FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

The Rapture of both living and dead saints is not a new concept, it is exactly what the Bible teaches. Church fathers as early as Iraneus taught the same thing.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Read 1 Thess. 4:16-17. The dead in Christ rise first, then the living in the Rapture. That is the first resurrection, and it happens before the Tribulation. The Tribulation is the wrath of God poured out on the earth (Rev. 6), and Paul wrote several times that we are delivered from the wrath of God which is to come.

Is the church not the Bride of Christ? If so, what groom would say to his bride: “I’m going to marry you, but first I will subject you to my wrath. You know, the wrath I already paid the price to save you from.”?

The second resurrection is after the millennial reign, when all the unbelievers from every time period are brought before the great white throne and judged (Rev. 20).

FlySciFiGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Where are you getting this from? The main instance of speaking in tongues (known human languages, not made up “angelic” languages) happened at Pentecost and again during the salvation of Cornelius’ house. That leaves dozens of instances in Acts alone if people getting saved without explicit mention of speaking in tongues.

Speaking in tongues was a rare miracle designed to rapidly spread the gospel in the early church and confirm the authenticity of the apostles as direct witnesses of Christ. No miracle or supernatural gift is required as evidence of having the Spirit. All believers get the Holy Spirit immediately upon salvation.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Depending on your state, lethal force is permitted to defend someone else if their life or well being is under imminent threat. That covers both brandishing and firing a firearm, again depending on locality.

The defender in question, however, is in idiot for firing warning shots. Bad idea whether self defense or not.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

PSA: don’t fire warning shots. It’s a waste of good ammunition, an improper use of lethal force, and it will get you in legal trouble, even in conservative states.

FlySciFiGuy 11 points ago +13 / -2

Your daughter is unfortunately the product of a society that forces women to be second rate men slaving away in a workplace. Women were designed to be wives and mothers; they naturally find this role fulfilling. Modern society continually lies to them that there’s something bigger and better, but leaves them empty and unsatisfied as you have seen first hand.

The exact same thing is happening with your son and the fulfilling role of being a husband and father, the satisfaction of responsibility.

See if you can get both of your children to watch Dr Jordan Peterson. Not as good as the Bible, but Peterson can provide the gateway to deeper appreciation of God’s divine wisdom.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

LGBT is pushed to corrupt public morals, ensure depopulation through lack of biological reproduction, and provide slippery slope justification for pedophilia. In short, to spit in God’s face and corrupt His perfect design for marriage and sexuality.

Gun confiscation is pushed so that citizens cannot effectively combat the government doing things that one would shoot them for. Like ever higher taxes, replacement via illegal immigration, further curtailment of other freedoms, and more… overt methods of depopulation. In short, to spit in God’s face and resurrect the spirit of Babel.

FlySciFiGuy 8 points ago +14 / -6

So white hats are funding and encouraging illegal immigration… for what? To put on a show for normies? And they’re using our tax dollars to do it?

I swear, you guys make the “white hats” sound no better than the cabal.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

How exactly are the bloodlines of Israel weaponized against Christianity? It should be fairly self evident that 1) Israelites still exist, 2) they can prove it reasonably accurately, and 3) said Israelites are still entitled to the land that God promised to them. None of those things impact Christianity in the slightest.

"Submissive" Paul, really?

Paul also encouraged wives to submit to their husbands, something that a lot of people today don't like either because we insert a modern, secular definition of "submit" instead of letting the Bible define its own terms.

Did Paul mean that wives should let their husbands abuse them? Of course not, no reasonable person believes this. So then it should also stand to reason that "submit to government" doesn't mean "let government walk all over you".

Romans 13:3 is the key:

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

Right there he defines what rulers are: a terror to good works and not to evil. So then, by definition, a government that punishes good and/or rewards evil is not a legitimate government.

But let's say that Paul actually did mean submit to all governments regardless of how terrible they are. Even then he is not in disagreement with the other apostles and Christ. Christ and His disciples not only paid taxes to Caesar, but they also gladly suffered persecution and gruesome execution at the hands of Romans and Pharisees alike. Paul is not inserting some new doctrine by saying "submit to higher powers", he is reiterating the example that Christ set. If you are upset at Paul for this, then you must also be upset with Christ at least as much if not more.

