GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

These same climate change 'experts' are the same ones that say earth is billions and billions years old, and yet somehow our generation is going to destroy the earth for the next generation.

GODisinc0ntr0l 14 points ago +14 / -0

Very interesting! I had a dream last night that Biden ordered everyone to take down their US Flags because we were no longer tied to the US but owned by China now. In my dream this is what caused a mass awakening.

GODisinc0ntr0l 21 points ago +21 / -0

“Just Q” is the name of the restaurant. Walnut Hills is the town. 🤔

GODisinc0ntr0l 5 points ago +5 / -0

Happy birthday to you (tomorrow)! Have a great day!

GODisinc0ntr0l 25 points ago +25 / -0

It's my birthday today, and I'm feeling more blessed than I ever have in my entire life. As the whole goes crazy around me, I'm loving on my grandbabies, really enjoying my job, feeling a strong presence of God and his love and power of the Holy Spirit in my life, and super hopeful about the next few years. God's got this! Lean into Him as his child and He's got you covered.

GODisinc0ntr0l 6 points ago +6 / -0

How about 511? Relates to road and traffic conditions... wisconsin has 511wi.gov for their traffic website. 5/11 is Thursday, the day that Title 42 goes away pertaining the traffic at the border. I thought it mighty coincidental! Or is it?

GODisinc0ntr0l 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sounds to me like you need a boost from the Holy Spirit... I would highly recommend watching online at LOHchurch.org https://lohchurch.org/worship-with-us/#watch-online Pastor Hank calls it like it is, is uplifting and encouraging! Also, a morning devotional decree with Pastor Brenda is an awesome shot in the arm each morning. You can follow her with LOH church on Facebook or YouTube to find those.

GODisinc0ntr0l 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s happening. The people I know who followed the vax guidelines with boosters are getting very ill…my brother in law has pneumonia, my mother in laws visiting nurse has been very sick all week… others on FB complaining about being sick all year with one thing after another (immune system shot). All these people pushed the vax. Sadly, I don’t believe any are connecting the dots.

GODisinc0ntr0l 12 points ago +12 / -0

True story: I have a friend that did a 23 and me, and it came back as 1% black (he's obviously very white with no hint whatsoever of any color but white). When the census came to his door to ask their dumb questions they asked him what he identified as and he said "I'm black". They stared at him and he said "Write it down, I'm black and I can prove it", to totally mess with them. Absolutely hilarious! He made them fill in black.

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

I left Illinois for here (Wisconsin). At the time I had no idea it was this bad here. Thinking of Florida next.

by BQnita
GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

I plan on voting.. but I don't have a lot of faith in our state just yet. Wisconsin is still controlled and they will push through whomever they wish. We've had some very brave voices come forth in the past elections, like Janel Brandtjen, calling out the BS but they've since been silenced.

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good one! Almost had me! Lol

by BQnita
GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it’s not too late to use it, buy some real estate. You can close in two weeks or less. I’m a realtor and that’s been the trend the last couple of years. Tons of cash buyers. I can sell you a nice home on 27 wooded acres in central WI for $530,000 😜😉… and boom! you’re cash is moved and settled in an investment that isn’t likely to lose value any time soon.

GODisinc0ntr0l 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get your sentiment. There was a clue in her speech that got me thinking. They wanted her out of politics for two years. Is that their deadline of when this should all be over? As much as you and many of feel like we are just being strung along, I think we know the evil goes deep and wide and when something finally is done it’s going to be really big. Like Kari said… it’s “in God’s hands” and HE is the master of miracles. Let’s hope and pray for a string of miracles because I know if the Patriots could have stopped it all by now they would have… but because they haven’t it’s because they couldn’t… yet! The time just isn’t right,

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took it for covi/flu and it got rid of a huge plantars wart on the bottom of my foot that had been there for over 40 years. Still gone 2 years later.

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any idea if it works to deter fleas and ticks?

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have to think that maybe the red states took to reporting to VAERS more seriously. I don’t doubt that red states could have been targeted, but it’s something to consider. I mean, do blueys really even believe the vax is to blame of any death or injuries? Not likely…so it goes unreported.

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