DorfDImpaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last thing I want to do is discredit DOGE. However, I want to point out a possible explanation for some of these wild discrepancies in SS Data.

I was born in 1958. Mom got me a SS #. I started filing tax returns and withholding when I started working for my Dad when I was 17.

Fast forward to about 2004. I was getting a regular letter from SS telling me the status of my account. The numbers jived. I didn't worry. However, when I went to look at my data online, I was blocked. I called SS. They said I had some wrong data in my account, and I would have to go into an office to get it straightened out. I was working full time at that point and couldn't waste a day going over there, so I put it off.

Fast forward again to 2021. I had just gotten laid off. A few weeks later, I found out I had cancer. I had to get things straight in a hurry. If I died without getting this fixed, it might hold up my wife's survivor benefits. 2 days before I went into surgery, I staggered into the SS office with my birth certificate, my SS card and a few other docs. In 2 hours, I was home. However, I found out a good part of what they had on me was wrong. Wrong birth county, wrong birth date, wrong. . . you name it.

I asked the clerk how this could have been. He said it was obviously a transcription error when they computerized in the early 70s. Having spent 40+ years in IT and having gone through multiple conversions from paper systems in my early years, I found it completely believable. I did one conversion where the accepted error rate was 3%-- 3 keystrokes in 100. This was a machine-reading project, where optical readers replaced key punch operators. Somebody thought it was easier and cheaper to fix the mistakes later. Yikes. My guess is, back in the early 70s, they were double-punching cards. That is, two people punched the same decks and then the differences spit out and errors were corrected. Error rates might have been lower, but still there would have been plenty of errata.

My point in this is that SS's data may still have a lot of transposition errors from the 70s.

BTW: Happy ending. I had the surgery. I retired. I had my first benefit check before chemo started. I'm going on 2.5 years cancer free.

Moral: Get on SS.Gov and find out what they have on you. If you can't get on, it's a sign your data is in error. Get it straight.

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

JB weld works great until it is heated. If memory serves, heating it to 600 F with a propane torch will cause it to fail.

DorfDImpaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to add an extra data point to this. I never got the jab.

However, I did get a rare testicular cancer 6 months after getting Covid. It's almost unheard of in guys older than 25, and I was 63.

Removing a nut and chemo 9 month later cured me.

DorfDImpaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was a donor as soon after my 18th birthday as I could get it done. That was 1976. I tore up my card and got it off my driver's license as soon as I could after 1992.

I was in network sales. One of our customers was the region's largest organ bank. It was attached to a hospital that had the region's best trauma center. In dealing with the organ bank, I found that a head trauma patient had a 3-times better chance of being declared brain dead if they held a donor card.

Don't get me wrong. I still want to donate my body. I've left word with my family that I want that to happen. However, I don't want someone taking the parts while I'm still alive.

DorfDImpaler 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jane Fonda, based on the pic of her manning a North Vietnamese AA gun, should have been tried for treason and hanged.

DorfDImpaler 5 points ago +6 / -1

I am Diabetic. I have been on Metformin. I have never struggled with alcohol, but I have to admit that we've dated quite a bit over the years. There was some heavy petting going on after college before I got married.

My appetite for alcohol has been an ounce or two a night before dinner-- no more. It's been that way for decades. I'm right now on the max dose of Metformin, and I can say that I have never seen any changes for my passing desire for my evening cocktail. My glucose is well regulated, and so a little nip before dinner doesn't seem to hurt my morning readings.

What I will say is that Metformin seems to be a drug with all sorts of interesting side benefits. Study up. This may be the first real longevity drug that is available to the masses.

DorfDImpaler 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a question for y'all. Right now, we've got Federal judges issuing opinions left and right on these vac mandates. Some uphold it, some strike it down. At what point does this wander into "Equal Protection Under the Law" territory? I would think that at some point it would.

Just askin'.

DorfDImpaler 4 points ago +4 / -0

God bless the Youth of America.