The tiny hat brigade has shepherded Christianity along it's path from the onset.

In what way? Paul and the other apostles soundly rebuked the Judaizers throughout Acts and their respective epistles. At no point have the Jews convinced any Christian denomination of note to reject Christ's status as the Messiah (though the Mormons and JWs come close by saying Christ is a created being). Even the Catholics, who largely contradict the Bible, still hold little resemblance to Jewish doctrine. The RCC actually persecuted the Jews for hundreds of years. If the Jews had as much influence as you claim, then I don't see a whole lot of evidence for it. Every single Christian denomination asserts that the Jews at best have an incomplete religion due to their rejection of Christ.

Did the Jews corrupt the Bible? That's also going to be a hard sell. For starters, God promised to preserve His Word forever (Psalm 12:7). Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass away until all was fulfilled, and there are a number of scriptures concerning the end times that have not been fulfilled yet. Then there's the warning in Revelation 22 about those who would alter God's Word. If God takes His Word this seriously, then He should easily be able to preserve it regardless of who tries to pervert it.

This preservation is born out in the manuscripts that we have. All OT and NT manuscripts are remarkably well preserved and show very little variance, especially compared to the textual bodies of secular works. The largest discrepancy I can think of is the discrepancy in ages of OT genealogies between the Masoretic and Alexandrian Septuagint texts. The result of these discrepancies is that the Masoretic places the Flood at 2500 BC and Creation at 4100 BC, while the Septuagint has them at 3290 and 5500 BC. While this discrepancy shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, it does not impact any major Christian doctrine. Every other manuscript discrepancy between any text that we have available is nothing more than the expected spelling and punctuation errors.

.Satan corrupted the entire world, so what makes you think that what we have in present day, resembles Christianity of 100, 200, 500+ years ago?

Because we have the NT and the writings of the earliest church fathers (who both rebuked Jewish doctrine), so we can directly compare their doctrine both to modern church doctrine and the Bible to look for discrepancies or contradictions. While some like the Catholics, Anglicans, Mormons, and JWs contradict the Bible and have gone their own way, it is self evident that the majority of Christian denominations still preach the same gospel as the early church did. If Jews were secretly guiding us the whole time, they would have gotten us to deny the deity and/or Messiah-ship of Jesus by now. And they would have convinced the RCC to not persecute them at all, when the evidence overwhelming indicates that Jews were greatly persecuted by the RCC.

Paul has the perfect cover story

So do Christ and the disciples. They were all Jews who completely contradicted their Jewish leadership and got viciously persecuted for it. A man is known by his enemies, and since Paul had the exact same enemies as Christ and the disciples, that means he's in good company. Of course this goes back to my point that if Paul was a mole, then the disciples should have very easily been able to sniff him out. If the Holy Spirit empowered Peter to discern that Ananias and Sapphira lied about some money (Acts 5), then he should have easily been able to rat Paul out too. Since he didn't, since Peter and the other disciples took Paul in as one of their own, since Paul preached the same message, and since Paul performed his own miracles through the Holy Spirit, the logical conclusion is that Paul was legit.

If you and OP want to assert that Christianity and/or the Bible have been fundamentally altered over time, then the onus is on you to provide evidence for those claims. OP was completely unable to offer evidence for any of his claims that I asked about, whether about the Bible, church history, or basic physics.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Patrick Riley didn't say he got his info from Q, just anonymous sources.

And neither Israel nor the US are corporations. Every single piece of "evidence" put forward to support the idea turns out to be the result of people not understanding legal terms.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +6 / -2

GAW: no flat earthers

Also GAW: Tesla tech has magic powers and defies the laws of physics! Trump is a time traveler!

I can imagine Q and Q+ both facepalming over the stupidity.

