Was 2018 glorious?
That Feinstein pic has to be 20+ years old
On one hand, yes I'm sympathetic.
On the other hand... Rule #1 is don't invest what you can't afford to lose. ESPECIALLY in a volatile market, and there's nothing more volatile than crypto
I do have to say I'm rather impressed with the current state of technology
I had no idea they could cross a mule and a cow
Fucking Poe's law in full effect
"Partner choices follows different criteria now"
They still might...
Maybe, just maybe, the government should get the fuck out of marriage altogether?
Yea, same garbage
T = 20, R = 18, U = 21, M = 13, P = 16
20+18+21+13+16 = 88
TRUTH = 87. USA = 46. 87-41=46. 4+6=10. 1+0=1.
88+1=89. 8+9 = 17.
Numerology is dumb
Isn't labor day in September?
Not sure what you mean by that.
This article gives no new information, no new insight, no succinct summary of an overly complicated topic, nothing.
What the point? Just some guy needing to pump another story so he points out some obvious shit that even libs already know
That's really what all this shit comes down to.
Beta fucks that can't get laid so they try the "male feminist" route (which ultimately devolved into wokeness).
Wild shit.
They vaporize the aluminum in an argon chamber.
Although I have to say that seems overkill. Regular thermite will burn through just about any building that exists today
Wtf is nano thermite?
Aluminum is pyrophoric at patricle size <10 micron.
SK people are very similar to the Japanese in that they're ultra-nationalistic.
Unfortunately that isn't coupled with a free thinking mentality.
Tank division
What's the point of this article?
What information was I supposed to get from it?
Why is it stickied?
Executions and let God sort it out
I feel like this type of garbage is written by our enemies in an effort to make us look like CrAzY CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiStS
I don't get why people lionize this mentality ill dude just because he's on "our side"
Religion of Peace
People do it all the time.
People take away others' freedoms and lives.
Maybe you shouldn't, but you certainly can
Why is that so unthinkable?
Laws only apply to us