At least somebody gets the joke.

DorfDImpaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

The October Surprise conspiracy is the Trump Collusion myth of the Reagan years. You only have to read the Wikipedia article and look at the bold bullets and see that it was the usual suspects publishing the allegations.

The main difference between then and now, at least as I see it, was that most MSM outlets functioned independently. Now we have a unified monolithic system publishing talking points and spewing propaganda.

DorfDImpaler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember that when this country was formed, only about 30% of the population bought into the idea of independence. About an equal number wanted to stay loyal to Britain and the remainder had no opinion one way or the other.

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I need some help with rumor control. I'm on a large forum, and there are a bunch of shills claiming Lindell was run off the stage at his own event. What's the real scoop?

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to mob hipster Gianni Russo, the mob was used to stuff the ballot boxes in Philly and other cities. Now, they've all rolled, and the evidence is being held by the Supreme Court. If nothing else, it's a bit of hopium.

DorfDImpaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Help me out here. I'm asking this honestly.
Why not just answer the door, tell whoever it is that you're not interested and shut the door? This is what we do to the religious zealots, the kids selling candy bars, the lawncare specialists, and all the rest of the unwanted solicitors. How are the vaccination dudes any different?

DorfDImpaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

All I can say is that at my greatest despair in November, Q posted #4952.



. . . and I knew that eventually we would be redeemed. Call it hopium. Call it tinfoil hat thinking. Call me late to supper, but I knew that was eventually going to be the key to all this.

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The Arizona Legislature is preparing to adjourn for the year and go home until January 2022, leaving their post BEFORE the Arizona audit report is produced and legislation can be created.

If the AZ Senate does not delay sine die (the end of session), new election laws will not be created until they meet again next January. If it is found that fraud occurred in Maricopa County, the legislature will not be able to consider withdrawing electors."

DorfDImpaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a homeowner, and I was faced with a possible incursion like the McCloskey's over last summer. To tell you the truth. Although I sympathized with the McCloskey's at the time, I could not help wondering WTF.

If it had come down to it, I would not have been out on the front lawn waving an AR15 around. Girlfriend and I would have stayed in the house behind cover, letting folks know from there that they were not welcome. That stunt the McCloskeys pulled put them at risk, and their cavalier handling of the firearms was begging for charges.

DorfDImpaler 6 points ago +6 / -0

Help me out here. I thought we read her hometown obituary: https://funeralnearme.com/gina-haspel-funeral/

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I got interrupted.

Beyond what I originally stated, here are additional impediments: 3) Getting elected to the House in the first place-- you can bet the opposition would throw all kinds of hurdles in the way 4) Let's say the plan goes ahead. Every power-grubbing Republican is going to have his hand out looking for quid pro quo. It'd be a sausage-grinding nightmare

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

As much as I like it, it's implausible in my estimation.

  1. You need to impeach both Biden and Harris.
  2. You need to convict both in Senate. It's never been done once, let alone twice.

Besides, as far as I'm concerned DJT is still POTUS. You can't run for a House seat while you're still President.

DorfDImpaler 9 points ago +9 / -0

Another thing the one child policy has caused is a general degradation in the Army

  1. young men don't want to risk their necks in combat
  2. Only sons are pampered and shielded from hardships
  3. Only sons feel entitled
  4. Only sons have family obligations that keep them from giving themselves wholeheartedly to the Army

Take it from an only son and only grandson. You wouldn't want to populate your armed forces with the likes of me.

DorfDImpaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess they all can't look like Aldo Rey

DorfDImpaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I question the whole premise. What kind of ding-dong gets a glamour shot of themselves published overseas in a rag like that with all their guns displayed? Most gun owners don't advertise like that.

It's a shame about the boating mishap. Otherwise, I'd have shown you mine.

DorfDImpaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you do your own hand loading, it isn't so bad.

I really miss it all since (cough) the boating accident.

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