldn’t create at least 5 side effects.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cellcore BioToxin Binder combined with their other supplements for removing poisons out of the body. Find a doctor that uses their products. I know of nothing that even comes close to their detox results.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. Tore Maras has talked about it before on her podcast Tore Says. Surprised more people don’t reference her. I’ve always stayed ahead of the news months/years in advanced thanks to her and biblical teachers like Chuck Missler, Thomas Horn, Michael Heiser, and Dereck Gilbert.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look into the phosphorus shortage. It’s a necessary ingredient of fertilizer, and nations get held hostage over this precious material. Human bones are made of phosphorus, so the idea of depopulating humanity and harvesting the corpses for phosphorus doesn’t sound like a far fetched idea.

Beyondetox 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you’re going to supplement, remember this: toxicity creates deficiencies. Supplementing with nutritionals like vitamins/minerals/essential fats/amino acids will help you feel better, but will not guarantee you ever resolve the root cause of your problems or successfully detoxify the root cause toxins deeply embedded in your tissues.

It’s better to look into opening drainage pathways with cholagogues and active carbon binders. Look into Cellcore biosciences. It will make sense of all the natural/functional/alternative health info everyone is desperately throwing around to try and heal.

You will learn more from their resources alone than you’ve learned in the past 2-3 years. It’s that good and life changing. Don’t take my word for it. Dig into the info they provide.

Beyondetox 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also want to add that these microbes pleiomorph, meaning they change their function and form in response to the environment. They do this in order to biodegrade toxins and reset the environment back to a healthy state. Toxins that get into your body cause these microbes to pleiomorph, and when they attempt to clean the environment ( your internal terrain) you become the collateral damage of their cleanup work.

Toxicity is the root cause of most of your health problems, in addition to heightened emotional experiences, or trauma.

Beyondetox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Consider the commentary in Christmas traditions from this podcast. They regularly bring on biblical scholars to round table ancient near eastern history and concepts to help us understand the worldview of the Bible’s authors. I regularly find their works puts to rest a lot of the nonsense speculation that sometimes runs rampant in our quest for Truth.


Beyondetox 7 points ago +7 / -0

Advanced TUDCA from Cellcore Biosciences or Microbe Formulas combined with one of their binders. gallbladder is clogged and full of poisons making it sludgy and unable to function properly. This I also impairs liver function and severely hinders detoxification. Gallbladder flushes can also be done; Global Healing Center has a protocol that works well.

The gallbladder holds the bile that carries all the toxic waste from the liver out of the feces. Mold toxins, chemicals, and parasites like giardia sludge the bile and clog the ducts into the intestine. This directly affects stomach acid production and can lead to GERD, acid reflux, etc.

Restoring bile flow restores detoxification and reduces/removes gallstones in the process.

Beyondetox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also referring to Satan’s throne as the altar of Zeus, linking Zeus as a proxy of Satan.


Beyondetox 5 points ago +5 / -0

The moon is critical for regulating weather cycles, tides, keeping the Earth’s 23.5% tilt in check while spinning on its axis, and harvest. It also acts a shield that collects and deflect debris from directly hitting Earth due to its gravity.

It directly affects the mating and migration of wildlife and germination of plants.

The moon is instrumental in displaying heavenly phenomena. It’s distance and size are strategically placed to allow us to observe eclipses.

Sounds like signs and seasons…

There’s a short book on the moon’s role in creation called “Our Created Moon” by Don Deyoung and John Whitcomb, published by Master Books. I picked this book up from Answers In Genesis years ago. There’s a lot more that the moon is responsible for in regulating Earth, but the above listed items are well documented and easily provable.

Beyondetox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Water as a store of information, intelligence, and liquid crystal transmission. Gerald Pollack’s The Fourth Phase of Water covers a lot of these discoveries. Definitely worth reading and watching his interviews scattered across the web. You can purchase his interviews with doctors at www.healthmeans.com for about $2 per interview. Lots of great info there.

Beyondetox 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was a patient at Dr. Darren’s clinic and have seen in him on stage many times presenting detailed biochemistry and case studies. I learned more from him than I ever did from other natural health and medical doctors. He’s in a different league.

Beyondetox 1 point ago +1 / -0

There’s a whole field of biology and medicine called quantum biology. Also look into the ‘biofield’. Quantum biology research challenges what we have been taught about DNA’s role and function, among other things. DNA itself is said to be a self error correcting code and incorporates viral particles (or exosomes) to rewrite itself based on the environmental info that viruses impart.

Detoxification also plays a critical role in DNA health. Mold/chemical/metal toxicities damage DNA and affect gene expressions. Removing these poisons are the most powerful effects on healing and recovery from any illness bc they are the root cause of most of the damage to your mitochondria. Mitochondria make ATP, exclusion zone water, sex hormones, and signal immune system function via mitokynes (eATP). So it makes sense that when the mitochondria are damaged, all health goes.

To answer your question of how to reverse DNA damage, look into binders to detoxify the toxic load on your body and open your body’s natural ‘drainage pathways’. Dr. Jaban Moore is an excellent resource to learn more about these concepts. Also consider running these lab tests to assess your health.

Organic Acid Test (Great Plains Laboratory) Total Tox Burden (Vibrant Wellness)

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