Take off your mask and show us how jacked you are, bruh!!!
Anyone remember the ankle monitor theories from 2020? Right around the time everything got shut down for covid.
Mail in ballots only, Double mask, 3 booster shots, No ID aloud, 1 vote aloud for every gender you claim, Let's go!!!
Suicide weekend after the list comes out?
What if it's my neighbor and his body is in my country illegally?
The nickelodeon logo is a match to the shape of the island. Let that sink in.
All they wanted was a pepsi
Now let's picture ol joe behind the wheel on this one.
Big and Turner & hooch. Besides that, he can f##k off.
Good call. Very true
Remember the flags falling down behind hillary?
The look of defeat. Kinda like the sword dance in saudi.
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up.
I know, just asking for a fren.
Am I the only one that thought all Kennedys were good Kennedys? Mofo touched his nose. Trying to not feel vulnerable right meow.
I agree...but wtf is going on. I was on board with the nose touch. So now what?!
Did he lose his legs before or after he didn't kill himself?
The pedophile, that's wearing a suit and tie.
Looks like I'm the 17th caller...and I approve this message
Victimless crime
If you were to take all the trump supports out of America, it would look like "I am legend "
I've been publicly claiming for 3 years now, that John John is still with us. I'm going to jokingly make a selfish request. Please come back already. I've been getting heckled forever it seems like
AOC.... +3
Another mystery were waiting on....those damn envelopes.
Make America tax free again.