If Biden was never a legitimate president, and that can be conclusively proven in a court of law, then none of his pardons stand.
I like to explain it like this:
I went through Kindergarten. I know exactly what it’s like. I have memories from that time in my life, I know how and why the teacher makes specific decisions, I know how I behaved, and I know how I expect my daughter to behave.
But despite this, there are times I just don’t quite get why something bothers my daughter for the day and makes her behave in ways I don’t appreciate.
I know the how, the why, the outcomes, but I was missing the specific context of her lived experience. In a real way, I know too much and can see the bigger picture too well to be able to relate to her struggles.
If I could put herself in my shoes, would I?
Of course.
And that’s why I think God did it. By limiting his view, he can choose to view our issues from our eyes and know our struggles without the benefit of his full capabilities and knowledge.
And I personally find that approach to be so loving and beautiful.
I'll disagree. If they didn't fraudulently add some Trump votes as well, it would have been way too obvious to even an average person.
I checked it out specifically because of all the hit pieces our big pharma companies were funding against it.
It’s shown benefits for addiction, inflammation disorders, heart disease, and way more than the initial claims.
I’m not going to try to convince you of anything, but anything that pisses off the right people is worth checking out, in my opinion.
You have to love that the ABC article says that Biden was beating Trump by 8 points at some undefined point in the past (while implying that it was aligned with this internal poll) while completely omitting the fact that Trump is handily beating Harris in their poll.
But Hillary wants to prosecute common people for posting misinformation.
I was on a case where a young man was charged with domestic battery against an elder. A single felony charge.
We took two days to deliberate. It was very clean, but the delineation between mutual conflict and battery came down to about four seconds of disengagement. They scuffled, young man had walked a car’s length away, the old man (with one hand) said something, and the young man returned and pegged grandpa in the face.
By walking away, it met the criteria that the conflict was over and any further engagement would be a separate incident.
Two days over something that was very clear cut from a legal perspective. There’s no way they deliberated for two days in good faith and came to a conclusion here.
Read the Gateway Process summary (a review by the CIA of an army experiment) and the Project Stargate papers.
I haven’t found any official source detailing the cross interruption.
I’ve used the Gateway process from the Monroe Institute and found it radically cemented my religious beliefs.
Oh, so now we’re worried about the legality of things?
I can work with that. If the federal government decides to enforce the laws they have on the books, then I don’t think Texas needs to leave.
Thats a win/win scenario if I’ve ever seen one.
It's easy to break a foot when dancing on the graves of the founding fathers.
“Get ready for the shit show.” - Q probably
You could shit all over the Bill of Rights. It's cheap and something they love to do!
I'm out of the loop. What happened on Friday?
I'm not disagreeing with your point, so please don't take it that way.
"Well-regulated" at the time didn't have quite the same connotations as we assign it today. In short, well-regulated meant that it was ready and capable to do it's duty. Specifically, that it would be appropriately armed to stand against a threat. This understanding is precisely why it is understood that arms capable of reasonable management by an individual are protected, but those that aren't (mortars, nukes, tanks, etc) are not.
Anti-gun lobbyists try to twist the meaning into "well-controlled" by assigning today's typical use to an older document that didn't use the language quite the same, which completely misses the point.
Fuck Greg Abbott.
He started improving when he ran the initial polls leading up to election season. Does he want a fucking cookie? He hasn’t done a damn thing to protect individuals from their employers, his general protection from vaccines had no teeth, his talk on the border is bluster at best…
I’ll take his bullshit over what some states are dealing with, but he’s a politician through and through. Time for some new blood down here.
Ask them if they believe FDR was the greatest Republican President. Watch the gears turn.
There’s an easy fix: Take over the school boards.
Also in telecom, and this is mostly correct. (Not sharing this for you, obviously, since you know your stuff, but just clarifying for anyone that wants to be pedantic.)
5G is broken into three tiers: Low, Mid, and High band. All three are technically available, but only high band meets the performance criteria most people associate with 5G. However, High band has a LOT of problems, and doesn’t logistically work in areas that are not wide open with a ton of people to justify the infrastructure.
Low and Mid bands, while they are technically 5G, are not at the frequencies or capabilities of high band 5G.
So while these companies are not overtly lying about having 5G, they are intentionally vague about which version you’re receiving.
Low band 5G is functionally no different than 4G.
Mid band 5G is functionally no different than LTE (though it is still markedly higher speed).
High band is the one everyone is concerned with, but it is so cost prohibitive that it’s only seen in a few major hot spots globally, and the signal doesn’t reliable penetrate glass.
That’s the town of Mesa in Arizona, not Mesa County in Colorado. It’s near the long-haul fiber rings that serve the majority of California.
I feel out of the loop. What is devolution? I keep seeing that term, but no clear definition.
Fuck Abbott. He’s only growing a pair because Allen West is polling well, so he takes West’s talking points and claims them as his own.
I’ll take whatever relief we can get, but this motherfucker showed his true colors.
Cognitive Dissonance: the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
At two cents, I think you’ve radically overvalued your opinion.
I don't know that we disagree as much as we have a different view of what's happening. There is no Constitutional remedy left, which forces Trump into a situation where he must either accept the current path, or put us onto a path that is completely uncharted and of questionable legality.
Even if the argument is successfully made that treasonous results cannot stand, you're going to have violence from the left. They simply aren't going to accept it, no matter how you air the crimes and grievances committed by the offending parties.
What should come next is morally correct, but it's a hard argument to call it constitutional.
What is revealed provides intel to be capitalized against in the future. No disclosure, just results.