Sure, Dana will take your money Bud Light, but if you think slapping your logo on anything in the UFC will come anywhere close to making you your money back on that $100M, you’re insane. MMA fans are NOT switching back to Bud Light. You’re fooling yourself. The correct strategy would have been to come out directly after the mistake, own up to it, ask for forgiveness, reaffirm traditional values and maybe lose 2% of your customers (but perhaps GAIN more than that). Instead, you chose to piss off near 100% of them and since you’ve waited too long, even if you issued an apology, it’s too late.
I totally agree with the thought, but the enemy is wise to this fact. The sad truth is we HAVE been getting invaded, but not a short term military invasion. It’s been a slow, long-term invasion happening across our southern border and by the indoctrination of our schools. The enemy has been cunning enough to brainwash our young into believing allowing this slow invasion is “compassionate”.
I fear by the time the general public wakes up to this, it will be too late - which is what the globalists fueling all of this have planned from the beginning.
Nope…Senate Ds will NEVER vote to impeach a D. They could murder someone on live TV whilst smoking crack and stealing an elderly lady’s purse at the same time and they would still walk in lockstep saying “nope, it’s a lie! We didn’t see anything!”
People are sheep when it comes to this “green” energy push. It’s not about the environment at all. It’s about another transfer of wealth. The cost to the consumer vs the net benefit to the planet is folly. Also another thing that is poorly communicated, actually covered up, is the increased cost - either in increased utility bills, increased taxes, or both. The sad thing is that one of two things will happen:
- this will be rolled out so slow, that we’ll get the frog in the boiling water scenario where people won’t make a stink about increased cost, but suddenly we’ll turn around and energy prices will have doubled or more in 5 years, or
- we will go down this path to the point that there is just no going back, no matter the backlash. We’ll have thrown away a perfectly viable system to be forced onto a more expensive, less reliable, and (on the whole planet level) even less environmentally friendly one than we have now
I’ve thought this for a long time. Our enemies play the long game… why start an open war when they can pay off the right people to influence our society to the point where we basically “off” ourselves. Eliminate reproduction and open the borders… Americans are gone, replaced by whoever and whatever…
“Fire these people and we’ll drop the lawsuit” “But our ratings will SUCK!” “Ratings Scmatings… we’ll prop you up with Globalist ESG sponsors who don’t care about ratings! We’ll keep shoveling our crap to the remaining audience who still thinks Fox is for Conservatives! It’s a win-win!”
The ULTIMATE plan is depopulation.
- increase the cost of energy, which increases the cost of everything
- devalue the dollar
- make personal movement (commuting) illegal or prohibitively expensive
- tax carbon and farmers out of existence
- outlaw meat by outright or by taxing it out of reach, which will further make a weak and docile society
- promise to “take care” of everyone who moves into the government’s sanctuary cities.
- outlaw any speech against the government or ESG initiatives as “hate speech”
Did I cover it all?
If this in the city of St Louis, you have to protect yourself, because circuit attorney Kim Gardner (Soros-funded), will not prosecute bad guys… However, I will be pretty surprised if she doesn’t try to somehow go after the victim that protected themselves with their 2nd amendment.
They’ll wait until further down the road. Past the point where they can have a primary. They don’t want to rile their base up by making them think, compare/contrast, and have the candidates possibly call each other out on their past mistakes and idiotic policies for all to see. No, they’ll wait until it’s too late for that, then they’ll handpick someone from the deep state for all the Ds to gleefully rally around.