HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are so many military / law enforcement / war ships off the CA coast today / right now it’s crazy. I posted a pic of 11 of them.

HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn’t trying to incriminate someone wrongfully illegal? Felony? Didn’t they all just do that to themselves!?

HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah they had to have done something for times such as when they are freed and break away, that hurts them in someway, possible torture. I’d think they certainly would have thought of that. Brain damage or something…so they go to that place instead of snapping out of it and being sound mind enough to point the finger.

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s been planted in since he was Luke. Remember the older brother on that show as he was so young ( Leo ) and in Hollywood. Kirk Cameron. I don’t know anything at all with this, but my realistic hunch is that Kirk got to Leo before Satan could grasp him. It would only make sense, him knowing Hollywood better and being older; maybe he influenced Leo like a real big brother.

On another thought but with the same mentioned above…he had to because of the weight of his own. If he did have anything to do with fake Covid passports / cards circulating Hollywood ( yep. They all bought theirs. A ring of them ) all the way to any child charity especially Africa, then it’s a plea bargain. A VERY VERY VERY PLEASEEEEEEE!!!? deal. They’re both about the same stature in their worlds now. So that means business or corruption between Hollywood and D.C. would pass by them inevitably. If not the or some of the “shot callers” so to say.

Also, he could be a martian 👽. We haven’t heard that word in a while. They must’ve been warriors on Mars, seeing the spelling ( like a Spartan ) and the first cartoon of one, “Marvin the Martian”.

Leonardo? <—— anyone else go by that name today?

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah and the guy from the Fugees was internationally involved too. Gets crazy

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +2 / -1

The craziest thing happened, and I never saw it this way. There are some black Americans standing up and loud, saying they see Trump like them. Treated like shit, haters ect…”He ain’t racist, he tear yo a** apart if you blue, red, white, black, brown or pineapple purple…” I think THAT is a great awakening. It’s as if the Dems have caused them to feel like standing up for Trump supporters, and Trump. Tired of the shit. Everyone. Seeing others get trampled…it won’t work. We are the nation that won’t forget about atrocity that gets no one anywhere but backwards and angry. The race shit is about to backfire on the left. 🍿

HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +3 / -1

History will use the logged and saved media’s information to manipulate true history. What will this history be? The lesson? From where? Who? They have to be stopped.

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, his has never caught fire or been the wrong vehicle

HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone notice the guy holding the nuclear codes bag? Not sure was wondering. Again

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

Faggots vs Trump supporters. They’re fags, or they’re not. They are all wicked and had time to turn it around but if anyone is still enjoying sitting all the way down on a baseball bat then there’s no hope. They’re speed bumps, and not a f+++ is given. They’d kill for pleasure and anyone about now, and I may be off but until they prove otherwise…they’re going to hurt.

HoneyBucketSawng 12 points ago +12 / -0

I have jury duty next month. Commiefornia. They said masks, and I’m saying see ya never with that “rule”. Not complying for a corrupt court, or anyone / thing. What happens when I show up and do not Wear one? Of which book of law is that in? Id like to know. And who wrote it. The ones punishing, and “take me to your leader” is what I’ll say. Especially if I choose to half wear one just until in the courtroom. In the middle of it all. Take it off. Leave it off. Wonder what would legally happen and media tabloid would happen. Nice place to protest mandates while breaking zero laws. News worthy. 👀🤔🤔🤔

HoneyBucketSawng 2 points ago +2 / -0

BUT…there were white slaves and black slave owners and contrary to belief, there were just as many, as well as Irish, Indian, South American, European, Asian…ect. But the fact is that there absolutely were plenty of white slaves. So I should get how much now?? Native American and Irish. I get it all. ORRRRR…Gavin doesn’t know his own politics or history. Why is he still walking free?

HoneyBucketSawng 0 points ago +1 / -1

True. The clocks are all 3:20 and the place is spotless. Not even smoke or casings. No holes in the walls. What are the officers saying???

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

All of the NIH panel roster members are HIV / AIDS specialists. There are at least 50 to 100 people on it. AIDS AND HIV. ALL OF THEM. See for yourself. 👀👀👀

HoneyBucketSawng 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, now that their self admitted metal retards they can’t own them. Specifically. They have THEIR OWN SUICIDE HOTLINE. For God’s sake the only people with one. Go ahead and give them anything. Ok

HoneyBucketSawng 1 point ago +1 / -0

True. So will this staged shooting. In all directions

HoneyBucketSawng 3 points ago +3 / -0


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