FlySciFiGuy 12 points ago +13 / -1

Here’s the problem though: a real estate market crash would be a repeat of 2008. That recession would cause many of those young, new homeowners to lose their jobs, then their house now that they can’t afford the payments. Then the banks start hurting because they’re not getting their money back. Our banking system, because of its fractional reserve nature, counts on people paying back their loans so that the money can be reloaned to others. Other home buyers, other businesses, etc.

It causes a chain reaction that puts the entire economy into a recession at best. In 2009 the govt avoided a deeper recession by bailing out the banks. That of course is just putting a bandaid over the true problem.

The real problem is our fiat currency and Federal Reserve coupled with fractional reserve banking practices. Those two combined are a house of cards that is a pain to keep up, but must be kept up or everyone wakes up tomorrow with no money. Except for the preppers who stacked gold, silver, and bullets.

How do you dismantle such a system while keeping the economy running smoothly? You can’t. The smoothest way would be to create a metal-backed alternate currency and make everyone switch over to it simultaneously. Even that wouldn’t solve every problem, not immediately, and there would still be mass confusion and chaos.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

What did Paul teach that contradicts Christ? Why was Paul accepted and supported by all of the disciples and early church if he contradicted Christ? If Paul was preaching heresy, then the disciples, who heard Christ directly, would have called him out on it and condemned him as a heretic. Yet they did the exact opposite.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +3 / -1

but if you don’t know how we have literally evolved from the first Homo sapiens then that is where you act like the leftist as you are claiming lol.

There is natural selection within a species, but we have not evolved from homo sapiens because we still are homo sapiens. Even if I were to deny this and say that natural selection isn't a thing, I don't see how that would make me a Leftist. Leftists require adherence to macroevolution as just one of many core tenets.

You probably still believe in republican vs Democrat too right?

No, because there is plenty of evidence even to the casual observer that they are two sides of the same Uniparty coin. Funny how that whole evidence and logic thing works. Nice try at a strawman though.

Now save your little hissy fit, I don’t give a shit about your beliefs and your sensitive paradigm, however you do seem like a sad and angry person, hope it all gets better for ya!

Who's saying that anyone who disagrees with him is an ignorant sheep? Who's committed multiple logical fallacies, strawmans his opponents, and refuses to provide anything approximating evidence? What a sorry attempt at projection.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is divisive, you either accept Him or reject Him. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the one true God, not your pagan, Babel-inspired distortion of who God is.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

First off these are not "my claims".

It's your post. Are you not going to claim responsibility for what you write?

You are new age. Shamanism is the oldest form of religion on this planet.

I am most certainly not a New Ager. And so what if shamanism is the oldest religion? If you think that makes it right or enlightened, congratulations, you have committed the oldest logical fallacy in the book (appeal to age).

Jesus was a Shaman

Shamanism, and its modern New Age counterpart, presupposes some form of pantheism and uses "altered states of consciousness" (i.e. drug induced hallucinations). Christ had neither of these things. He never taught pantheism, and His miracles, which no shaman has ever replicated, stemmed directly from the fact that He is God and the Son of God. The barbaric and backwards practices of shamanism have nothing to do with Christ.

Your statements are straight out of textbooks.

That's the best rebuttal you have? You have provided no evidence for the things you wrote. Then, when I provide counterevidence, you don't like it because of where it comes from? Check that off as another logical fallacy (genetic fallacy).

If something in a textbook is wrong, then you need to explain why and provide evidence. Which is exactly what I did when I asserted that ET's don't exist due to the impossibility of evolution. Which if anything should be an indication that I don't mindlessly follow whatever "mainstream science" dictates.

You seem far away from having an awakening which you'll know where to go if you do I guess.

"Anyone who calls me out on my lack of evidence and logic is an unawakened sheep" is a tacit admission that you can't defend your own position. You're no better than a Leftist who shrieks that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist.

by PepeSee
FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +3 / -1

Shows the effects of electrical fires

Is this a DEW?

The number of people who became overnight experts on fires after Maui despite having no idea how fires work at all is way too high.

