Obviously same morons. 🤷🏼♀️
I don’t know. That was from 2015, people can change. A recent tweet said “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says the wealthy are exploiting ‘climate change’ for totalitarian control.”
Why do you think that is?
RFK has been going balls to the wall about dangers of vaccines, deep state, CIA, Gates, event 201, False flags, climate change, etc. (Not that I think he’ll get nominated) But it WOULD be nice for Trump to give some red pills (WEF, Agenda 2030, Child trafficking & by whom, etc) He is kind of vague about “they” don’t have your best interests, or “it’s a witch hunt”, etc. Almost protecting who THEY are… It doesn’t really explain it to normies. Idk. 🤷🏼♀️
He’d be 82 going in! Hell to the no, the guy needs to relax after all of this & I don’t think many of us could stay mentally sane losing another election.
Find Jesus, through him all things are possible. Take a break from the bad news and enjoy nature, time with loved ones disconnected from the internet. It does a body good. ❤️ to you.
Same coin, different side. All RHINOS.
Most of them. The UN Agenda 2030 participants are listed on this website. https://unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Bkeywords%5D=USA&button=&search%5Bsort_field%5D=&search%5Bsort_direction%5D=asc&search%5Bper_page%5D=10
Great to hear this friend.
Link to video is down. 😕
Ron Paul would have made an amazing President. Spot on.
We’ll that’s pretty much all RFK runs on..
Rand Paul should have been President.
Pretty sure he means Robert.
Sounds like a middle schooler running for class President with those promises. 🙄
Good for that Christian school! It’s not bowing to insanity.
Who are the brain dead 28%?! Insanity.
Thank you! FB already banned link. 🙄
I wonder how much cancer increase is also due to the vaccine ruining peoples natural immunity too? 🧐
I doubt it. It would split the vote.
I remember listening to his voice vs. JFK, Jr. in a video. They had the same exact voice. But in seeing pics, they look nothing alike. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vSPFqHCZyR0