- He won't speak against the radicals in the D party.
- He was supposed to speak at the same conference (had already accepted the invitation) but backed out of it after being pressured by communist activists.
If your ideas are terrible but you don't want others to notice that your ideas are terrible, how can you hide the fact that your ideas are terrible?
Word salad.
Very possible that indigenous people were experimented on in Canada.
However, if they are going to start talking about unmarked graves, I hope that they do a much better job than with the other claims of unmarked graves.
These claims were never verified. All that was done was the use of ground-penetrating radar which only shows that the ground was disturbed in a certain area at some point in the past. Zero bodies have ever been exhumed, and everyone is forbidden from investigating further.
Canadians were guilted about this for months by PM Trudeau who created a national holiday to commemorate past abuses. On the first ever day for the holiday Trudeau was then caught surfing in Tofino BC rather than attending the commemorative events he had been invited to but declined to attend because he said he was too busy.
Just use cash, and you won't have to worry about sneaky woke prompts!
Why would anyone be surprised that climate change would be blamed?
This has been happening in my province in Canada for a while now.
The right can't meme!
This seems like fake news.
If there ever was a time to speak out against the communists, now would be the time.
Jordan Peterson interviewed RFK Jr and asked him to speak out against the extremists in the D party. RFK Jr refused.
If you squint, you can just make out the "Welcome to Moscow" at the end of the video!
Perhaps, but he has the gnosis, so he's ok.
He cut a deal: load your laptop full of evidence and "forget" it at a computer repair shop.
These guys know that their money is safe.
The debate can not happen because the narrative would be utterly destroyed.
The more money offered with no acceptance of the debate, the more the indefensible position of the doctor is undermined.
It is not the same as actually having the debate, but it might be the next best thing.
Those pushing the C19 agenda have gone to great lengths to avoid presenting their evidence - either in debate or in court. Publicly calling the bluff is very important.
One thing you don't want is for your military to be too masculine.
I hear the next step is to switch from synchronized marching to synchronized skipping.
I'd rather have a bad liver than give up dairy.
Have you considered the possibility that these guys have little to no credibility?
Because these guys have little to no credibility.
And I'm sure you can understand why I have that question.
I note that the blue lead diminished somewhat overnight but not enough to flip the entire election.
The CBC thinks that communists are too conservative!
My question is about the ridings that only had a few hundred votes counted after two hours - most seemed to be in the Calgary REGION, which is the region that needs to become NDP in order for the NDP to win the province.
How many of these went to the NDP?
That was a LOT of propaganda!
6 kids who have had their lives screwed up so that the adults could show how virtuous they are.
There doesn't have to be any racist people present in order for systemic racism to be present.
That's the genius of it!
And if you don't agree, that's just evidence of either your white fragility or your white adjacency.