EarlBroadHill2 4 points ago +5 / -1

So we have to create posts listing every problem of all religions at the same time? But why stop at religions?

We also have to point all the problem with "the left"! Better... why stop here? We also have to point all the problems with "the right". But why stop here? We also need to point the problem with artists, sportists etc....

See the problem? Or are myopic towards someone? Or this touch something sacred?

EarlBroadHill2 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just to inform this is not true.

1 - Bolsonaro have not conceded; 2 - The military is auditing the election (whatever that means).

See more at https://truthsocial.com/@PaulSerran

EarlBroadHill2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think Edward L. Van Roden position is more complex than "holocaust is a hoax". I only found his opinion about the so called "Malmedy Massacre".

A lot of people trying to use him to whitewash the Nazi will be particularly interested in Van Roden calling Himmler "the very prince of devils".

We can read what he wrote at: https://codoh.com/library/document/american-atrocities-in-germany/en/

Interesting points are:

American investigators at the U. S. Court in Dachau, Germany, used the following methods to obtain confessions: Beatings and brutal kickings. Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws. Mock trials. Solitary confinement. Posturing as priests. Very limited rations. Spiritual deprivation. Promises of acquittal.

The 139 doomed men who were still alive fell into three groups. They were accused of involvement in the Dachau concentration camp crimes, in the killing of American fliers, or in the Malmedy massacres. Let me say that I believe the crimes for which these Germans were tried actually took place, and that some Germans were guilty of them.

But we should not let the indiscriminate hate of all Germans that was generated during and after the war, blind us to the necessity of punishing the guilty ones only.

After this investigation, and after talking to all sides, I do not believe that the German people knew what the German Government was doing. I am convinced the German populace had no idea what diabolical crimes that arch-fiend, Himmler, was committing in the concentration camps. From the atrocities we learned about, he must have been the very prince of devils.

But as for the Germans at large, they fought the war as loyal citizens with a fatherland to support, and a fatherland to defend.

EarlBroadHill2 10 points ago +10 / -0



we went to the island of MarajóaAnd there we discovered that our children were being trafficked.
I am going to tell you something that now I can tell you that we have images of our Brazilian children as young as four years old, three years old that when they are kidnapped, their teeth are pulled, their teeth are pulled out so that they won't bite and at the time of oral sex.
We found out that these children [only] eat mushy food for the intestines to be free for the time of anal sex.
Bolsonaro said we will go after them all, and all hell broke loose rose up against this man.
The war against Bolsonaro that the press raised, that the Supreme Court raised, that the Congress raised... believe me... it is not a political war. It's a spiritual war.
I discovered that in the last seven years in Brazil the rape of newborn babies exploded. We have images of children as new as eight days old being raped.
We found out that a video of child rape costs between 5 and 100 thousand reais (1k to 20k dollars). There is organized crime involved in this. There is blood. There is death. There is sacrifice.
Bolsonaro stood up against all of this

Marajo island is one of the best brazilians gateways to the... Caribbean Sea.

EarlBroadHill2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agree. I get the impression as soon the "enemy" become more and more clear, some people jump into vagueness on purpose (or because they are paid actors to confuse, or because they actually like the conspiracy veil).

We do not have confirmation about the relationship between Jews and Khazarians. There are know DNA studies about this. This subject needs much more study than the premature conclusions we can read everywhere.

Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18733/

See this figure: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18733/bin/pq1001159002.jpg

"In summary, the combined results suggest that a major portion of NRY biallelic diversity present in most of the contemporary Jewish communities surveyed here traces to a common Middle Eastern source population several thousand years ago. The implication is that this source population included a large number of distinct paternal and maternal lineages, reflecting genetic variation established in the Middle East at that time. In turn, this source diversity has been maintained within Jewish communities, despite numerous migrations during the Diaspora and long-term residence as isolated subpopulations in numerous geographic locations outside of the Middle East."

The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1274378 In conclusion, the present study shows that the Middle Eastern populations we analyzed are closely related and that their Y chromosome pool is distinct from that of Europeans.

A critique to both papers above can be seen at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2014.00462/full

"All these studies sampled Jewish and non-Jewish individuals. But how did they sample them? What were the criteria for Jewishness of the sampled individuals? This in itself is a moot issue that may crucially affect the conclusions."

"More recent studies of the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which, like Judaism is passed along the maternal line, indicate that Ashkenazi mtDNA is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. All four founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders, share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus, the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages are assimilated within Europe (Figure 5). These results point to a significant role for horizontal phylogeneses due to the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities in prehistoric Europe (Costa et al., 2013)."

EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given that you are into this, I may have a mouthful for you: https://www.bigmikesck.com

EarlBroadHill2 6 points ago +7 / -1

In 2011, Dugin was in a debate advocating that general American population was on the side and working together with the Deep State.


