I don't care if it's Obama , the Rothchild's ,Soros , China , Russia etc. they all suck for our country and they are all power and money grabbing and could give 2 shits for anyone of us and should be dealt that way . I'm tired of my taxes funding shitty schools that are pumping out racist , America hating morons that need test standards lowered every year so kid's like Ledumb Shames can finally graduate to play ball instead of cashiering at Popeye's ! I'm tired of funding Illegal's who have more right's and are treated better than are own homeless veterans that fought for the very freedom the current government is desperately taking away from us ! I'm tired of elected ( supposedly) officials who are to be the voice 'of the people' ,than quickly forget as the governmental elevator quickly ascends them to the Penthouse and multi-millionaire status ! It's long overdue to have all the monopolies ,Amazon ,Microsoft , Apples , the media , the financial institutions , all of them completely dismantled and broken up period .
He put our country and us first and the rest of the thieving politicians their Cronies and useful idiots hated and attracted him