We also need more details on that building that didn't burn down. No context was given concerning what materials the building was made out of, no details on what direction/magnitude the wind was on that day, which absolutely determines how fires spread, etc. Complete lack of any evidence-backed argument whatsoever.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +7 / -3

I'm seeing a number of issues with your claims.

basically is a private contractor so he was not bound to secrecy

Uh, military contractors are absolutely beholden to NDA's just like everyone else. That would be a massive breach in national security if they could just blab about classified stuff. Does this Jacob Chansley character actually give evidence for his claims, or does he expect his credentials to sway you into hearing what you want to hear? That would not be the first time that's happened in the Q movement.

Again, this will be difficult for some to make peace with, but it is crucial to understanding how we are being repressed and kept in a 3D state of FEAR (think mass shootings, economy, bills, MSM, WW3, border, covid etc etc) This literally affects our DNA. Once we, as a collective, replace this low frequency state of FEAR with a high frequency state of LOVE (which is the highest frequency humans can have) then evil will not be able to survive as we will ASCEND.

This is, to put it nicely, quantum mysticism, aka complete hogwash. Fear is not a "3D" state, this is a meaningless statement. DNA is, by its very nature, 3D because it is made out of physical matter; your emotional state has nothing to do with it. Neither fear nor love nor any other emotions are frequencies. If emotional states are frequencies, then what is vibrating, and what evidence do you have that vibrating (insert vibrating medium of choice here) causes these emotions?

Now what does this all mean? It sounds fucking nuts, I get that. But it is physics.

No, nothing you have said so far is physics. It is New Age mystics playing fast and loose with the definitions of physics terms to grant unearned legitimacy to their fundamentally mystical beliefs. They are banking on the populace's lack of familiarity with scientific terminology and scientific rigor to sell snake oil.

I would then direct you to understanding more of the dimensions and how we can all get to a 5D state vs the 3D prison state we are currently in.

It might be helpful if you first prove that there are five dimensions in the first place. That alone would win you a Nobel Prize in physics. It's also awfully convenient that you phrase 3D space as a "prison" so that you can write off requests for evidence and logic as shallow, prisoner thinking.

because they understand the laws of the universe, numerology, and the quantum realm.

Numerology has not been proven to grant anyone any level of physical power. At best you can create fancy codes to talk to your co-conspirators in. And how exactly do the laws of quantum mechanics allow for strict control of the masses? The whole point of quantum mechanics is that the universe on a microscopic level is an unpredictable and uncontrollable place.

The point here is we have the ability to be much more than just our physical 3D bodies. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. This is how mankind is repressed. This is how mankind will be repressed no more. This brings me to Trump. What has Trump done that is not so talked about? There is Space Force sure, but there is more.

How exactly does Space Force represent a jailbreak from 3D space? Last time I checked outer space is still 3D.

There is more to mankind and the universe than physical matter. There is a spiritual element; at the bare minimum there must be a non physical Creator (more on that in a minute). But you have not concretely connected that to anything Trump or Space Force is doing. Mankind has repressed itself spiritually by rejecting God. Trump has pointed to God (specifically the one true Christian God) as the Creator of the universe and author of true morality. While that is more than what 99% of every one else on Capitol Hill has done for the spiritual war, that remains the only thing Trump has done or can do. Pointing to Christ is the only thing we can do in the spiritual war, everyone has to choose for themselves to find spiritual rebirth and liberty in Christ.

Understanding the universe, right in our face and never talked about.

Literally every scientific initiative in human history has been about understanding the universe better. Quantum mechanics is not special in that department, it's just widely considered to be the closest picture of the universe that we have (on the microscopic level at least).

How about electro-magnetic warfare? If you made it this far you should now have a good understanding of electro magnetics

You have not once explained electro-magnetics so far, and I'm glad that you haven't given how much you've butchered quantum mechanics.

This leads me again back to Trump. Do you remember when he talked about "freedom cities" with flying cars?

And you cite a CNN source to back this up. Maybe post an actual link to what he said instead of source that is absolutely going to take his words out of context to make him sound ridiculous. Everyone knows that flying cars are wildly impractical from an engineering and sociological standpoint. Regular, combustion engine cars are perfectly efficient as they are, and we already have enough accidents with those without the further chaos that would result from flying cars.

