From the stores point of view you were discriminating against someone for medical reasons. That's how the courts would look at it and I'm sure corporate has guidance on things like this. They were very specific about leaving people alone that choose to mask for legal reasons where I work
No thanks, just take out the puppets and then their masters will be powerless. If people try to make the argument that Obama and Hillary were just taking orders from someone above them I'm going to lose my shit. They 100% better see life in prison, at a MINIMUM. We have the evidence on them, make a freakin move already.
For clarification, the puppets include the entirety of Congress and anyone in DC at this point. They all have to go to make their puppeteers powerless. Same goes for the EU.
Make sure to ask how many people she convinced to get a vaccine as a doctor. Is she contacting all those people? How is she going to be held accountable and punished for voting for this shit? Without Justice, this country can never be saved.
If he lied to Congress then they're all innocent, and we all know that's bullshit.