Can't take it to heaven, can't take it to hell.
There will always be Major League.
For 9mm FMJ I'm seeing prices as low as 32 cents a; round. I always use
That's why I keep buying ammo.
Mine was Gavin Newsome grinning like the Joker on someone's burned up property trying to show global warming was real. He seemed quite happy that day.
The whole weight of the country on South Padre...
I could have used my portion of that money for my family, maybe pay some bills. Not send it off overseas to develop bio weapons. I'm pretty sure I didn't agree to that.
I understood some of those words.
Explain how you think it can be rigged.
One man plus God is a majority.>
I like this.
Approaching the unreal
Right? I wouldn't think the whole line empties back to it's origin. There's no way there would be enough storage.
That's cute, they called it "journalism".
Too bad I'm too old to enlist in Starfleet.
For he's the jolly good fellow...
I did too. First time I've voted in a non-presidential election. Won't be the last. Gotta kick the commies out!
I say the CDC can kiss the whitest part of my @$$!
It's like 3 awesome patriots coming together to form a super patriot! Like Voltron!
"Jump the shark" - I understood that reference.
The stars at night are big and bright
Otisburg? OTISBURG!!!
I'll be using that one!!
The shark's not that big.