If Kimmels contact was thru Maxwell then Jimmy and Aaron could both be right.
If Trump was a pedo they would have used it to destroy him long ago. Or he would have never been Trump.
Think hard of everything you know about your local government. Now try to convince yourself that these people care about the health of your teeth.
When Trump bombed the Iranian bombmaking sites in Syria Jones said "f Trump". Also Jerome Corsi.
Joe will pardon Hunter then step down.
Both jews and arabs hate bacon. I say let them fight it out, but that might just be the beer talkin'
To the Dems: dont need to replace him. We'll do that for ya.
It's a freaking cat. Don't get carried away.( a dog's love is forever )
You missed the whole point.
Who is she? What is the message?
Come on, Cardi. Say the the words: "vote Trump."
Most people don't get it. It's happening. This is the Great Awakening.
Just step back let it happen.
I bookmarked it. One less thing I have to remember.
You should see their wives.
Petition circulating in NYC to bring him there so the city will clean the shit up. (Paris too)
Yes, you can have my guns. But, here, have the bullets first.
If they devalue their currency that shit will be even cheaper. Don't bet on resetting manufacturing in your lifetime.
Xi will find a foreign boogy man and go to war. He's the madman, not Putin.
Actually looks like Richard Nixon.
Haha 3x minecraft swords here.
Melania kissed him. 'Nuff said. I got jpg's send them tomorrow.
Is that the same Kathleen Kennedy who emasculated Luke Skywalker and killed Star Wars?
We don't need them.
Just distill what comes out of your tap and inspect the residue. Not good here in Oklahoma.
Depends. What are your pronouns?
Because it bears repeating: Mental Illness
Q said some would never see the light. She ain't one of those.