CS still says shares are 17$ each for me...
I heard that since gold is stockpiled and silver is burnt up in electronics, silver is more rare at this point. And will see a higher rise than gold will.
And does the IRS give a fuck if my bank robs me? Like, do I still owe taxes?
Yea that's what I was thinking. Seems in order to stay relevant they would have to guarantee payments in "the most secure currency available at the time of payout."
We really like the Ron Paul Curriculum.
What do you suppose will happen to life insurance policy payouts in the U.S, should the dollar go Full Weimar?
This is how the Titan Sargeras was slowly corrupted. Constant contact with evil scars the soul.
Sorry mama, you did everything you could. This is a war, and innocent will die. God bless you and your son.
I've never heard Satan described this way. I just realized, I've always just assumed that Satan knew our hearts and minds. I thought in this world he was omnipotent. You activated me almonds sir
Wait, what happened, I was told PV was keeping O'Keefe
We really need an algorithm that monitors government sites in real time for these edits. Think of the predictive advantage we could gain.
I thought the New River flows north outta NC into WV. Different watershed?
WV has no religious exemption, or any other. So authoritarian. Its disgusting. But a lawsuit is pending.
Unfortunately, I don't think this woman can breed the next generation of patriots. I couldn't risk the heartache of losing a newborn. Choose carefully, brother.
Sooooo,... what do with dollars in bank? Apes gonna ape
Why am I only able to upvote this once?
How could someone that intelligent be duped into taking a gene altering experimental drug?
Have him skinned alive and use it to upholster the chair he served on, so the next judge remembers.
I'm ready brother, Jesus take the wheel!
When I read the book in 07 I was 18, and I didn't have much to compare it to, other than the shit system we had. Are we comparing shit to a shit sandwich? Or to perfection? Infact it was Ron Paul that turned me onto the book
Baby steps got us here, might need them to get us out.
The Fair Tax Act might start high, but over time it could begin to reduce. Because a consumption tax can not be evaded by prostitutes, drug dealers, bank robbers, Wall Street elitists, etc. There are probably hundreds of billions of dollars not being captured in the "Shadow Economy". Once those dollars are repatriated we can shift the tax burden off the middle class and make it equitable for all.
Yup! That's the one. A surprisingly entertaining read.
Here's what ya do, you castrate the offender and force him under pang of death serve as her personal medical assistant for the rest of her natural life. Then make sure any assets in his families name are assumed by the victim.