Sorry to hear that. My first wife died at 33 also, in 2013, after a grueling battle for 5 years. I think about it almost every day and now that I know what I know now! Hell we had horses, we probably had the cure (horse dewormer) lying in the barn but just didn’t know!!! I hate doctors and big ph@rma
Why do we eat corn? Our body can’t digest it. Comes out whole Food for fought
I trust cows more than chemists!!
Can we go back to doctors visiting sick patients , in stead of putting a bunch of sick people in a poorly ventilated waiting room!
What can possibly go wrong? 😣
I want to go back to a Nokia 3310
School lunches are funded through the USDA
Just about everyone thinks I am crazy my family, friends (not many left by the way). I am very thankful for my GAW community. Keeps me going!!
I hope all of the fake news outlets go bust soon!
What does blackrock not own? I think they have majority stake in everything!
All I want is for my children to grow up in a free country/ world! Free of medical tyranny, free of school brainwashing, free of child trafficking, free of fake food etc etc
I sure hope my beter half is not in the 4-6%! It has been so frustrating to be awake and nothing I do can wake her up. I am tired boss!
Still don’t understand why we don’t use more hemp products?
This can’t be real?
Wonder why they are forcing rfid tags on all cattle. Cows with bird flu. Water almost shut off, to one of the biggest potato growing counties in the US. Poultry farms goin up in flames everywhere. In Oregon people are not allowed to water their vegetables anymore.
I wonder some days ; how many days of food an average family has in their home?
I love putting something on my face that was made in a nasty sweat shop in India!
Do not comply. They will claim they have bird flu and come and kill them all!
Saudi Arabia or south Afrika? Just wondering what SA stands for. Always thought SA is south Afrika but that doesn’t make sense oil wise.
Thanks for sharing this!
Look up c0ngrezz dual citizenship with Israel.
I can’t believe how many people are still asleep! They will have to have the latest thing no matter what. I gave up on trying to wake them up, it’s useless!
Where are the tugboats?
Help, I can’t breathe! 😂
I know that most here don’t like Facebook. But there are lots of groups on there that are all about the c word and people that are treating it with Fenben and or Iver. Sometimes people don’t want to listen to someone that is close to them but will hear from complete strangers.