This question is about using a dataset to claim ANY position to the uneducated.
It is not even about Geography as the "data" could just as easily come from education levels OR occupations OR managerial status in a fortune 500 company. There is nothing uniquely geographical about the data.
Additionally, by using the data in this way, it implies that one can not only claim any wild conclusion they want, but also that corollation "proves" causation.
The course should be called Manipulation AP not Geography AP.
I remember a nurse was prosecuted for giving saline injections. I did not save the article, BUT if there was NO PROOF, why did she get prosecuted?
Who knows what they were given?
Don't let them gaslight you!
Ultimately, you cannot "prove" the shot that they got. Conversely, neither can they.
Moral of the story, rely on yourself and be your own doctor!!
With all the "cleaning up" Biden was supposedly doing, one would think some of it would have tackled her trash mouth.
Additionally, where does one find the facts with f-bombs in it. Opinions usually are jam packed with f-bombs, facts, not so much.
Gotcha. My tonsillectomy was very different. A bunch of the 5 y.o. were scheduled for the same day. This was the 70s - it was common in my area.
Everyone kept coming back that day just fine from surgery - except me.
Apparently my tonsils were still infected (or getting infected). No outward sign was visible that this was the case. I felt fine. Tonsils looked fine. It did not become apparent until they began to cut and then all the infection spread out all over. I got very sick as a result. IVs, antibiotics, vomiting, the works.
It was a few days before I got to the point of where the other were the evening of post-op.
I think my surgery was scheduled near a holiday - Thanksgiving, maybe. Because I remember being out for longer than I missed school.
Good luck.
This is probably a conversation that should be had with your son's doctor.
If you trust the doctor enough to have the surgery performed (removal of body parts), why don't you trust the doctor on the recovery time recommendation?
Looking through the posts, you seem inordinately concerned with pushing your son to get back on his feet quickly. Have you shared these concerns/desires with the doctor?
Stick to hard data, hard facts.
Personal experience does not cut it for either of you.
For instance, here is MY personal experience. I am a biological woman. I spend $0 on cosmetics and I buy 90% of my clothing at secondhand stores. Underwear, socks, shoes, and winter coats/boots I buy new. This is MY experience. Do you see how skewed it is? As a data point, I am an outlier.
Hard data. It will keep you out of the b.s. "my experience trumps all reality" nonsense.
Be nice. Good luck!
Where was mom?
The girl ran away TWICE!! The school hid the fact she was being bullied.
Hello. Mom. Your child is crying out for help.
Protect your kid!! Take action instead of waiting until she runs away to be trafficked and only then get morally indignant and sue the school district. 🤬
At some point, one needs to take a look at the cluelessness of the mother and assess her level of culpability.
Is the school bad? Absolutely. In no way am I defending what they did.
Banana republic!!!!!
Just when you think the dnc blatantly cheated in the 2020 presidential election by ballot stuffing and they cannot sink lower - they sink lower by essentially calling off the election (technically there is an election WITH ONLY ONE CANDIDATE!)
Total b.s.
They just don't want Biden primaried out a.k.a. to get his ass handed to him!
People were watching the dnc to see if the dnc was going to do RFKJ like they did Bernie. Looks like the dnc has a new move up its sleeve - third world dictator style.
RFKJ is red-pilling dnc voters who are suffering from TDS but arent pleased with Biden. It should wake up additional people (if they are paying attention).
I intend to vote RFKJ in the primary.
Thank you.
I home school and will not allow my students to use Wikipedia as a source because anybody can update it.
But thanks to your efforts, I can also cite this article AND red pill at the same time!!
You rock!! Thanks!
It's all the lies.
Barak lied to the country about who he is for 8 years and then some.
Barak lied about who Michelle is. Michelle lied as well.
Barak lied about his children. His children lied as well.
It did not have to be this way.
He could have stated - hey, I'm a gay man. I smoke crack. My wife is a tranny. We adopted 2 girls. Vote for me.
He chose instead to play the black card and lie so that nothing would distract us from the black card in play.
He played us.
The bigger question is if he lied and deceived in this manner - WHAT ELSE HAS HE LIED ABOUT OR DONE?!?!?!?!
My take, don't get side tracked by efficacy of the vaxx and mask wearing.
The narrative they are pushing is one that correlates to software updates for a computer. They are soft pedaling this by saying talk to your doctor, but they want us to get used to this language.
This is similar to how it's important to install software patches in order before a new release.
We are being trained.
Thank you for this.
For the past 2 years, I have been instructing my homeschool history classes to pay attention to why "they" are so insistent to refer to J6 as an insurrection.
I have been stressing with them to consider what this language/terminology means as it relates to President Trump and our 14th amendment and the possible resulting implications.
My goal is that they begin to realize that our Constitution is not some dry, dusty, document that has no bering on today. 😊 Thanks, again!!
Maybe because CNN acts as a mirror of its audience instead of a news outlet.
Looks like the mask narrative is toast and CNN is just doing clean up.
People still wearing masks might see the mask as their lucky rabbits foot OR are lost forever.
10 days of darkness - total media blackout.