I mean WTF right? Well here is an explanation and/or example of how this could be possible through Tesla technology.

Do Tesla's inventions work? Yes. Do they work to the extent and efficiency that his modern fanboys insist? Absolutely not. There are reasons why Tesla coils aren't widely used to transmit power or make flying cars, and it's not because energy companies are greedy.

Are we alone? Roswell? No.

I don't think Q is talking about aliens here. For starters, it is impossible for any form of life to evolve anywhere. There are so many things wrong with the theory of evolution that I can't list them all here, check this link for a fully and properly sourced rebuttal of evolution:


Why then did Q tell us to consider the vastness of space? I think he's alluding to the fact that a universe of the scale and complexity that we see must have an incorporeal divine Creator. He is pointing to not just the existence of God, but the existence of other spiritual beings like angels and demons that God also created. That's how we're not alone. I don't think he alludes more specifically to this so as not to turn off non Christian or non religious readers. We do need all the help we can get after all.

It is foolish to think that we have been lied and deceived about everything except the Church.

Every Christian denomination out there thinks that the other denominations are wrong on at least some aspect of the Christian religion. Very few thinking people believe that any of them are without flaw.

But how much [of the Bible] was edited, taken out, left out?

The onus is on you to prove that the manuscripts that make up the Bible were artificially modified. The current body of manuscripts that we have shows that both the Old and New Testaments have been incredibly well preserved across time. The differences between these manuscripts are minuscule compared to the variations seen in manuscripts of other works that are widely considered reliable and authentic. The differences in biblical manuscripts amount to little more than spelling and punctuation errors. Multiple competing denominations throughout church history each had their own manuscripts which all agree together. This created a system of checks and balances that prevented one group from altering their scriptures, because then the scribes from other denominations would be able to call them out.

Asking us to prove that the Bible hasn't been modified is intellectually lazy as you're passing off onto us the work you should be doing. If you think the Bible has been modified, then make your case. Accusing us of not doing our own research is not making your own case.

If you THINK you know the answer to this, you simply haven't been able to research it as it could break one's paradigm.

Oh, so if we disagree with you then we just haven't researched it enough. Convenient. You made several such arrogant statements throughout your piece. You're not here to sow division, you're just here to tell us we're ignorant instead of actually making logical arguments.

And for the piece de resistance, here's what I found in the first 10 minutes of your final Rumble link:

In order to comprehend how all this ET stuff works, to grasp how all this inter dimensional stuff works, you have to keep in mind that all of reality is based off of this single fractal design, and this single fractal design is the tetrahedral structure of space and the flower of life field of the soul.

Space is not a tetrahedral structure, that is a property of some molecular bonds. Even if space did have a tetrahedral structure, tetrahedrons are 3D, so that wouldn't allow for inter dimensional stuff. The flower of life field and the soul is an equally meaningless statement that he provides 0 evidence for, he just states that it exists as if his statement is proof enough. Just like 80% of your post, this is quantum mysticism nonsense that has no basis in logic, evidence or reality. No need to watch the rest of the video after that, the guy is selling a pretty narrative, not fact.

Professor Dave Explains: Quantum Mysticism:


Oh wait, I'm expecting logic and evidence: how 3D of me.

FlySciFiGuy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, GP has done a whole lot of nothing. He hyped up his big Pit event, which was a massive nothing burger, and has done jack since then.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've heard rumors that she's not a US citizen, like Obama. Highly likely in my opinion, but normies will dismiss it as conspiracy without overwhelming evidence.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Speaker of the House is third in the line of presidential succession. President, then Vice President, the Speaker.

Good luck convincing the majority of Americans that Kamala can’t legally be president though. That immediately gets brushed aside as conspiracy talk.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you want to fund any side of any conflict with your own money, knock yourself out.

But there should be no foreign aid coming from our government, state or federal. That is taxpayer money that is 1) stolen, and 2) since govts insist on stealing from taxing their citizens, that money should at bare minimum stay in the country. I know this is a radical idea, but maybe American taxpayer money should stay in America and be for Americans.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you don’t know why Authority is not a credible source, then you haven’t been paying attention.

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