Sorry, missed this. Not that I know of. Most controversial group is Christ Church, a tight knit conservative Christian church community who are not shy about influencing local business and politics. I have no ties or problem with them but the town is very blue, a kind of hippy retirement area and the church attracts contention. If there is a local satanic group presence I haven't heard anything.
Doesn't feel heroic. Remember when Nancy said we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it? Or as if a stranger says "Take a bite!", What is it? "Just take a bite and find out! And be sure to swallow." Let's put something in your bloodstream and see what happens. Probably good stuff, just a tweak of your DNA. Everyone's doing it! Some things are unacceptable, no matter how many accept them.
Leaving is another choice. Replacing, altering, abolishing, seceding, or declaring sovereignty as individuals or groups should all be options. In such form "as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." Any rightful powers being only derived from the CONSENT of the governed.
That "grateful to be vaccinated..." little requisite chanting at the end of all these failed inoculations, kind of creepy.