I still fantasize The Don being on a huge stage somewhere televised globally unfiltered saying…”I’m so happy, so happy, to announce and present to you my very good friend, oh and we go back a long ways, a long ways, my running mate, and your future vice president and beyond, here he is, John Kennedy!…”.
This was done on a day that school was cancelled so kids were at home. Many got incinerated. This was by design. If you owned a home or property and lost your children right there, in this horrific way, would you want to stay? No. Swoopers come and offer you anything, pennies on the dollar, and you leave.
I saw an extensive documentary saying there were 8 teams of 2 assassins each. The last resort was the last one hiding in the storm drain. The car actually stopped in front of it for the kill shot before taking off. The 2 frames showing the stop were removed. Witnesses said there were bullets flying all over.
Another ‘ingredient’ is “natural flavors” which the FDA gave the manufacturers carte blanc to insert whatever the fuck they wanted. There is nothing natural about it - 100% synthetic chemical concoction made in a lab to ‘enhance’ the flavor deemed IP. You and I have no idea what we are consuming.