Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why on earth would everyone need to be in lockstep on their opinions? Where is the liberty in that?

They are calling out injustice no matter whom it's against.

All men are created equal. All men should be treated equally under the law.

Dee68 32 points ago +32 / -0

Children's Heath Defense is RFK JR'S org.

This is the AZ chapter.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0


ISLAND starred Scarlett Johanson and Ewan McGregor. They were growing clones for spare parts. When your real body needed you for parts - you "won" an all expenses paid trip to the island. In reality, you were harvested for parts.

GATTACA starred Jude Law and Ethan Hawke. Was about promoting those with the "right" genetics, unless I missed something.

Not trying to be a smart a$$, both movies portray a future where the tech is used in ways that demean life.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he is not there, why don't they just surrender? Seriously, why keep fighting?

Something is off on this. If this is such a big deal, why is he on vacation?

Is there even a war going on? This narrative is tiresome.

Can't we just state that Russia has won, all of Ukraine is now Russia's, and zelensky has been ousted and is in hiding. The war is over.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the thing from Hellraiser!

Not Pinhead, one of the others.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Church. That's a tricky one. If you have never been part of one before, proceed with caution.

Church people do not like being told what they are doing is not right or is something they should not have done. It burns like acid on their skin. Make sure you have the Biblical sauce to back everything up.

Keep in mind however, during the American Civil War, churches in the north and south used the Bible to support their moral positions in the war. Mark Noll wrote a book on exactly this.

Instead on telling them that they should not have gotten vaxxed, ask what was the emergency. Mortality rate was less than 2%. Why inject something untested into God's creation - your body.

Next, they will probably try throwing Roman's 12/13 at you about how God commands us to obey our government. Ask, if that's true, why did the Hebrew midwives, Daniel, and God himself not respect the earthly authorities (Moses/pharoah). Be prepared to watch them dance - twist and turn. In all these cases, the government was unjust, ours is also unjust. Our government, by its own founding, does not have the authority to mandate this. Pandemics were happening during the revolutionary war and were NOT accounted for in our founding. Why not? We are govern by the consent of the governed.

Remember above all, Jesus saves. The churches will be wrong on a lot of things, but cannot be wrong on this. If it is, that is a clear mandate from God to find a new church.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sports - Never was really into this. Today, forget the pro and collegiate. High school, middle school, and little leagues can really rock, though.

Movies - rarely want to go now. Went with family to see John Wick 4. Was bored. Started looking for comms in movie to entertain myself. Opted out of the new Guardians. Family went. I happily stayed home. Old movies from the 40s and 50s hold more appeal. Didn't even notice there was a writer's strike.

Music - Used to love it. Now, I prefer the quiet.

People - deep connections do not happen outside of my husband, son, brother, and sister. Have become a recluse. Was never like this before. A chasm has opened up between me and others. Learning to rely on myself and trust my own counsel and judgment. Most experts are not wanted or needed. Unless the person has hands-on experience i.e. farming, gardening, preserving, I ignore.

I have no earthly heroes. Drawing closer to Jesus.

Reading, writing, and teaching are my joys. Redesigning my world to be intensly simple.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

β€œI’m much older than you… when I was coming up, you had three TV stations and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”

Translation: Three TV stations gave the American public a false narrative. The American public ate it up and went to sleep. Now the American public is waking up. We cannot have that. I demand that they GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

If MAGA is all about making America great, then RFK Jr. Is integral to MAGA.

Having leaders who are competent and intelligent and are patriotic is part of rebuilding America.

It is why I will be voting for RFK Jr. in the primaries and will have BOTH a Trump sign in my yard AND an RFK Jr. sign in my yard. They are the best of both parties, they do not need to be on the same ticket. I would love to see a debate between these two. Both deal in reality. Time to wake up.

Having everyone spouting the same position on every issue is anti-liberty. Federalist 10.

Dee68 9 points ago +9 / -0

He wants us to go back to sleep. He wants us to go back to a hive mind that he can control. A single narrative of his making is what he wants to go back to having.

Too late.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

On 7, just rented a tux for son's prom. Yes, the skinny pant/pant legs are an in thing for guys -at least in the tux rental options. There is also an ultra skinny pant option that the lady at the store described as "almost like leggings".

Dee68 0 points ago +1 / -1

Get the video clip of Sonny and Cher singing together and Cher's penis keeps poking at her pants. Ask her if she knew about this. It was on TV!!!

Elite Gender Inversion, should fill hours of conversation.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should be thrown out of court due to lack of standing.

Also, where is ICE? These 4 should be deported.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democratic- Farm Labor, because just plain ol' Democrat wasn't left enough.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I liked it. It was put out by Paramount which is part of CBS. So, what do they want us to know?

Trust no one.

Most of what you see has a hidden meaning - not what is on the surface. Ex. guy in bar wants channel to be changed to financial news, it is, but he's watching a fake broadcast and gets out of his stock position. This whole thing was orchestrated by Sutherland's character.

Fake deaths abound.

Everyone is being watched and recorded. This info is then put on servers which track, trace, analyze, and colate the data. Profiles of you can be created. Your next move or sequence of moves can be predicted.

The masses of people can be controlled. Small scale - marketing campaign product test group. It shows how the psychology works and is used to manipulate. Then it is just a matter of ramping up the psywar. Masses are controlled through via podcasts, news, false flags, etc. The messages put out from these entities exert control.

Protests are manipulation events.

The concept of chat bots is mentioned and used.

A patsy is created through analyzing Facebook accounts, finding someone with the "right mix" of mental instability, and executing a honey pot on the individual. Trust no one.

There are two sides. White hats and black hats. Both sides use these techniques. It is often hard to distinguish one from the other.

Past events. Shows CIA overthrowing governments.

A plane crash is used to bury important people/evidence.

Is it a red pill?

For the normies who absolutely trust government and MSM, it gets them introduced to the idea the what they are seeing being reported is fake.

For us, alternative media and ideas can also be faked. (Keep in mind, every so often the question of Q being a psyop is asked on this board.)

Given that this show is put out by CBS, I think it is more of a portrayal of what is occurring than red pill for us. Predictive programming (not sure that is the right term) for those still asleep.

Might be a great way to open up dialog with a sleeping spouse or friend.

BTW, the exec does not jump because an anon told him to do so. Why he jumped is explained at the end of the series. Admittedly it initially looks that way, but looks are deceiving.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Neck like a tree trunk. Brow ridge. Square jaw and chin. Looks like he had his adams apple shaved. Hair line is wrong. Square shoulders. One cannot see it in this photo, but the ring finger is longer than index.

A biological woman might have some of these characteristics, but still have the majority of features be femine. IIRC there are about 34 markers/characteristics that differ between a biological male and female so one characteristic alone cannot really be definitive - except a clear Adam's apple.

This one is overwhelmingly male. Like putting lipstick on a pig - it is still a pig.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. Neck like a tree trunk. Brow ridge. Square jaw and chin. Looks like he had his adams apple shaved. Hair line is wrong.

A biological woman might have some of these characteristics, but still have the majority of features be femine.

This one does not. Is overwhelmingly male. Like putting lipstick on a pig - it is still a pig.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK. Thank you. No, I haven't followed the superstonk folks. The most I've seen is the derivatives report sorted by total derivatives starting with the largest.

Wells Fargo was in the top 4 or 5 with about 12 trillion.

Love the biden sniffing analogy. Thanks 😊.

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