Why? Because he envision only State as political entities.
His opponent said no. Americans hate the political establishment.

Has he changed his opinion? Not sure. Surely 2016 took him by surprise.
But would not be shocked if he still think this.

EarlBroadHill2 18 points ago +18 / -0

The inner working is quite simple actually.

Imagine a simple mathematical function: times 2.

When you call "times 2" with an "argument", let us say 3. You have: 3 times 2. Equals 6, of course.

You also have something called the "inverse function". In this case "divided by 2". Again if we call this function with the argument "6" we have: 6 divided by 2. Equals 3.

Not a coincidence that we end up with 3, the value we started. Every time you chain a function and its inverse you end up with the "argument" you started.

Now imagine that the original 3, the first argument, is a password. 6, the result of calling the first function with your argument is the "hashed password", or your tripcode.

What every hack wants to do is try to find the "3" given that he saw your hashed password is "6".

If you use a function as trivial as "times 2". It will be very easy to guess the password from the hash. Because the inverse function is very easy.

So to avoid this people use completely crazy function, that when you call with the argument 3, the result can be 9182838176251928761528232. A pretty big number with no obvious connection between the argument and the end result.

This function will probably have a very complex inverse function. So complex , that in some cases the inverse function is unknown.

The only way to get the original argument from the end result is trying every single possibility. You create a computer program that tries every single number and see if the end result matches.

Now jump to passwords again. Nobody is going to use a number. You use a complex text. Any decent password has around a dozen letters, numbers and symbols. This gives around 40 symbols. So you have: 40 to power 12 possibilities

16777216000000000000 https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=40%5E12

The problem is: if it takes 1 microsecond to test each possibility this still means:

194200000 days to test them all.

So you need millions of computers to test them in a reasonable amount of time.

To makes things even more difficult to hackers, people normally use salt. Salt here means that a "prefix" to all passwords.

So you type "batman123" (super secure password!). But the application has actually calculated "some_salt_batman123".

This means that your everyday password with 10 letters, become a super huge 20-30 letter password with more symbols, more letters.

Even more difficult.

A second layer of security is that nobody outside the application knows the salt. That is the whole purpose. Salt rotation means that this "secret prefix" change from time to time, to make things even more difficult.

More: https://web.archive.org/web/20200826143711/https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1298630319759712256

EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thought that a shooting where children and teenagers are is the perfect excuse for dumping all the "missing children" bodies they have.

That is why you need shooting in places with certain ethnics profiles.

EarlBroadHill2 13 points ago +13 / -0

"Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, PUTIN, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory). "

"PUTIN / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel)."

"Think Hussein 'I'll have more flexibility after the election' hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: PUTIN."

EarlBroadHill2 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think some people here, and other places fly towards the Nazi fro two reasons: 1 - Nazis are called right-wing or even conservatives; some of these people consider themselves right-wings or conservatives; or at least anti-leftists; So they feel natural. 2 - Some stories about the holocaust are obviously fake. So they tend to deny even what was obviously true.

My opinion what these are: 1 - Sorry. Nazism was not right-wing nor left-wing. More precisely it was not completely right-wing nor left-wing. But Nazism was strongly leaned left.

Hitler had a huge influence from Marxism

Nazism was "extreme progressivism" for its time

Nazism endorsed and almost started every flag that today is associated with progressivism

Green: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2011/04/the_green_nazis.html

Abortion: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17402341/

Gays: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-strange-strange-story_b_136697

Anti-Smoking: https://historyofyesterday.com/hitlers-anti-smoking-campaign-2e8321916933

2 - The first dispute is against the "6 million" number.

There are of course people for and against: Against: https://wearswar.wordpress.com/2017/10/31/repeated-claims-of-6-million-jews-dying-decades-before-hitler-vs-ignored-soviet-death-camp-tolls

Other dispute is specific about the gas chamber: https://www.timesofisrael.com/ny-rabbi-not-even-1-million-jews-killed-in-holocaust

etc... it easy to point to the "soap" lie... to the same (fake) accusations of the first war... etc...

The point is: even if the above things are lies, this does not make the Nazis the good guys. Far from it...

EarlBroadHill2 9 points ago +9 / -0

u/#q59 u/#q140

How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?
Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?
How did SA welcome BO during his trip?
How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?
Why is this relevant?
Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.

Why did POTUS receive a SWORD dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?

