Freedome85 6 points ago +6 / -0

100% they were. I’m in California and I think the narrative was something like 1100 lightning strikes. Bull shit, more like bic strikes from newly released violent criminals. There was footage of soccer moms holding arsonists at gun point.

Freedome85 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I said I don’t agree with it either, I’m a father I’m a brother I’m a son. I have just as many loved ones who were brainwashed in to taking it as you do. I am not defending him in any means. I am simply stating there are serious consequences when you allow somebody else to think for you. No matter who it is. And I’m sure we can at least agree on one of the main reasons we are where we’re at is because people are absolutely terrified to think for themselves, to lead instead of follow.

Freedome85 1 point ago +1 / -0

As adults, we are responsible for the decisions we make. No matter who is passing along the information. Do I think what trump did was right? Far from it. But every action has a reaction. If you could tell Covid was a fucking fraud the moment American media started talking about it 24/7 why in the fuck would you take a cure for it being pushed by the same people telling you to be scared of it? It’s fucked up and I don’t understand it, but that’s my take on it. If anything is a precipice this is it. Quick trial death penalty to drug dealers.

Freedome85 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depopulation is a profitable business.

Freedome85 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s almost as if these people know their children are part of the deal. Like it is accepted that you’re sworn in, bring your kids and Joe Sniffden gets to take his pick. The first time I seen some of this shit years ago I was baffled how he hasn’t had his teeth kicked in yet.

Freedome85 3 points ago +3 / -0

Covid was the fucking flu! We’re talking about a deadly poison the ramifications of which won’t be known for years other than the fact that people’s hearts are apparently exploding, blood clots, paralysis, infertility, infants exposed to vaxxed breast milk dead. Covid was never isolated by anyone. The flu all but disappeared during the whole Covid clown show. The only people dying from Covid were the ones unlucky enough to be admitted to the hospitals for trouble breathing (caused by who knows what)who at which point were killed with opiates and remdesivir. Our modern medicine is literally a Germ Theory. Burn all the corporations involved to the ground. It is one thing for grown ass adults to make a stupid decision like taking an experimental shot because virtue signaling is more of a priority than being a decent person it’s fucking war when their trying to kill our kids. The thing is this is exactly what they want to push us into an offensive. Take your kids out of public government indoctrination centers immediately and we need to set a target on Big Pharma and the politicians who are sucking their dicks. It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the last straw.

Freedome85 7 points ago +7 / -0

We are One.

Ephesians 4:25

Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.

Freedome85 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is exactly what they want. It’s the whole reason that prostitute Bernie sanders said what he did at the congressional hearing about majority not agreeing with congress and wanting to take up arms against the government. They would have no other reason to say that true or not than to egg us on into a fight. But this cdc shit is pushing it. We’ve already stood by as they’ve killed our fellow countrymen and women are we just going to do the same with our kids by putting our faith into a broken voting a system? It was just stolen two years ago.

Freedome85 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neither will I but what about all the other kids who won’t have a choice because a carrot will be dangled in front of their parents faces? This straight up genocide. We all know it.

Freedome85 7 points ago +7 / -0

And how about Andrew Briebart, Micheal Hastings. Shit even Paul Walker who was doing humanitarian work in Haiti right after the “disaster” these people all had one thing in common at least. They were about to go public with damning evidence against the the current administration at the time. Who knows the methods. Breitbart heart attack gun? Hastings maybe his car was remotely accessed. Witnesses said he was doing about 100 when he hit a palm tree in L.A. if you look at that story the weird thing about that one is his engine ended up close too 100 yards in front of the actual wreck. Paul walker was in a Carrera Gt which is an older Super race car that didn’t even have navigation. Therefore maybe instead of both of those cars being remotely accessed, how easy would a drone strike have been? I’m a single parent and I’m sorry but the last thing I can believe about Philip Marshall, a man who wanted people to know the truth, killed everything he had to live for. Both kids and his dog? Get the fuck out of here. Don’t get me started on all of the suspicious deaths of holistic dr.s and microbiologists who have mysteriously been dying since the early 2000’s. Geez I wonder why they might’ve wanted those people dead? Covid was in the books a long time ago.

Freedome85 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s not true, it’s just the ones adamantly submitting their freedoms can’t ever shut the fuck up about it.

Freedome85 6 points ago +6 / -0

What a boss. The only people even remotely thinking about race, are the racists. There are only two races. The human race, and the Daytona 500. Shut the fuck up about all the others.

Freedome85 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah no. All it does is serves their agenda of trying to keep the ruse going. It’s no coincidence all these mass attacks happened right after Obama modernized the Smith Mundt act in May of 2012. Allowing for propaganda once again to be used against the American public. The best slaves are the ones that think they’re free.