Gipper247 6 points ago +6 / -0

Perhaps, people who haven't been in the military don't realize how much the military trains for war. It's every day in different ways. They have that preparedness shit locked down.

I hated when we had to put on those big unwieldy gas attack(?) suits. they were terrible and we'd have to sit in them for hours. ugh.

Gipper247 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh god, my wife made me see this over the weekend and we walked out. it was a dumpster fire. a dumpster full of sh!t. the acting and writing was horrible.

i think all of these diversity hires are tanking the quality of movies. i wonder how it's working out in the airline industry?

Gipper247 1 point ago +1 / -0

i mean, i don't have dog in this fight, but to say "we can feel you breathing" is acceptable in my world. if someone is very close, you can feel their breath. probably still a larp, but that's what they were going for, i think

Gipper247 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey, do other people believe this? it sounds crazy as shit, but i kind of think that aliens are involved with what's going on. both good and bad aliens. i dunno, time will tell

Gipper247 1 point ago +1 / -0

welcome to the club lady. let me warn you, you're about to be extremely frustrated watching the collapse of our country in real-time while the average american blames trump

Gipper247 1 point ago +1 / -0

"am i a republican, no...am i a trump supporter, no"

I can't believe that we have gotten to the point where a person has to clarify that they aren't like those "loonies" who think the government is corrupt. but then they go on to talk about how corrupt the government is.

yes, you are probably more republican than democrat lady. but no worries, the republicans are corrupt too, so there's that

Gipper247 3 points ago +3 / -0

god, i don't want to know what that means. Is it too much to ask to live in a world where we protect children? It shouldn't be this difficult

Gipper247 7 points ago +7 / -0

does anyone actually believe this? i mean honestly, the FBI has no fucking credibility any more and it couldn't be any more obvious that these are FEDS.

  • identical outfits: Check
  • Only males 20-40 years old: Check
  • Completely covered faces/heads: Check
  • Professional flags/signs: Check
  • Some fucking obscure group that no one has ever heard of: Check
  • Be so stereotypical that it's fucking cringe: Check
  • Faggots: Check
Gipper247 5 points ago +5 / -0

i can't believe these assholes have a hobby on the weekend /s

Gipper247 15 points ago +18 / -3

well, i'm also assuming that you are fighting trained men. i personally think that a trained woman could tear through untrained men just like these women did in the video. Plus those "men" look like late teens, so it's more than just physicality, it's the mental aspect of it too. maybe the boys aren't used to fighting. the girls were ;)

Not saying it's real because I have no idea. But I could see this happening.

Gipper247 6 points ago +6 / -0

honestly, i believe that most of these people (like the loonie in the video) were never accepted into a group (picked last at recess) and so they want to get accepted into ANY group, and the LBGTQ/BLM will accept any useful idiot.

So these people screech the loudest to show that they are worthy of acceptance into this group. i believe the purpose of the group is secondary, getting INTO the group is primary.

Gipper247 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there anything Flynn could say that would lessen your belief in Q? If no, maybe you need to strongly consider that position. Everyone is capable of being wrong about something, even those on this site.

I'm not saying anything about the veracity of Q, but if you hold a position that no amount of evidence would dissuade you, you're in danger of believing something over the available evidence. Why? Could it be because that's what all WANT to happen, rather than what's really happening?

Everyone likes to talk about the "coincidences" of the Q movement, but what about the misses? "Trust Sessions" - How did that work out? Should we "Trust Sessions"?

Gipper247 2 points ago +2 / -0

look, i don't know anything about this photo, but he looks genuinely disturbed. I realize he could be acting (I think that's what he does for work maybe?), but he looks upset.

He looks like he's in one of those "proof of life" photos😄

Gipper247 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are the correct one, but no one is listening. As a lifelong sufferer of allergies, the PE bullshit has never worked for me. I only use meds with pseudoephedrine which DOES work for me. I don't think this is any kind of conspiracy. They are just wanting to remove the OTC PE stuff, not the behind-the-counter stuff. I don't really care about this development because in this case, the govt is right. shhh, don't tell anyone i said that :)

not sure why they are removing it though. the shelves are full of shit that doesn't work.

Gipper247 2 points ago +2 / -0

My MOM did this exact thing. She heard about this dog dewormer a few years ago. She was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. IT DISAPPEARED. To be fair, she was also on cancer drugs so it's not a provable cause/effect, but when she went to the doctor for a checkup, the doctor was baffled. Those are the exact doctor's words "I'm baffled". They couldn't figure out how the cancer disappeared. They expected the cancer drugs to slow the growth, but what happened was the tumors disappeared. The doctor's had no explanation for this. The doctor told her that she's essentially cancer free now.

If they have been hiding this from us, I pray they find a good hiding spot because they won't be able to walk down the street, unless it's on the way to the gallows.

Gipper247 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thoughts? What if this is the white hats trolling the DS by telling them WHAT THEY'VE ALREADY DONE? Perhaps this is how Trump got them all?

So instead of what will happen with the next election, they're telling the DS what they did during the 2020 election. Some kind of shot to the DS?

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