The cold temps behind this are insane! -25?
Saving artificial creation of the West for last.
And Anthony Chaffee. He is a student of Thomas Sowell and talks a lot about government corruption. He is carnivore though. A beast.
Holy shit! These kids aren’t 17 year olds that sneak into the US. These are babies!
Why do they (these deep state creeps) need so many children?
I agree. I went keto then carnivore. Lost weight pretty quick. I got abs now. Doubled my testosterone. It cures type 2 diabetes and most intestinal issues pretty quick. I eat until full. No starving. I think part of the reason it works so well is because the cow filters out all the crap. Plants are contaminated with glyphosate and the soils have no fertility.
Should be the name of a convenience store.
I wasn’t anti vax before the Covid scam. Now I don’t want anyone I love to ever get any type of vaccine.
Turn off the welfare in the form of money, food, phones, education or medical. Immigrants should NOT be given welfare, ever. (I am 100% against government being used to take money from one citizen by force and give it to another, much less non-citizens or immigrants. Churches and other organizations used to take care of poor but they really were just needing a hand up. And most of the donations actually are used for the needy instead of a holiday trip to Vegas or Epstein island.
Fine anyone caught using illegals for labor unless they are migrant farm workers or some other form of heavy low paid labor group.
Once the freebies stop they will go home on their own.
Prisoners sent from Venezuela and other countries go first and tariffs will cover their expense trawler/ deuce and a half) ride home.
Saving Israel for last.
Yep and try to find an actual photo of the Boston bomber after he was arrested. Nothing but fake court drawings.
Do you know who is not a Hero by the ones writing the history books?
Vlad the impaler (Dracula)
Look it up.
Interesting the VW diesel got 50mpg day back in the 70’s. Not sure how fast it was compared to now but seems they coulda upped the gas mileage.
Rebuilding the barn after a tornado. Piles of downed trees on the property here. Climate change or are they fucking with the weather?
Mistrial for talking about the trial.
The best part is that he catfished the Deepstate and controls tons of money!
Yep. Got an acquaintance that had a son go on a “mission trip” to Israel. Actually was trained and sent to Syria about ten years ago to sow discord. He was 17 and just out of HS. Told him he was “special forces” and other BS. They killed a bunch of innocent people. Came back all fucked up.
Or maybe the conspiracy theories are true and Obama and friends are already at Gitmo!
I read an interesting article from a Lutheran Pastor about this passage. Seems the real translation is closer to “render unto Caesar what Caesar deserves” and “To God what he deserves”
Sorry. You cannot prove the cats were not legal voters because Haitians ate them.
Hehe! TWCBS, baby!
No kidding. Some need a caretaker full time. Full time is 24/7 not 8 hrs. Pretty stressful.
No cause she’s probably getting a cut of the profits.
Had a hundred dollars worth in my cart when it was 3 dollars. I wasn’t sure about the “wallet” security so I didn’t buy it. Next day it went to 80 dollars and I thought it was too volatile so I didn’t buy. Dangit!
I would have spent it on a pizza who am I kidding.
My wife brought home some “Organic” chicken thighs. Gotta say they’re way better than regular chicken.