I wonder if this guy is vaxxed
What sector doesn’t do this lol
Selling more of their product to fucking retards
Alaska time to get rid of dominion!!!!
Yep!! Many more people will be killed so they can try to get their way
He needs to cut out ALL sugar. Basically go keto too. Sugar feeds cancer. Carbs are sugar too
He totally died on the field. Why not show his face??? And what they’re doing to his poor little brother is terrible
I’ve been wondering about this too. It’s terrible but the dead weight maybe needed to be trimmed for the betterment of the future
Alberta need to rise up or join USA. Terrible what is being done to the conservatives up there
Okay by how do conservatives take it back over? That’s what we need to be working on. How do WE infiltrate
Maybe it’s not so much about looks and more about how you feel
NASA is reliant on hundreds of Billions on gov subsidies do you realize how easy it would be to create a few doctored pics and videos 😂
Maybe that was the plan all along
Does someone have a link to this ??
Acidic too. So many of the foods have hidden sugars which acidify our bodies. That is where infections can grow and fester
It has the name “golden” it has a nice ring to it
Isn’t this because of La Niña? We go through phases of wet & dry winters. Have people forgotten???
Eh, this is why we loose. I used to be free market and gov should let you decide but fuck the commies. That attitude is half the reason why we are where we are. Live and let live doesn’t work when people are trying to destroy you
State of Montana, Florida etc have made employee vaccine mandates illegal. I know he’s remote but maybe needs to start looking at states where second mandates are illegal
You hit the mail on the head!!!
Idaho senator is also attending. Idaho boot out the RINOS while you can
She’s very unhealthy, I can see them wanting her off. It would be a smart decision
Let’s see if they still have balls to push this stuff when there is republican majority in senate & republican in White House.
Good point.
You can always see a naturopath doctor!
Agree with this. People will look at this and be like this is dumb