Concrete shoes work as well as a millstone wrapped around a Pedo's neck?
Chyna Ukraine.
Can we make Canada the 50th state and get rid of Hawaii, or California or Illinois or .... ?
Crazy logic. Without men, eventually there will no more women.
Next do 9-11. Who removed all the gold before the attack and who shorted the insurance companies.
The 15 commandments:
We are gonna find out who was naughty or nice by Christmas? Release the Diddy and Epstien lists!
This would also be another step in Making America Healthy Again.
I'm prepared. Slim Whitman is spinned up and ready to play on the record player!
Could be a Jeep.
Jeep just issued a recall on their Grand Cherokee 4xe hybrid due to battery fires. Do not attempt to charge and leave it parked outside any enclosed structures.
Bring back the HEMI.
Saturday is when you start seeing even cheaper prices. No need to get caught up in the Black Friday frenzy.
It's another "Milwaukee Miracle". Just like the 40,000 votes that suddenly out of nowhere appeared for DemocRAT Tony Evers to defeat Scott Walker for Governor.
Public hangings need to be brought back to show the consequences of sedition.
History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Solar panel company money laundering?
Hopefully this:
Mr. Bean in a wig?
An accurate tattoo would be: Bill Clinton is a Rapist.
FAIL: you have to explain what it says to other libtards, cursive is not being taught in schools.
Name one of the cities Galt's Gulch and I am so there!
Make America Laugh Again!
Senate seat stolen in Wisconsin as well.
WE DID IT!!!!!!
Must perp walk uniparty Republicans first. Kind of like an appetizer before the main course.