"This sword dance is known as an “Ardah.” “The most common Ardah in Saudi, called the Najdi Ardah, was initially performed by Arab warriors in the central Najd region of Saudi before meeting their enemies on the battlefield. Sword dancing was a way for the men to display their weaponry and show their heroic spirit” https://patriotsinprogress.substack.com/p/all-q-drops-part-26-trump-and-the

Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA? >>
As a royal welcome and honor

What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant? >>
Traditionally the sword dance is done by men before going to war so POTUS is going to war along side SA


EarlBroadHill2 16 points ago +16 / -0

What could possibly be the reason to leave Israel for last?
I can only think that Q was using their spying infrastructure to spy the DS/Globalists. That is why they are shooting themselves now.

Spying the spies.
Compromising the compromisers.


Q has some posts of compromised mobile phones:

Here Q seems to imply he has access to Kim (NK) mobile.


These seems to be under FISA. Not sure they would need to hack the phone.



And we have the mysterious 205. It seems someone hacked into Melania ou someone else mobile.

https://qagg.news/?read=2045 u/q#205

EarlBroadHill2 4 points ago +4 / -0

ga.win must create a "tip" or patreon like mechanism for posts like this.

EarlBroadHill2 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think he is realizing that Gab will end up being the anti-Trump, anti-Maga of the right. I think he started this bet imagining that Trump lost. He always positioned Gab as the place for the pos-MAGA/pos-Trump social media.

No wonder Trump never acknowledge Gab.

If devolution is right, in any level, and Trump returns, I bet he and Gab will be the place to start calling him Fascist. Military coup etc...

It is a shame. Gab has huge potential. But at the same time clearly shows why Q exists, and why it is fundamental. Q always said having the full picture is fundamental. Every Q hesitant, lacks the full picture.

MAP provides picture.
Picture provides 40,000ft. v.
40,000ft. v. is classified.
Why is a MAP useful?
Think direction.
Think full picture.


EarlBroadHill2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he really is: agreed! But...

I think it is possible that things are more complicated than it appears.

As soon as Michael Jackson died, the "neverland kid" said that actually nothing happened, and he was forced to lie by his mother. Not a lot of question was asked. Who forced his mother, for example....

"Ron Newt Sr., to whom $200,000 would have seemed like the world on a silver platter, wrote “No good sucker” where his signature was supposed to go. The reason: Nothing ever happened between Jackson and the Newt boys.

Indeed, no kids, no matter how much money was dangled by the tabloids, ever showed up to trade stories of Jackson malfeasance for big lumps of cash after the first scandal broke in 1993.

“Maybe there aren’t any other kids,” a current Enquirer editor conceded."

Who is telling the truth? Will we ever know? No idea! But one funny thing is...

One of the first Q post about Hollywood pedophilia is #19. The funny part is afterwards:

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?
You can’t answer the above but will LAUGH once disclose details.


One the anons guessed:

Shot in the dark: Michael Jackson?

And you know what? It is reasonable guess.

EarlBroadHill2 20 points ago +20 / -0


"Before Michael Jackson died, he made a very famous speech that called out the Sony Chairman Tommy Mottola.

He begins to speak about the treatment of people with the music industry, especially talking about black people. He says: “The record companies really really do conspire against their artists. They cheat, they do whatever they can. Especially the black artists.”

Then, he calls out Tommy Mottola, saying: “Sony. Tommy Mottola is the president of the record division. He is mean, he’s a racist and he’s very very very devilish.”"

EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

------------ Part VI

Once these signs are made they are permanent, sort of, this is where the analogy breaks down.

All the atoms in your body are replaced about once a decade. Even your bones are constantly re-structured by osteoclasts and osteoblasts, so every 10 years you have entirely different atoms making up those bones. Even cells that generally don't replicate or die until you do like neurons and muscle (muscle cells themselves get bigger when you work out, mostly, you don't get new muscle cells although nothing is ever 100%) constantly replace their constituent parts. [19]

The MHC displaying the product the factories are making will stay embedded in the cell wall until that section of the membrane is replaced due to other natural process (e.g. endocytosis. [20]) This means that people who end up with persistent neurological or cardiac side effects may have them for years, until most of the signs stating the cell is making spike protein are torn down. For neurons in the brain, that could be years, not to mention the fact that in the mean time, the immune system is actively trying to kill off any of those cells, often successfully.

[19] It turns out that each body part has its own very distinct lifespan. The lining of the stomach, constantly under assault by digestive acid, is renewed every few days. But bones are refreshed once a decade. And there are a few parts of you that stay with you from birth to death. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/28/483732115/how-old-is-your-body-really?t=1638123734880

[20] Endocytosis is a process where cells ingest material from outside the cell by enclosing it with a portion of their cell membrane and bringing it into the cell in a membrane-bound vesicle. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Endocytosis

------------ Part VII

Humanity did this blindly. There is so much we don't understand about this.

