Unvexed = Comfy
Get another job. Get a better job.
I'm not entirely certain it's even real chicken they are selling anymore.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. = 17 letters in every translation I've looked at.
cartel run settlement?
You mean the State of New Mexico?
In the immortal words of Lao Tzu "Meme them until they cry, and then make memes of them crying"
Tru dat. We never seen a dead man switch ever work out for real.
I did 6 doses in 6 days and now 2 weeks later
I have this issue as well, can you provide a link or detail info on the protocol / course you are taking? Thanks
Wicked with of the east - Hilary
Wicked witch of the west - Nancy
Glenda the Good Witch - Melania
I jest, however, i bet your analogy could be expounded upon to include many aspects of the story. What do the munchkins signify? The Emerald City? The Wicked Witch? And what about Dorothy? Etc.
It's all over the place: From 20 years ago Buffy the Vampire Slayer - https://youtu.be/NxJa9F9dmcE?t=312
This is gaslighting 101 - an attempt to make us question the reality of what we have experienced firsthand, and seen and heard with our own eyes and ears.
Sadly, 25,000 words = tl;dr for most Americans.
Thanks, I did not have this one!. Here's a color coded map, differs slightly from one posted by OP: https://files.catbox.moe/tccryw.jpg
Tulsi appears to be the complete opposite of someone I would want representing me, and my beliefs and my values.
It wasn’t until he was fired from Vox for being too much of a left wing extremist (just let that sink in) . . .
Being fired from Vox for being too far left, is like firing Vlad Lenin from the politburo for not being communist enough.
He must of got a Summa Cum Laude from Clown College.
Q has never predicted (date fagged) anything. Q made statements and asked questions, using the Socratic style of teaching. Q also repeatedly stated [News Unlocks].
So when shills say nothing is happening, or that Q's "predictions" failed, I think they mis-read the posts, or it hasn't come to pass yet. But it will, nothing can stop it.
a young protege's love affair with his daughter.
Wha?, yeah right.
See the 1984 book "In God's Name: An Investigation Into the Murder of Pope John Paul I"; which murder was depicted in Godfather III. Notably, the book has an in-depth investigation into the inner workings of the the Vatican Bank.
I don’t think he’s touched a bag for fifty years.
Unlike 44 and his husband
This is what relentless trolling and mocking looks like.
False imprisionment vs. Freedom
Po-tay-to vs. Po-tah-to
I think it's safe to say that the "calm before the storm" is in the rear view mirror.
If one is going to tell a lie and get away with it, sooner or later, one must some how merge the inconsistencies of the lie with the the truth of reality. And it must be done in such a way so those that matter do not notice the inconsistencies in the lie, and begin questioning the veracity of the story. Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately), for ten-year-old me who stole the money from dad's wallet, as well as for the current-day medical establishment that poisoned and/or covered up the poisoning of the general population, some of people that matter did notice the inconsistencies of the lie and have started to point them out, causing the entire story to collapse.
After these transactions, President Trump should eminent domain, under threat to our national security, all the land on US soil that has been bought by China, Chinese corps, Chinese NGOs, Bill Gates, George Soros, all their NGOs, Non Profits, Foundations and family estates, and return that land to the peoples of the USA.