Gitmo-or-Bust 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you sure…? How do they locate cancer in your body friend.? They use the PET scan. It is positron emission tomography where they inject a slightly radioactive chemical into your body for which the cancer has an extremely high affinity for. Do you know what that slightly radioactive ‘chemical’ they use that the cancer cells have an extremely high affinity for.? 2+2=4

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make memes great again…!

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make CABLE great again……..unless you want to stream it for free on Prime/Netflix

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scientists are baffled.! What…..? It’s the vaccines you say..? Trust the science you racist white supremecist.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just watched a mid-20’s male enter Walgreens in Memphis, TN ask for an annual flu and Covid vaccine shots. Since I was waiting around for my prescription to be filled I videotaped him coming out of the room and walking to the door……..just in case 😉

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine the job of having to go door to door to arrest and confiscate guns that the owner clearly understood was not in his best interest to register or turn over………maybe 80% aren’t truly ready and you arrest them and search and confiscate. It’s the 20% who are mentally prepared and/or are out of shits to give that will make that process really interesting.

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d love to watch the teenage girl sparring partners kicking his little 155# ass.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 5 points ago +6 / -1

Is there a country you know of with a majority Islam that advocates for for even tolerates any other religions or “diversity”..:? Seems to me anything unlike them is beheaded or thrown off a roof.
Do not give tolerance to others who have shown time and time again there will be ZERO reciprocity and tolerance when they are the majority.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I coulda swore there were 2 ‘i’s’ in boinking….? I boink, perhaps vlad bonks.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, like I said officer - legally sold them all person to person over the past 15 years. Now what.?

Gitmo-or-Bust 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a hard time understanding how they know exactly how many semi-automatic weapons are actually in the populace to even suggest a % of compliance. Long ago I sold all firearms that were purchased from FFL dealers and have only purchased person to person weapons since. No one but me knows what I have and how many. All ammunition sales over the past 15 years have been cash only and no ID required. So how would they know.?

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

EXACTLY….! Being chastised is what they do when you are over the target. Who do you think coined the term, ‘conspiracy theorist’…? The same people you are calling out and exposing truth on. Did you think they were gonna just come out and say, “You got me - I’m a criminal”. No, they will demean and belittle you to make you feel alone and second guess your own judgement. Continue long enough and they just may find other ways to silence you. Nothing new under the sun friend.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh yes, forgot about that little radio broadcast. Everything I am watching is a movie……why not everything historical as well…? I’m not saying real people haven’t died in great numbers, just saying the lead up to all of the historical events were contrived and manevolent.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

I often wonder if the same people who have manufactured and disseminated ‘old-reused’ war/bombing images widely across every conflict in the past 20 years are capable of convincing the world that a weapon called a nuclear bomb actually exists. Yet another possible hoax to keep citizens of the world in some existential perpetual fear..? Yeah you’re right I’m probably just a conspiracy theorist. They probably didn’t execute a sitting President, fake a lunar landing on live television, nor mastermind a massive terrorist attack bringing down the world trade centers and killing over 3000 innocent civilians either. I’m sorry, but at this point I have lived on this rock for 50 years while hearing about the threat of proxy nuclear states and the threat they would pose IF allowed to have a nuclear weapon……thus justifying more death and destruction than they are supposedly trying to prevent. Until I see nuclear bombs detonated, the threat of it is just Kabuki theater like everything else for mind control.

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

My favorite + ‘Is outwardly opposed by kristol, traitor kinzinger, and clown romney.

This is the best way to judge a man……see how the media and uniparty excoriate him….!

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +4 / -1

He and Nadler both……a situation at that age is an excuse to go Jackson Pollack some unsuspecting porcelain throne.

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