My Dad set aside 40 acres that he planted in a forest for future kids to enjoy. He spent hours and much money on managing his forest. He was honored by the county for doing this. He also burned wood. Two of his three kids burn wood. I have a 16x40 deck on my house. It’s 25 years old and although it’s still stable it needs to be repaired. The estimate was $10k to do so. My son has multi level deck on his house. It’s in worse shape than mine. Kinda of shaking when you walk on it. His estimate was $40k. When wood started going up I decided to wait on my repairs and my son can’t afford his. Point being, when Americans can’t afford to maintain our homes what happens? Years pass and the situation worsen and homes degrade. Our neighborhoods look worse and worse and become a magnet for the dregs of society., I was praying Trump would fix this. This helps us all not just those looking to have a safe deck!
I agree. 63 years old and my life would have been much easier if I hadn’t been stolen from for almost 50 of those years. My kids lives would be different because I could have provided better for them. This $5k is an insult!
I grew up with a guy that went to West Point and became a colonel. We stayed in touch through fb. When Covid came out I tried to tell him about how the local college was handling it. He go so mad at me we haven’t spoken yet. Bottom line even people we grew up with have been brainwashed by the left. They are all woke!
At one time I was on the highest legal dosage possible (900mg three times a day) and meloxicam as well. I was a mess. Slurring my words and forgetting conversations. With pot, I’m now taking 900mg a day and no meloxicam. Back pain is no joke. Hope yours got resolved and you are doing well.
Depends on what you call aid and what you call drugs. I’m on SSDI. I smoke pot every day because I have many health issues that the dr can’t fix (despite many different surgeries, I think I’m at nine to date) and I have high pain. I don’t want to subject myself to the highest dosage of gabapentin, meloxicam, and others. Pot helps. Does this mean I shouldn’t get my SSDI?
I started greying in my early 40s. I had a streak just like that. My kids teased me. I didn’t color it because my hair was very thick and grew quickly. It took two boxes of color and I had to do it every three weeks. I decided I couldn’t afford that after the second trip. Just call me el natural.
Americans already fought a war with the British about illegal conscripts. The war of 1812.