A gigantic portion of your genome is dedicated to MHC. We don't have any idea about the mechanisms we are playing with. Not only are large swaths of MHC black boxes but the whole question of Clonal Selection (how your body 'knows' what is you and what isn't you, and therefore what to attack) is an open question. [21]

There are no longitudinal studies on any of this, the safety data is non-existent beyond "it probably doesn't kill many of you in the first 90 days."

Bankers, Government, and Corporations saw the opportunity to make hundreds of billions of dollars, and quickly grabbed whatever was on the shelf, dusted it off, and rushed it to market. [22]

It's one of the reasons that massive and rapid distribution is key. Not knowing what would happen, it was and is imperative to get as many doses injected as possible. While careful, isolated, controlled, longitudinal studies would easily recognize collective negative effects, even though the specifics differed, uncontrolled mass distribution during phase 4 study will make it easy to mask.

Investigating any specific, like myocarditis, will only ever bring up a low level signal that's easily dismissed "COVID causes myocarditis too!" The collective information provided by all the signals would tell a different story. The VAERs database provides the strongest signal, but is easily ignored by propagandists due to its unverified nature. It will take years to collect the data and produce irrefutable results, which is why the normal process is around 6 years from a working product. Without control groups, even that data will be easy to skew in interpretation though.

[21] Clonal selection is a theory that attempts to explain why lymphocytes are able to respond to so many different types of antigens. T and B cells are able to respond to nearly all of the world’s wide variety of antigens upon presentation. Clonal selection assumes that lymphocytes are selected during antigen presentation because they already have receptors for that antigen. https://jackwestin.com/resources/mcat-content/immune-system/clonal-selection

[22] Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine was designed in just two days https://edition.cnn.com/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-11-30-20-intl/h_e33ae1918c88b1167f7f858cd728ae10

------------ Part VIII

These vaccines also have no hope of imparting robust long term immunity, and are effectively short term antibody therapy to one specific part of one specific strain.You need to have a broad spectrum of antigenic sites to induce robust and long lasting immunity. That's why vaccines are more complicated than re-producing a single bacterial protein and rubbing it on a cut. Although doing that with whiole dead bacteria (scabs) is where we saw inoculation first work.

Whether the vaccines were attenuated, destroyed, or dead, the only vaccines we have ever seen impart robust and long lasting immunity provided the whole host of antigenic particles found in the wild.

It's another reason why mRNA wasn't in widespread use in addition to the technical problem of a protective coating or encapsulation. They just don't work very well and are not vaccines. Mild endogenous antibody therapy would be a better description, which is why they had to change the definition of vaccine...

------------ Part IX

So here is where we stand.

I'm not going to bother vaguely asserting some education, position of authority, or access to unavailable information. On the contrary, anyone who reads this will see I know what I'm talking about.

I tried my best to both use proper technical terminology so all this can be easily researched, but to bridge the technical gap so a lay person could understand the mechanism behind the vaccine dangers.

By their nature, these mRNA vaccines will only ever produce widespread, diffuse and low level specific signals. Every time anyone brings up a specific side effect they won't get anywhere and the MSM will always have the fallback of "basically the same as without the vaccine but having COVID."

What about the risk before? Remember that time no one is allowed to talk about? When you could just say things like "myocarditis is nearly unheard of in children." I hope this helps someone explain to a loved one and win them over. As more and more shots are mandated to keep "antibody levels" high (since when are you supposed to walk around with high antibody levels? That's a sign of infection, not immunity, antibody levels should fade quickly and be replaced with primed memory cells), people lose their jobs, and anyone speaking out is silenced, people will have questions.

Wow, I fucked up the numbering, char count was shorter than I eyeballed. Autists will mad.

EarlBroadHill2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Should we search for a photo from someone from Q team? Would be nice!

EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Found this: Horse owners launch $53 million class action against Hendra vaccine maker Zoetis

The owners, from New South Wales and Queensland, are claiming that Zoetis Australia PTY LTD did not provide adequate warnings about the potential side effects of the vaccine on their horses.

Half a million doses have been administered to horses across Australia since 2012.

About 1,500 horses have experienced adverse reactions and have not been able to return to their regular work.


by gamepwn
EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't try to push an agenda.
Make believable characters.

That is why I liked u/propertyofUniverse idea. Attach as much as possible "clown world" behavior to the zombies.

I personally like complex villains. They must be able to explain why they are evil in a "rational" way. It must have flaws, of course. Must be "rational".

We live in a hedonistic, nihilistic, ultra liberal era. If you manage to create a "rational" justification for evil in these ideas; you will have a wonderful villain.

Would also be interesting to see some "Globalism" idea to fight zombies globally. A NGO that takes the money to fight zombies, but they actually create zombies. Mimicking their modus operandi.

EarlBroadHill2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would make sense to announce your movement? No. That is why Q said that they use some of posts as disinformation.

Q very first post is answering someone asking why some journalists were freaking out.



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