COanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Account Banned

Your account has been banned for violating our Terms of Service. Indefinite bans are a rare and severe sanction, and are generally reserved for the most egregious violations of our Terms of Service. If you feel our decision to ban your account was unjust, immoral, or downright wrong, we encourage you to submit an appeal. Please send an email to contact@truthsocial.com. In the subject line, please write "@Appeal," along with your username. Please give our team 48 hours to review your ban appeal. After careful review, we will reverse or uphold the ban. You can reply to this e-mail to get in touch with Truth Social.

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Hello, Your Truth Social account was banned for violating our Terms of Service. In particular, our AI determined that you violated Section 8 Prohibited Activities: "5.) your Contributions are not unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, pyramid schemes, chain letters, spam, mass mailings, or other forms of solicitation." After careful review, we have decided to uphold your account’s ban. Sincerely,

-- Ban Appeals

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COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is their automatic response:

"Your Truth Social account was banned for violating our Terms of Service.

In particular, our AI determined that you violated Section 8 Prohibited Activities: "5.) your Contributions are not unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, pyramid schemes, chain letters, spam, mass mailings, or other forms of solicitation." After careful review, we have decided to uphold your account’s ban. Sincerely,

-- Ban Appeals"

That does not tell me anything specific that I did.

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly conservative news stories that were breaking which some users might not have seen yet. I had over 4,000 followers. The banned responses were automatic AI responses, no human did any investigation as to whether the ban was a mistake by the AI. I am done with it.

COanon 2 points ago +3 / -1

Unfortunately, all a corrupt Soros paid judge has to do is not to hear this case.

Total investigation into Soros, his family, his NGOs and who he is paying (we know a few) to follow his agenda. Each and every one who receives Soros bribes/blackmail are not Patriots and are committing treason by accepting bribes from a known criminal.

COanon 1 point ago +1 / -0


Covid spelled backwards and meanings:

Divoc is a term derived from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’, which is an evil spirit capable of possessing other creatures, and it’s believed to be the suffering soul of the dead. The dybbuk is the soul of an evil person who’s soul wants to evade the punishment and tries to stay on this dimension by possessing another body.

Etymology: Dybbuk, comes from the Hebrew word evil דִּיבּוּק‎ dibbūq which means 'the act of sticking' and is a nominal form derived from the verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq 'to adhere' or 'cling'.


DIVOC is an open source project created in India to help rapid rollout of digital credentials for vaccination programs, manage core registries to support vaccination credentialing, and optionally collect post vaccination feedback from citizens.

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

In FBI talk that means there were 25 undercover agents that caused the rush on the Capital.

COanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's just fuckin numbers that in reality it can never be paid back. I am sure the Fed will declare forgiveness if we reneg on the loan we as citizens never agreed to.

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0


COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The deep state doesn't like being outted in open view of the public. I am sure this guy did the investigation and knows what he is saying. The deep state has tentacles in all countries. Deep and wide.

COanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was in Junior High when JFK was murdered and thought that something was very wrong for what the MSM and government was telling us all.

I was a US Navy Radioman (1968-72) with TS Cosmic Crypto clearance during Vietnam. I worked on NSA equipment received/sent to all major intelligence sites around the world. Messages received and decrypted for the Captain were concerning to what was going on behind the scenes. It involved the CIA. I felt something was very wrong.

COanon 6 points ago +6 / -0

We used to think that (s)elected officials wanted to serve America and the Constitution. Well, it has been very apparent that their first and foremost objective was to get involved in insider trading and lobbyists to fill their off-shore bank accounts. Once that has been accomplished, the daily massive greed took over and that is priority of their term in office. And everyone wonders how so many "instant" millionaires are government (s)elected officials.

COanon 4 points ago +4 / -0

This guy is a tool. What a ignoramus.

COanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Satanists love their numbers and symbols.

Remember "Queen protects the King" - the operation has started. The King asked for "17" days of mourning. Nothing can stop what is coming.

The King was chummy with Epstein. Why? What could have Epstein offered to the King? Wait, it will shock the woke.

COanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing the government told us about 911 made any sense. They learned on 11/22/1963 they could get away with anything they say and the people (well, some) would believe it. It is nothing more than COVERUP AGENDA.

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why Nike came out with a Cumala padded knee pads

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that is the case, we all know it will be the criminals behind 911, et al, will be the ones that will leave society permanently.

COanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers for the little one. This has to stop. These individuals all need to be prosecuted for forcing this crap.

COanon 29 points ago +29 / -0

Who is QAnon? Is that just another new meaningless word by the fake lame media? That is why the MSM are idiots.

There is Q and there are Anons.

COanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems that the majority of US judges are so corrupt. I personally vote each county judge out of office every election year. You just can't find any information as to whether they are Constitutional judges or Soros judges. So I vote to oust each one out to make sure.

COanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

LMFAO. Our chess master has them so scared. What these leftist have done, still doing and will do is nothing short of High Treason and I hope they get their just desserts with the ultimate sentencing.

Either you love America or just leave. Our (s)elected officials have taken the Oath to uphold the Constitution though 98% of the House, Senate and Congress have done nothing but trash it. That constitutes High Treason against America and the American Patriots. They are in it for the power and financials they receive from the globalists.

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