Agree with every sentiment of this comment!
I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did watching his Vax shows! His bird like repetitions and squawking of "Dr. Fauci! Dr. Fauci!" had me rolling! Seriously, if you need a comedy break, find his recent shows & buckle up!
The DS is no match for Jesus! In the presence of God, those cowards will cower and fail....God already won!
Excellent resource 20-guage, thank you for posting this more than once over the last 2-3 years, I know it is seen by people who need it every time! My kids are now graduated but I pulled them out I'm 3rd grade because the administration was supremely fucked and they were not helping me with my one having a really bad time with a really bad teacher. I am a single Mom with amazing support of my parents and brother. My brother thought I was crazy until he went to the school to fight for my daughter. When his kids reached school age, he didn't send his either. Seriously the BEST decision I ever made, because those years would have turned my girls against me. One was against me for years, so pissed that I pulled her out. It was hard to come up with lesson plans and also work full time, but it was something I prayed about and knew I needed to make happen. Parents, yes, it might be hard, but don't make it like public school the way some try to do. Live life with your children and teach them along the way. Freedom is absolutely correct and it WILL be the best decision for your kids and your family! Thank you again 20-guage, all of your resources are so helpful and I recall thinking once that you would have been an amazing librarian!
Or a bathroom stall where u can dig in your purse and not look suspicious?!
Love this post! An answer to my own prayers over the last couple of days. Thank you for posting this, thank you mods for the sticky, and I also want to thank the community for being a place where we can pray over each other and share our answers to prayer. I will continue praying over your friend, what a powerful force praying in numbers is! Thank you Lord for your many blessings and protections!
Praying for your peace and comfort throughout the day and in the days to come. I am so sorry you have experienced so many losses in such a short period of time. You are not an orphan, you are a child of God & He will see you through this! I will pray for him to have a peaceful transition to the right hand of God ❤
Best lead-in title I've seen in awhile, thanks for the belly laugh!
That's a valid observation, I do know of people who have been told the same and left to suffer and figure out their own treatment. I wasn't defending the guy, but whenever I see a sudden death with credentials I have to wonder if they were taken out intentionally.
Maybe he spoke up against the Vax and got Hillaried
Oh yeah, he's awesome and doesn't tiptoe. Someone posted a comedy special of his yesterday, it's about an hour long and worth every minute!
MM is shorthand for million in the financial world.
MM is shorthand for million in the financial world.
I saw this too and wondered if it was legit. Showed the parents names and all that. Seems too obvious but....these people are stupid!
BTW, I caught my year old twins in the bathroom covered in the powdered Comet cleaner. I was cleaning up a barf stain one had left on the floor and they were out of my sight for less than 2 minutes. It happens, so I understand the thought process here & can relate!
Hey, great response and I hope you don't think I'm shitting on you. There is SO much to learn, read and see that has been hidden from us. Many here have been eyeballs deep in this for several years, and some are just joining the ranks. I love your spirit, I think it's important that we be able to hear some pushback & debate logically and respectfully. Some people here have never heard of the Podestas, but when I saw that painting of JLC's, that's what it looked like and those guys are some sick MFers! ASK THE QUESTIONS! Be prepared to hear what you didn't expect to hear and be willing to dig up information on your own. This IS The Great Awakening, not the Great Awakened! Welcome to the community, keep your spirit & ask the questions, the more questions asked, the more answers learned by the multitude.
I hear what you're saying, but....I can't imagine wanting a picture of my friend's child uncomfortably stuffed in a tub of water, naked and if I remember correctly, bald? Why not a picture of said child doing something free and fun, you chose a picture of her stuffed in a tub of water with a vacant look on her face? Just because they say something that makes it seem innocent, we need to have discernment & really look at what we are seeing and see if that matches what they are saying. I'm not seeing why this odd picture is a focal point in her kitchen. Have you seen Podesta's artwork? This appears to be a painting by the same artist, and none of those are of innocent children having fun at a pool party.
That's right, as usual, captivating an audience makes you part of the machine. It's not even covert or subliminal, it's ridiculously blatant and almost childish at this point. I will still love the early works, but I no longer read his absolute bullshit & whenever I see a tweet, I groan in disappointment.
I watched at 1.5 speed, less time to watch and still absorb it all. Good video!
Spoony! Thank you for the actual laugh out loud!!
The Stand is a great book that I think everyone should read too, his early work is incredible, recent work is just a reason to bash Trump lol
Agree with this, his TDS is SO overwhelming in his new books, turned me right off. It's like he was turned into a fucking liberal megaphone and that has cost him MANY constant readers!
I wonder if she's like Fang Fang too? 🤮
You write beautifully, really painted a picture with this post. I'm praying for you fren, thanks for helping me stop to count my blessings. I pray you will be healed and able to stand with us in the end ❤
If you haven't seen it yet, watch his exit speech from Presidents Day. His version of the events is much different and more likely than this version!