was killed in a car crash
I believe he was jogging and (intentionally, it seems) run over by a car, 48 hours prior to the yacht sinking.
That’s the point of the meme… The yellow bag says the pump is out of service.
On tonight’s Spaces, near the beginning, Trump was asked about the shooting. As he described it, SS noticed a gun barrel poking through the fence/bushes, so they (SS) then fired several shots, which caused the suspect to flea before he fired a shot.
I had assumed, from the reporting, that the suspect had actually fired a shot(s) but that’s not what Trump described on the call tonight… Did I hear that correctly, or did I somehow misinterpret what Trump said?
Trump said the illegals will go back home on their own
I'm not saying that I believe in NESARA (national) or GESARA (global) but some people believe that GESARA will have money available to citizens in their country of citizenship.
If one of these Deep State characters was shot in the ear we would never hear the end of it. It would be "worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor."
A short position can only ever return a max of 100%
And what about PUT options?
The corrupt currency situation is explained nicely in part 2 of The Greatest Show on Earth (which was just released a few weeks ago).
If they are too weak to do anything about their town being invaded then they deserve the consequences.
Citizens are petitioning to have the entire city council removed. See here… https://countylocalnews.com/article1/2024/09/12/springfield-ohio-residents-demand-recall-of-city-council-amid-haitian-migrant-crisis/
Is that adequate, and if not what EXACTLY do you suggest citizens do? In your statement about them being weak, you don’t offer any solution. What would you do?
Smart has nothing to do with it. There are people who want to know the truth, and make the effort to search for it, and there are people who are too lazy and apathetic to do anything other than accept what is spoon-fed to them.
Crimes against children unite all humanity.
They call that a crowd? Pffft, this is a crowd…
Yes, but it’s from a couple years ago. I remember that photo and story from when it happened.
Not just a rumor, most of the financial media reported that Trump was going to sell when the lockup period ends. The recent dive in share price began when the articles were published.
I saw a video a few days ago of a guy at the gym, running on a treadmill while waving a Trump2024 flag, lol.
This Haitian situation is being put in public spotlight.
Trump, today, announces that the Dems are running a human trafficking organization.
Add those together and it looks like the public is being prepared to be told about this… https://t.co/cj6RQ9OYHH
It’s funny how Kamala and the moderators acted like Trump was off his rocker, and they had never heard of something so ridiculous. Ok, if they had never heard of it, then why did they ask the city manager about it in advance of the debate?
What makes a company foreign or domestic? Is it a publicly traded company, and if so does anyone outside the USA own shares of the company?
That’s an insult to scum.
I think he’s assuming the position of power, where she has to accept his terms before he’ll agree to another debate.
Neutral moderators, no questions given out ahead of time, candidates checked for hearing devices, etc.
The Deep State agenda has always been to keep blacks impoverished in crime and drug riddled ghettos, with high rates of abortion and single mothers. Dependency on welfare keeps the demographic voting for Dems.
Cosby urged young black men to be upstanding citizens, husbands, and fathers. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was framed to silence him.
Friend of Trump, John Malone, bought CNN with the intention of transitioning it from propaganda network to a legitimate news outlet. He began draining the CNN swamp by axing Stelter, Cuomo, Lemon, along with others behind the camera.
The shift over the past year has been gradual, but noticeable.
Three years ago today, Biden took this photo with kids in MAGA hats, in the same building.
He didn’t “cause” the border crisis; since it’s been a consistent crisis since before he took office. What he did was bring that crisis into the public spotlight, to raise awareness. Some of us listened when he TOLD us about it. Unfortunately, the masses don’t awaken by being TOLD the truth from Trump, because they’re being 24/7 brainwashed to believe the opposite, by the gov/media, so they must be SHOWN.
The most very basic concept of the Q plan to awaken the public is TOLD vs SHOWN…
”Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.” - Q
In this four year period the public is being SHOWN the corruption of the Uniparty gov, media, medical, elections, education, financial, judicial, and other systems. As Q said “It had to be this way.” The public had to be SHOWN why we need secure borders, because merely trying to TELL the public hasn’t ever been successful.
Yes, that is the post I was remembering, thanks.
Ghislaine Maxwell first arrest, Diddy first indictment [unseal].