Binome169 6 points ago +6 / -0

Those Legionnaires are there because they were ordered to....I wish them safe transit. there’s a big difference between them and those Azov Nazis...

Legio Patria Nostra

Binome169 10 points ago +10 / -0

The DNPR just stated now that they had taken control of the Mariupol Port.....


Binome169 15 points ago +15 / -0

I’m still chuckling at the Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter that was carrying senior staff out of Azovstal being brought down by a captured USA missile....

It seems that the DPR and Chechen forces there are taking full advantage of the gifts being left for them.... I’m sure Putin will send a thank you card to bygone.... saving them a fortune....!


Binome169 8 points ago +9 / -1

I’ve been watching the messages coming out of Azovstal..... the best ones are coming from the commanders there..... dropping truth bombs about Who is supposed to be coming to rescue them.....

The messages get even more desperate since that ship was blocked from breaking the blockade out of Mariupol port which is where the last stand is going to happen in the Azovstal district and the plant there.....

But according to RF sources there are 3 pockets of these Ukrainians and Foreign forces in Mariupol, the one in Azovstal,which is a large industrial complex adjacent to the water, which is besieged on all sides now. Then the Kalmiuski district with the Illych Factory grounds is also surrounded the other area is also surrounded....

The Chechen fighters are not showing any mercy.... the cries of Allahu Akbar can be heard by the civilians taking shelter in the basements etc.... plus you can watch the videos coming from the RF forces and individuals....

As an aside I wonder when the families of those foreign fighters from USA etc will be notified of their deaths.... because there have been a few thousand killed so far and so far the Ukrainian government has only declared that it was ‘a handful’....!


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine has so much very more than just Bidens.... you have left so much out from your reasoning.... as a start you didn’t mention No name, Graham, Birx, Fauci, CDC, Pelosi, etc etc etc

Without that research you can’t debate any opinion or theory as it is all relevant.... and you are missing so much..... I would try using the search tool here to get you started....

So many make the mistake of not understanding that Q posted about Ukraine back at the beginning and the Anons picked it up from there..... there has been a major conflict there since at least 2014 and the USA has been supporting it since then and the reasons are many fold and the players from the USA alone, in their dozens... ....


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bygone gets his drugs like old sour puss did ...... it’s hinted at in a number of Q posts....... same as Q posted about Ginsburg ....


Binome169 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know that the Queen owns land around Denver international...... it’s also Sovereign land which is not subject to the laws of the state or federal government....


Binome169 3 points ago +3 / -0

A Greek and a German.....


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like her dad she is nothing more than controlled opposition......!

I met him a few times in the 80’s.....


Binome169 11 points ago +11 / -0

That missiles serial number was one digit out from a similar missile used against the people of the DPR by Ukraine in 2015..... one digit....!


Binome169 4 points ago +4 / -0

You should see the lengths the U.K. government goes to, to hide the facts about groomer gangs in England ...... especially those who are in Muslim communities .... and that it’s only done on the minority white girls in these areas....

Colleges and Universities across the West have been pushing this narrative into the education of students......

It will start with allowing younger Muslim girls to marry older Muslim men because that’s only fair to the tradition of Islam.... and you would be islamaphobic to oppose that very old tradition and fundamental part of their faith.....!

From there it will expand out to ultimately be acceptable as say swinging is now.... they even have reality series about that now....!

MAPs is to be the new norm of sexual preferences.....


Binome169 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s because they keep sending Ukraine more equipment..... like members of eu are.... ;)


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is about rebranding Twitter to negate the impact of Truth Social......

Musk is not a WH......! Take the time to research him before believing this is a good thing.....!


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

JP is a funny guy he’s done lots more parodying and satire around so many topics.... since He did this video....

My favourite is the Life Guard trilogy.....!


Binome169 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s also friends with a number of prominent people convicted of paedophilia.... including senior members of the Church of England and various governments and organisations.....

But nothing will happen..... the British public were told about this in the media there .... he was only caught by the media just recently being involved in the Iran Deal with the USA and was a recipient of the cash that went to Brussels, in one of those C130’s that Q posted about 3/4 years ago.... nothing happened....


I do think that this ‘chipping’ away him lately is designed to get the public to have him vacate his right to the throne .... then put William on the throne..... in doing so the British Royal family thinks it can survive The Awakening.....

I think Charlie has emphatically told those around him that he will never give up the right to the throne.....!

There’s been a filament of information leaking out about him for the last 25 years that was trying to push that for different reasons than of today, that was internal Royal squabbling around Diana and her other royals or aristocratic friends and family.....

This time I think the Royals might see this as a potential opportunity to ‘rebrand’ itself to the British people, in that respect what the rest of the world might think is meaningless to them..... they will have many exit strategies for this situation over a Global government failing......

That is the Queen’s absolute duty to do above ALL else, that is the very basis of accepting the role as King or Queen , that person must ensure the survival of the monarchy and their families right to it......! It’s in their own motto used on their Standards or Flags etc ‘My God, My Right’...... that very dogma is drilled into them since birth...... and they will never flinch from it....

So you can guarantee that there will be a slew of threads sewn between now and that time or times will be their narrative push....


Binome169 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would the guy at my Chinese take away be calling Pelosi....?


Binome169 5 points ago +5 / -0

So she’s tested positive......but shows no signs of having any virus....!


Binome169 18 points ago +18 / -0

There’s been 2 attempts to get ‘certain people’ out of the Azovipol area, which is a large industrial area backing on to the water.....

The day before yesterday 2 MI-8 helicopters ‘rescued’ a number of unidentified people from there...... one was shot down by a captured US stinger missile there were 17 passengers and all but 2 were killed..... apparently that helicopter had a couple of French intelligence officers on board as well as senior members of Azov....

One of the helicopters got through......

The second event was earlier today when another 2 MI-8 helicopters were shot down coming out of the Azovipol industrial area.... there have been no reports of survivors yet....


Binome169 9 points ago +10 / -1

Elon Musk......!! FFS.....!

Why can’t people research the guy......

The most likely scenario is that they are trying to rebrand themselves, now that we have seen @Jack’s contrite tweets and the initial success of Truth Social.... Twitter needs a revamp using a name that only Normies would believe.....


Binome169 3 points ago +3 / -0

One video from a Ukrainian soldier’s vehicle showing dead in the streets..... in the wing mirror you could see one of the ‘dead’ get up....


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