CallMeAl 9 points ago +9 / -0

They also give their citizens free college tuition.

If they can afford to give their citizens stuff we can't afford to give ours, why do they need our money?

Cut that shit off, use the money they save to pay for their own wars.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 2 points ago +3 / -1

I see all the downvotes, but you do have a point. Trump isn't going to be around forever. Eventually we're going to have to find someone else who can help save the country.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I need to know today is that DJT said yes. Trump would've hammered him if he was not supposed to be there.

With all due respect, President Trump doesn't have the best track record of picking good people for jobs.

For example: Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, John Bolton, Omarosa Whateverherlastnameis, Rex Tillerson, Steve Bannon, Mike Pence, Mark Meadows?

So, I guess we'll see how good this guy really is. Considering the overwhelming number of RINOs in Congress, I'm not getting my hopes up.

by BQnita
CallMeAl 0 points ago +2 / -2

Wait, I'm confused. I thought President Trump was going to become SOH, get Harris and Biden both out of office, and become President again...all within 5 months, no less.

Where are all the people that were insisting that was going to happen, and calling me a shill and all sorts of names for saying that it wasn't going to happen? Why so quiet now?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +2 / -1

I thought the REAL HRC had already been executed. So, who is behind this clone/mask/lookalike/whatever?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not surprising that their prices are down. They ramped up production like crazy for the surge in vaccines during the pandemic. Lots of people realized that, so they bought stock. Now they aren't producing as many vaccines, because demand has plummeted. People sold their stock.

Zoom and Peleton did the same. I doubt that any BigPharma companies are going to go out of business, though, just because the surge in demand is over. They had solid financials way before the pandemic.

That can't be said for stocks like Zoom or Peleton.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can own guns and have them in your home for home defense in DC.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why most jobs, even simplistic things like working at a front desk and answering phones, require a college diploma. HS diplomas are pretty useless these days.

by PepeSee
CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

😂😂😂 Well, if that was true, all the gay people here would have been cured when they started dosing themselves with Ivermectin.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we have entered a new phase of the plan. The old phase was about spreading truth, waking up the sheeple.

So are they just giving up on waking up the sheeple? Because I don't really see that many of them being awake.

And I really don't understand why so much attention is placed on "optics", anyway. Either you understand that it's just a farce, because you realize what is going on, like us. Or you're a normie who has no idea what is going on, and wouldn't care one way or another.

Are all those with TDS or the Never Trumpers give a shit about any of this? Would they care that Flynn is giving a "buffer zone" for Trump?

What does it matter if Trump isn't seen to he "behind things" when the military finally takes control over the situation? The military can't run the country. We're going to need an actual president sooner or later. And who is that going to be? If Trump is supposed to be president again, you think people aren't going to believe he was behind the military doing whatever it is they're going to do before him just suddenly reappearing as President?

And what's the likelihood of that turning around and working against Q, when those that are just waking up (not that I've noticed many of them, or any, to be honest) find out that the Q community has been lying to them? As far as they're concerned, it's just another group of powerful people lying to them for their own agenda.

I'm not trying to argue against this. I'm pointing out the issues I have with this theory, because it makes no sense to me. I can't just turn off that part of my brain, in order to more easily believe things.

So, please, someone help me out by telling me how this makes sense. Because it seems like anytime anything happens that we don't like, someone just says "optics" like it's a magic wand, and all doubts are just erased with it.

So, optics for who? Normies don't give a shit about this stuff and we know better.

CallMeAl -1 points ago +1 / -2

It said there were no life threatening injuries IDENTIFIED. If he died because he wasn't getting enough oxygen as they claim, that would not have left any injuries behind to identify.

And it said that there were drugs in his system, not that he OD'ed on drugs.

I'm not trying to be a fuddy duddy or rain on any parades here, but that report isn't making any definitive statements saying he died of an OD.

I think this is a case of people interpreting something to mean what they want, and not what it says.

I don't know why anyone would think the media should do or say anything about this, anyway. It doesn't say anything different than what it was saying a few years ago.

People are just reading into it what they want it to say. Sorry.

Please note- I'm not saying if he died from lack of oxygen or not. I honestly don't know. And honestly, I don't care. That may seem crass, but it's true. I was tired of hearing about this guy years ago, and I'm still tired of hearing about him.

So, to make it clear, before someone tries to draw me into an argument or tries to convince me of whatever: I'm saying that the report linked above does not definitively say what the OP claims. It's how they're interpreting the report, which, again, does not make the claim the OP states.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you get rid of secret societies? And how can we stop new ones from forming?

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a bit insulting.. Everyone can't be an expert on everything.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got it. Thanks for the info.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, they will. But not until the shutdown ends.

It's great that you're in a position to go who knows how long until the shutdown ends. I truly mean that, absolutely no sarcasm.

But many, if not most, military families are living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation is hitting them hard, just like everyone else.

So, while I'm glad that your family will be ok, I still sympathize with the millions of people in the military who will be burdened by all this nonsense(along with the support families who also won't be getting paid, like overseas school staff for military families in foreign countries).

CallMeAl 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah, it sounds great and all, until you realize our military service people most likely won't get their paychecks or bonuses until the shutdown is over.

This is a horrible time to toss that burden on top of everything else going on right now.


But as of Sept. 22, 2023, Congress had no clear path to passing a defense budget, threatening troop paychecks. "In case of a potential government shutdown, the Department of Defense has no legal authority to pay any personnel -- military or civilian -- for the days during which the government is shut down,"

I haven't seen any updates to this since then.

CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah. They just keep grinding people down to change their vote. And I suppose the bribes get better each round, as well.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

So....I'm not seeing Trump's name anywhere.

Are we giving up the dream that Trump will be elected SOH, boot out both Harris and Biden, and take over as President? Within five months, no less?

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone know if this also affects Musk/X?

I read an article a couple of months ago that was about how Zuck was out-funding Musk in funding election stuff.

Honestly, this type of thing (figuring out what exactly that new law does and who it affects) is above my pay grade.

Could someone please explain it to me as if I was 5, please?

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