much like the Masonic Lodge, members have been duped into being part of the scam religion. Turn to the LORD GOD & follow CHRIST only, for He is the ONLY mediator between man & our FATHER.
He didn't create world religions, because He knew what would become of them.
The House Of the LORD GOD is built with Christ as the cornerstone, which the builders rejected.
Ephesians 2:18 - 22
Hail Mary prayer= the LORD GOD's light leaves the body
Catholicism is a corrupt man-made, world religion of which Christ would (with near certainty) have nothing to do with.
Rome NEVER fell... it BECAME the Vatican...
The entire Vatican is designed to resemble a serpent.
St. Peter's Basilica (ie; basilisk)
there are images of dead sheep within the Vatican.
the courtyard is designed to resemble snakeskin, where there is a pagan Mystery Babylon obelisk.
be careful who you follow...
im surprised there are those who are willing to admit they regret it.
most sheeple hold steadfast in the belief they were right in taking it & pushing it on their children, no matter the evidence that continues to pile up against them.
pride & stupidity are a hell of a combination
Horizon = Horus Risen
Horus = (the full body of initiates)
this is why the Masons chose the time of day they did (when the Sun was at its highest) to kill "The Sacrificed King" & Catholic JFK.
there were mirror image obelisks (Osiris, the doctrine) & reflecting pools (Isis, the church) at Dealey Plaza.
when you look at Dealey Plaza from above, you see the female reproductive system (Mother Goddess worship)
when you invert the view, you get the "Unfinished Work" of the pyramid without the seated capstone, found on the back of the $1 bill (federal reserve note).
the capstone will be seated, when the Masons "work" is done, as Canada, the USA & Mexico will be merged into a single, communist-controlled nation.
Jesus is not to be spoken of in any Masonic lodge. they can obviously acknowledge a deity, but they do not consider Christ as Saviour, at least not the higher degrees of the Southern/Northern jurisdictions. You're basically a nobody until you reach degree 30. many never make it past the blue lodge (3rd degree).
Masonry is a lot more than just the Southern/Northern Scottish Rites & York Rites. There are many, many more degrees than just 33 or 13 of the York Rites. A perfected Mason undergoes 360 degrees.
with each degree, comes a new oath sworn to the lodge. I can hit the Masonic Lodge with knockout punches all day. I believe in allowing people to believe in what they want as long as they aren't pushing it forcefully upon the rest of us or hurting anybody (that's what freedom is about), but the rest of us should know the truth & the Masons swear oaths to uphold the secrets of their lodge & to actually LIE if it means protection of his "brothers".
the goal of Masonry is the conquering of nature & perfection of gnosis. this is what the square & compass represent (both measure 360*), aka the perfected God-man of Masonry does not need the LORD GOD anymore. This is what the new-age garbage of "Christ Consciousness" is about. That Christ was not divine.
the "grand architect" is another name for Lucifer, not the Almighty. if you think about it for about 2 seconds, you'll realize a "builder" cannot build with his tools, UNLESS those tools are first CREATED. therefore, the grand architect is NOT the CREATOR LORD GOD. more tricks by these people...
they believe Lucifer set man free from the oh so terrible rules of FATHER GOD, who they believe wished to keep us in the dark. They call Lucifer the light & Father God the darkness, opposite of what Christians believe.
they also use the pyramids as initiation chambers, where they mock Christ, as they lay in coffins for 3 days & 3 nights, before they are "reborn". Plato wrote about his experiences. Skull & Bones practice a similar ritual.
The Mystery School of Babylon is the original college run by Nimrod (the Rebel King), in the city of Babylon, consisting of priests who practiced the religion of the Sun.
In the Masonic lodge, the source of knowledge & civilization come from the East. The Master's of these lodge's sit at the East, representing the rising sun, the new dawn, the golden age. (Ezekiel 8:16)
Shriners wear Islamic "fez hats".
Freemasons consider themselves "The Guardians of the secrets of the ages" & "The Philosophers of Fire"
Fire = Lucifer = Intellect = Prometheus
so if i understand right...
this person is a man who has had/about to have a surgery, to cut his balls off (so that HE can be a SHE....).
then, he/she/it wants to have a "lesbian" encounter & is getting told by the actual lesbian woman, that he/she/it is still "too male down there".
and then this person found another he/she/it, who they then told them the same thing.
what a fvcking shitshow. these people need help.
im so tired of this stuff being forced upon us to listen to & try to fucking decode who or what these people think they are. keep it to themselves or a psychiatrist, not the rest of us.
so drafting young people to fight wars, in which they had no part in CREATING??
men, women, old or young... doesn't matter. NOBODY should be fighting these wars.
its always the ones who aren't fighting, that CREATES the war.
it isn't natural to fight to the death.
there's an old saying along the lines of "who will fight the war, if no one shows up?"
the people that have joined the FEDERAL military branches, haven been duped & taken advantage of. it isn't honorable to fight a globalist, destabilization war. all they've done is do the dirty work of scum globalists, who sit back & watch it unfold.
we should have a nation full of well regulated MILITIA. we can have all the tanks & missiles, but without the say-so from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
the militia does not take orders from the Commander in Chief, as the whole idea of a militia is to regain the country, if it falls into the hands of tyranny. the Commander in Chief has the final authority over the federal military & if he is compromised, you don't take orders from him.
join a militia or start one of your own, organized or unorganized & say "fuck your federal military draft"
hopefully this next generation realizes that & says exactly that to anyone trying to "force" them into a "draft"
we the people could do that if enough people were brave enough. you aren't breaking a law by not filing or paying, because there is no law passed stating income tax must be paid.
people have played along all this time, all on their own.
ignorance & out of fear.
the fiat is printed out of thin air, you get charged interest & then you turn around & "pay" back that interest on a fiat "currency". then, people get "returns", which adds more interest that they think is owed, because they have to charge interest on that fiat. its a revolving door of madness, just as the creators of the system intended.
I pray for your mothers health & that she be reunited with the TRUE Lord God.
I pray that your dad finds the TRUE Lord God & is given the strength & courage to leave the Masonic Lodge before his time on earth is over. Just know that if he is a 32nd Degree Mason, he has made at least 32 sworn oaths, however it is NEVER too late for the Lord God to intervene & save him.
I pray that all the glory & grace is given to the FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, In Jesus' name!
thank you for allowing us this chance to pray for them & for you as well friend!
I've always called him "Mossad Jones". I knew in high school, nearly 15 years ago, he was a puppet.
"let me just waltz in Bohemian Grove & interview some guys"
"let me act outrageous & over the top to get my listeners to look like maniacs for listening to me"
"let me get exposed by one of the greatest modern-day patriots in Bill Cooper & have no real defense for myself"
Mossad . Gatekeeper . Psyop
i think America could survive without all these shitty fast food & beer companies.
i'm tired of seeing all the parks & trees being cut down so places like this can be built, so lazy & stupid people can go shove garbage down for $50 a plate & wash it down with piss
good riddance to garbage foods & drinks... & good riddance to "woke"
this is my favorite Cooper presentation. i've watched it full length about 5x. i feel like i catch something new each time through. I've considered Bill my mentor in this fight, coincidentally since about "17" years ago when I was still in HS.
Thanks for posting!
Walt Disney was a known DeMolay (Masonry) & Anglophile, who despised Africans, refusing to hire them for a very long time.