We’ll come to find out the majority of modern religions do…
You are new here, yeah?
That precedent doesn’t define “natural born citizen” definitively…
Blatant criminal forgery!?! Lols, they’re going to shit when it comes out the real Biden has been gone how long, now? And there’s been how many actors playing the role? And it’s the crappy, fake signature that got him to this point… now, of all times!?!
Can you quote the legal definition of “natural born citizen” in the 14th Amendment, as you so justify as “pretty clear,” for us?
Given the propensity of the Supreme Court to take on such things lately, and actually rule justly, I’d consider not speaking in absolutes - but that’s just how I roll these days…
I love shooting the tires of the bus!!! One of my law profs would be so proud, ha ha!!
I don’t think we’re talking about official ballots, here…
So it was Mossad that demo’ed the towers and CGI’ed the planes for the MSM after the fact!?!
Amen. Ethanol in our fuel is 100% a crock of shit.
Exactly! Crony “capitalism” is not capitalism at all. It’s just socialism (communism) with a mask on.
Dude alert for sure.
Do we even know for sure what kind of government Russia has? Just a thinking point.
They can, but will they continue to? This was a little crumb… they still need to be held accountable for 2020…
Bibi go byebye…
I’m sure they all agreed not to call each other out on that.
I highly doubt he’s dead.
“Big gulps, eh? Welp, see ya later!”
While we’re at it, better check for his wiener, also.
Cool story. Now do Carlos Slim🙄
Ummm, snopes? Really?