Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

First I've heard of it being for Iran's silence on Timmy Osman. Makes senae though

Gstk101 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yea, the dumb bitch couldn't contain her absolute hate. I really need to see a picture of what (s)he? looks like. Gettin chucky schumer vibes

Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

Learning from this site mostly, im now always focused directly toward the hands, in these AIs. They can never get the hands right.. but awesome job, and great use of ones AI skills. Definitely worth checking out the article

Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anybody else notice, that JR., along with a few others prominent on twatter.. post something, as their own 'thought', but that same post was a meme, or another post from a nobody on socials, just a few hours before. Gotta make one believe he frequents GAW

Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read it as him putting putting two words together, perhaps, 'find out' ?

Gstk101 8 points ago +8 / -0

Am i the only one, who, while reading that article, absolutely CRINGE and just chuckle!!, at every mention of 'She' , 'Island lady' , and 'mOtHeR oF tWo''

Gstk101 2 points ago +2 / -0

I debated on clicking the link for about half a second, then said fuck it! , and am glad i did.

That is fuckin FUNNY

Gstk101 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pretty certain, thay the anon who figured it out was on PDW. he made a post excitedly claiming it, asking for the lawyers contact info, then saying pretty much, the mission was completed.

We are the News!

Gstk101 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well Son of a Bitch! This guy is you, me ... most all of us, in some way , shape, or form. Just tryin to live his quiet comfortable life..

And all it takes IS ONE FAG!. A bicyclist, a middle aged secretary named Janet, a barrista with neon hair , from your favorite coffee spot!

I read it here everyday, "THEY FUCKIN HATE YOU" , or "THEY WANT YOU DEAD". .

What these pussies dont kno,, is that outside city li-mits, its a different ballgame

Gstk101 5 points ago +5 / -0

From the article..(this lists the 3 anitifa-tards names)

Defendants Corbyn "Katherine" Belyea, Madison "Denny" Lee Allen, and Sammich Overkill Schott-Deputy; were found liable by Judge Sinaplasai for assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.>

Jus normal every day American dudes!

Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea hes too much of a loose end. Im gonna say after they get him, they will say he overdosed .. drug addiction cuz of his deep mental health issues, " lets champion mental health now"

Fuckin treasonous scum

Gstk101 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly thought it was gonna say something along the lines of "plea deal gets probation " then i scrolled.down just a little bit more, and was surprised to see 22 yrs!.

Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

This video is ALOT OF GOOD INFO, worth the watch. But i have one question


Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

^^ THIS! There are many videos from European YouTubers, who find and explore cold war era Russian bunkers(ie: search 'SHIEY' On youtube , his older videos, a bunch of bunkers like these, he explores

This jus looks like a bunch of ravers finding a new, sweet underground (literally) spot, to dance and eat XTC

Gstk101 2 points ago +2 / -0

Purebloods: Can NOT Get VAIDS Can NOT collapse of heart failure at 18 years if age

Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here to say this. All that is, is him lookin for brownie points. 'Look at poor ol me ! I gots zee cancers!

Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been saying this for a while. They are gonna have no other viable choices, but Big Mikey. And because the trans shit was pushed so hard, well, how convenient for mr Robinson. Derrrp! Serrr stunning and brahhhvee

EDIT: BUT!...Imagine barrys birth certificate fiasco, multiplied times 1000. Every1 asking for big mikes DNA(first off) , Baby pix, etc lmao.

Gstk101 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im glad some1 said it. Was just gonna say same thing! Ohhh YeaaAaAHH

Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, not a noob, but am quite curious. You woukf think by now, out-of ALLLL these sick fucks, that have dirt in them, that one would 'stray the path' you would think there would be rando vids released of so and so with a 14 yr old so and so...

Gstk101 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to GOOGLE 🤮, ITS Barry soetoro, Henifer lopez, the Rock, and MJ

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