Hunter_Slaptop 3 points ago +3 / -0

FISA disclosure could do a great deal of damage to previously entrenched bureaucrats,

Hunter_Slaptop 35 points ago +35 / -0

Mohammad Bin Salman was supposedly the real target in Las Vegas on October 1st 2017. The Paddock shooting was cover for a blown operation to assassinate Bin Salman and he narrowly escaped.

The Saudi crackdown occurred shortly thereafter if my memory is correct. It began in November 2017.


Here is a thread that I saved that lays out all the details. It is thorough.


Hunter_Slaptop 6 points ago +6 / -0

They've sabotaged the armed forces into this for a reason. When they "need" to recruit illegals into the military they'll point to shortages like this as the driving factor.

Then when it comes down to turning soldier's rifles against actual American civilians it'll be that much easier.

Hunter_Slaptop 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hey guys I'm starting to think that maybe the ATF are the baddies.

Hunter_Slaptop 15 points ago +15 / -0

Cover story in my opinion. They were under too much heat, too much scrutiny, and playing the emotional manipulation card to restore support and shut down skeptics isn't farfetched.

Hunter_Slaptop 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is only one way out of this and it has nothing to do with congress.

Hunter_Slaptop 7 points ago +7 / -0

"GEMS" reads like comms to me.

I would do some research, but I'm busy welding plates to some construction equipment at the moment.

Hunter_Slaptop 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think the Trump card is declas.

Hunter_Slaptop 4 points ago +4 / -0

This turdle is the "living" embodiment of why we need term limits to begin with. That's his legacy.

Corrupt geriatrics should not be granted the power to shape a society that they will never live in. He belongs in a maximum security retirement home.

Hunter_Slaptop 14 points ago +14 / -0

I had a couple of female, divorced, democrat relatives that I had to see a few times a year. They were, by all accounts, bitter, lonely, and were generally unpleasant to be around for as long as I can remember. They blamed men in general for their woes. You know the type.

The happiest I have ever seen them, by far, was the few times I interacted with them during the "pandemic" in 2020. They were practically elated at the idea of lockdowns and the ensuing despair of other people. It was unsettling.

The only thing that brought them happiness was the suffering of others, because in some sick way, it mirrored their own shitty lives and it brought some satisfaction to see otherwise happy people brought down to their level.

They are now both dead from vaccine related medical shit, although that side of the family would never admit that sucking Fauci's fauci was their cause of death.

My point is that I'm not surprised that most democrats believe that the pandemic is still around. They don't want to let it go, because that was the happiest they'd been in their whole miserable lives. They actually miss it.

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