My point remains. The Bible gives us guide lines to help us. We ignore Him to our peril. We’ve ignored Him and made ourselves God. THAT is my opinion. You be you and you pay that price. Right now we are speaking to the subject of what God says and whether woman should lead. My opinion is when women lead I have felt pain. Sorry if you don’t see that because you are offended.
People that believe this are the actual problem. THEY certainly feel that a traditional woman is less than the career women. Right? What this argument boils down to women not thinking a trad role gets them the respect they think they deserve. If families didnt have the bills they do many would choose to stay home. They are forced into the working outside of the home role. Then they have to become feminists to act like they worst forced but chose it. Gods word doesn’t say women can’t speak their opinion out of public, be respected by their husbands and the husbands take their concerns forward. The men should retain the final decision because men tend to be less emotional then women. It’s been proven over the last 4 years that emotions when making decisions about policy, hurt us all. Wouldn’t it just be easier for us to learn from Gods word rather than live through bad experiences every generation.
So ask yourself what societal DEI practices, that pushed the leadership of women into all aspects of life, have made good changes to society? If you see my point than ask yourself if an omnipotent God, who left instructions for us to follow for our best society, may have already known that women would cloud our vision and that would be bad in the long run. Stop defending what we want as individuals over what God says. We are all imperfect and need Gods word to guide us. Period.
I don’t think you can. Every where you go your DNA is front and center to your presence. Every straw, every chair or counter has your DNA deposited on it. Besides, your Dr has it, your dentist, your car repair person. If they don’t get it any other way the have your kids, your parents or your sibling's, cousins. It’s not just the DNA companies.
lol. I already asked this question on X!
Great minds think alike!
I agree with you. However, as someone how’s life has been touched by cancer, my husband and I will never take a MNRA shot. The trust of the medical community is gone. I think it’s cruel to give anyone facing cancer this hope just to use a smoke screen to “capture” the true evil of the system. We await the revelation of Trumps true purpose and pray it’s worth the deception.
Plus, I decide to take one of these MNRA vaccines and change my DNA affecting all the downward generations because I am such an important person that I don’t have to die? What gives me the right to play God with their DNA?
I’m sorry. I do not and will probably never trust MNRA vaccines. My husband had stage 4 cancer during ‘21 and we went thru hell. He is in remission now, thank God! You’d think Id support anything to not go through such a thing again or have any once else go through it. However, MNRA changes our DNA affecting all generations to follow. Those generations may experience the consequences of my generation’s decision? Why? Because I’m so important to the world that I shouldn’t die? Humans are not God and have no business changing our DNA.
I agree completely but they have flipped the truth by chastising non leftist and promoting the leftest ideal. If a behavior is abhorrent to God (defined in his word) we need to be directing the flock against that behavior rather than encouraging tolerance of the behavior. Now, don’t get me wrong we should accept the sinful but not the sin.
I grew up in mid Michigan. When I was a kid my family and the families of friends would head up north in the spring and join 100s of others doing what was called smelt dipping. Basically you'd stand in the river at night with nets and scoop net fulls of smelt out. We would dump them into 5 gallon bucks waiting on the shore. When we got as many as we felt we wanted we'd load up the car and head home. The woman then cleaned them to freeze. We ate them until the next spring. I haven't been for years. My Dad would tell stories of doing the same when he was a kid in the '40s and '50s. My gma would save gunny sacks to put them in and the car would be so full that Dad would ride back home sitting on the bags.
Saving these fish isn't a new idea here in Michigan. Many may remember the flood that happened in Michigan because the DS decided not to repair the Edenville and Sanford Dams. When rains put a strain on the dams they refused to open the spillways because they wanted to support invasive fish and mussels.
The failure of these dams allowed these invasive species, such as lampreys, to enter upstream rivers, threatening native fish populations. Prior to the dam break, the dams had been blocking the upstream migration of invasive species from Lake Michigan. After the breach, invasive species had easier access to upstream waters, potentially outcompeting and preying on native species.
The point is I love to eat smelt. I understand what invasive species can do to native populations, yet many think at some point we need to put people first. What are the cost of repairing dams and conserving water so that we as Americans can make both convervation and peoples needs a priority?
You make it sound like we should blame ourselves because our government failed us. I for one have been carving out a life against all odds. I suspect I am not alone. We can be awake and feel uncomfortable with each of these players but we all can't be expected to spend hours each day baby sitting our leaders. At some point we need to feel safe enough in our personal lives to do so but right now many of us are battle weary. We recognized the need to stay engaged but watching the games, lack of justice and not knowing who will be next to die, we step back for a break. Even if we have a gut feel about someone's integrity we are told we should trust the plan or that we need to believe in Trump.
One county SE of me. Come on Trump. Please start cleaning up Michigan.