You cannot trespass in a building that you own.
Where do they find these lunatics? If CNN interviewed 10,000 people that saw or cared about this film what they would say is 180 degrees the opposite of what this fool is spewing. Is there some loony left agency that recruits and stocks them? Where on earth do they dig them up? It is amazing. Anyone looking at CNN and not comprehending how much they lie and manipulate is simply stupid.
Actually his funding work is very helpful as this woman accuser is the biggest joke of all time. Makes the point that nutballs routinely come at Trump and that the left promotes laughably ridiculous narratives all the time. Money well spent, even if his intentions were anti-MAGA.
May God bless and heal her!
Mike Lindell should buy them, stock his products at the entrance, and watch the whole thing turn around 180 degrees and be the most profitable retailer in the mall!
That being said, don’t “blow a gasket”. Never helps you get your point across.
Think of what the comments would look like if MSN wasn’t censoring any that have a single letter “F” anywhere in the post! It would be an F factory!
Think about trying to have cozy relations and sharing wine and song with Fauxcahontas, Grannie Nan, Chuckie and Shifty. Suddenly I very much want to raise a glass and snuggle by the fire with our side folks you name.
Christmas celebrations are wonderful and Christ’s arrival in this world is something to embrace. Why would anyone dismiss this great event?
So missed the point you Silly Sausage!
I always wonder, where exactly does this stuff come from? Who hands it over or releases it or submits it? Often you can’t tell from the write up. But hard and important info doesn’t just appear or surface. Someone is pushing it out. Interdasting as they say.
Well you have the right opinion.
Well, Tucker is the one that counts. Who even knows the Fox crew before 6pm?
I have no idea what the MSM does. I never watch them or read them. I read you. You are the news now.
Why, oh why, please tell me why, why is anyone on our side using YouTube?
The Democrats can always fall back on cheating like last time.
Can you imagine being such a monster that you know you have the votes to overturn it and you just drag it out? Kids killed every day. Supreme Court is an amoral disaster.
Absolutely not! Lincoln demolished the republic, he is among the worst if not the worst. And George Washington was absolutely the greatest. Then Trump, then Ronnie. Jeesh.
That is hilarious!
So sorry everything isn’t meeting your deadlines.
Trump exposed this war pig as a treasonous anti-American. May he now rot.