This is why family comes before country!
This wasn't answer before, so I asked here again:
Anyone who wrote adblock filters that hides fact-checkers on Facebook?
Look closely, that phone is from Norway (currency code NOK is shown on the top right of the screen).
Why did they choose Norway?
Bourbon Boys – Taxman
More like Global BLOOD Boiling.
Who are the real separatists?
Anyone who wrote adblock filters that hides fact-checkers on Facebook?
It would be ridiculous to think if Q would expose all lies BUT ONE - the Nicene dogma, and spread it to the entire world.
Here's my point of view: God create individuals. Individuals form families. Families form countries. If the individuals die out, there will be no families. If families die out, the country will be no more. Today's Left promotes abortion, take children away from their parents to be brainwashed or even trafficked, and limitless immigration, all because they hate families and put the state above it. The family unit, even under countless wars, anarchy and regime changes, survives and persists. Europeans are still Europeans, Asians are still Asians, because family is what defines a country.
Why is it God > Family > Country instead of God > Country > Family ?
And Chi is the first letter of the word Christ.
It is also why Christmas is sometimes called Xmas, despite atheists trying to disassociate X with Christ.
National Union 2.0.
Yes, RFK believes in climate change and gun control. But do remember Lincoln and Johnson didn't fully align with each other. They didn't have to.
Say with me: A R S O N.
Now that being said, the dark ages encompasses around 500AD to 1000AD. The Vatican has many, many, many documents and artifacts that are far older that would provide new insights to our past, Christianity and God. Almost everything the Gnostics wrote was arbitrarily removed by the church (as an example). Even as recently as 2018 Pope Francis was railing against the "threat" of Gnosticism.
And the Gnostic texts are just one singular example out of thousands that the Vatican has hidden. We've been presented a very carefully curated view of Christianity and human history by the Vatican. Heck, even the gospel of Thomas is something the Vatican would rather most people weren't aware of. Despite the fact that the Gospel of Thomas is one of the most important surviving texts for understanding early Christianity. But again, there's a lot of Gnosticism in the Gospel of Thomas so no surprise that the Vatican mostly ignores it.
The end of “organized religion” will come after the dismantling of the Nicene dogma. After that, the pre-Nicene sects such as Nazarene, Ebionite and Gnosticism will once again flourish.
But more civilian cluster-bomb deaths won't stop Russian victory.
And doesn’t it look like a fingerprint?
Stealing your privacy is their primary goal.
War on Humanity.
It is a matter of fact that America has a Masonic founding. But too many people from PDW and here still blindly think the Constitution and the freedoms it protects are a Christian thing, and till this day maintains that their rights come from the God of Israel.
Knowing that it is not Christian, this in turn shows how little Christianity has actually achieved. Ever since Christianity was usurped by Rome starting with the Council of Nicea there have always been despotism and violence, and not a single time of unity or peace.
Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. - Jefferson (1781-1783), Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVII
And the real reason for England's breakup from the Catholic Church was not disagreements with Rome on the Christian doctrines, but to allow the King to make an authority (i.e. a Pope) out of himself - the "Divine Right of Kings" doctrine that was proven to be only destructive. This is what led to the beheading of King Charles I of England, and what gave Sweden its worst defeat under King Charles XII.
Had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would now have been Christian. – Jefferson (1822), in his letter to Benjamin Waterhouse
The Christian virtues inculcated by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount are nowhere exemplified in the Christian world [...] Meanwhile the vices which coarse-mouthed slanderers have attributed to Paganism, are current everywhere among Christian Fathers and Christian Churches. – Blavatsky (1877), Isis Unveiled
And one of the reasons the Masons made it was that it was backed by popular will:
The Pennsylvania legislature, who, on a proposition to make the belief in God a necessary qualification for office, rejected it by a great majority, although assuredly there was not a single atheist in their body. And you remember to have heard, that when the act for religious freedom was before the Virginia Assembly, a motion to insert the name of Jesus Christ before the phrase, "the author of our holy religion," which stood in the bill, was rejected, although that was the creed of a great majority of them. – Jefferson (1817), in his letter to Albert Gallatin
The Early United States was essentially a group of Masons leading a Christian population, which was no easy task. The presidency of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others, were not without opposition. This is the same challenge faced by Q today – a militant organization that is actively dismantling the most sinister institutions in the World. Though we do not know for sure Q is Christian, they need support from Christians to complete their goal, as seen in their faint referrals to Christianity: "God" , "Biblical".
To quote u/Anandamide:
And the Bavarian Illuminati founded by Jesuit trained Adam Weishaupt in 1776 began infiltrating the Freemasonic lodges throughout Europe.
A Mason in Europe wrote letters to Washington warning him of this and asking if it was happening in America and Washington said it wasn't.
It seems as though this Luciferian strain of Freemasonry began with Weishaupt and crept into the lodges, creating a secret society within a secret society.
We shouldn't view the Masonic founders of the country in the same light as the Illuminati masons. I believe American masonry was corrupted well after the revolution.
Passing new laws does nothing when current existing laws are not enforced.
M is the only way
Soul Training Month – Reject Pride, Hold the Line
To the minds of children dinosaurs are no more than just fiction.
And, if this movement is about exposing all deceptions and revelations of all truths, it would be unavoidable that Christianity (at least since the Council of Nicea) would eventually be exposed as well.
Best hopium I've ever smoked... not.