It’s a satire/parody account lol….
Not understanding this is just ignorant. Lots of things to be mad about in America today. QR menus is NOT one of them
No one will go see this shit ahahaha
Man the Ukrainians sure are winning!! Jk they’re shit and God has sent them their punishment
What it’s going to eventually come down to
You sound like you failed police academy and are a bit bitter. So sad
It’s funny because affirmative action and black history month are by definition racist in my opinion.
He was found innocent so is the judge and jury corrupt too? Or are you low IQ? The people(the jury and NOT you) don’t agree with you :)
How could you even believe this?
Yes. It does
Who his wife or daughter or something?
I thought she died in a car accident?
We have no clue what Elon actually talked about. You guys believe the MSM still? So disgusting lmao!!
People I’m sure thought this too during the Black Plague, during WW2, or the civil war.
It can be whenever and some people had it way tougher in the past.
Where’s evidence bud
Too late :)
Bismuth has some good uses. I believe it’s been useful in fighting H pylori
So god damn ugly
How is that at all related?
Kick them to the curb lmao
Media narrative falls apart again bummer
Supreme Court needs to be “overhauled”