Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both are very valid points not to mention inflation can kill retirement plans even if you do everything correctly.

I agree on motel style homes. Super cheap to build and at least gives some humanity. I know some people here would think that is the NWO plan but having a roof over your head if you are homeless or poor is a huge thing even if it isn't fancy. Hell even if it's half way house it's at least a place to live.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

For everyone saying does it have a soul I haven't read the article but my guess is it's similar to crispr editing. They probably take the DNA of you and duplicate and implant. It's not a literal copy clone that needs a soul it's a baby thata genetically identical born normally. I could be wrong though.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like it. I still feel like we start with tax cuts first. Not little benefits...the national tax for any bracket shouldn't exceed 6%.

I do think they could also manage it much better with housing. I mean literally even if it's mobile homes or tiny homes at least it's a home. Hell they have tiny home kits that are like 25k now plus labor.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +5 / -3

Shhhh. They are spreading freedom and democracy. They would never do anything immoral. They are the chosen ones.

Jackdagger 7 points ago +7 / -0

Congrats!!! So awesome. I love it when we add new little ones. Especially when we can keep them no vax patriots.

My 2 year old was my first pure blood and my older son just had a few when he was little 12 years ago and it's great watching him despise Biden and make fun of trannies...kek.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I think we will find out but the Alex us mossad thing never held a lot of weight in my opinion. Even one of the other Q posts about Jones basically said "move along" which I always thought was weird. Almost like they called him out then realized it was part of a bigger plan.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah her, Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson, and jackari Jackson way back when we're all solid. Get some good hosts in and you could take it to the moon.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

1: I think the real Elon was replaced after neural link if the plan is still in place or at least under WH control.

2: I think possibly space force uses it to get away from deep state monitoring and spy on them without them knowing. So of course the current administration will refuse to acknowledge. I also think that's why he is always under fire by the SEC and frivolous lawsuits.

I now realize quite literally everyone is guilty of something if anyone wants to push the issue so if they don't like you they just drown you in legal battles.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of me hopes this is part of the great awakening because if the truth is what I think it would wake up MILLIONS of people.

Definitely less FFs lately.

Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Big Mike's "member". We start there then we can drop criminal activities Biden and others took part in once the shock has settled in.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to think I was libertarian but really libertarians are just pro-gun commies who think somehow a society is going to self police with minimal rules and laws which has never been proven to be the case. They also seem to be more worried about what they do with their body and drugs than they do actual material policy.

Idk just my experience.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I updooted. People on this site hate any reasonable complaints about Trump but your complaint is 100% valid there are a LOT of people Trump should have pardoned or laws he should have focused ok the first go around. I hope I'm wrong round 2 and he cleans it up but I'm worried that we still won't get what we are hoping for and people need to have an open mind to that.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +2 / -1

"Eatin ain't cheatin"

I'm kidding. Gotta gave some humor in here some days.

Jackdagger 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's absolutely true, however, you have to realize that a huge chunk of the population literally doesn't have the IQ to understand it. And heard mentality is in all of us. Combine those and it explains covid.

The problem with this logic is that retribution feels good for a time but it is "low energy" behavior. Whether or not you are religious you have to realize that when you repay wrong for wrong you are feeding the negative cycle whereas forgiving and understanding elevates you and your energy. Obviously some things are unforgivable and truly a danger but it only takes a few enlightened people to uplift tens of thousands of people.

Understand that the vast vast majority did not participate out of malice. It was out of fear. Only a handful orchestrated it.

Reccomended book: Power vs. Force.

Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

They block out stuff on Google earth already. Why would they not just lie?

Also they would fight over it but there is a treaty.

The thing that really got me about Antarctica is the weird treaty and the fact you aren't allowed to visit certain areas in your own vessel. No other area in the world outside land military bases has that kind of treaty to my knowledge.

Jackdagger 16 points ago +16 / -0

Also the more I learn the more I realize idk if any law is written objectively without hidden intentions. The legal world is full of manipulation. It's like that Clinton hearing where he said define the word "is"

Jackdagger 17 points ago +17 / -0

Well I'm dealing with a nasty civil case (divorce) and I can say that I see no option but to overhaul the entire system when the plan comes to fruition. It's not speedy, humans make many errors and assumptions, it's definitely not reasonable or fair, and all in all it seems only to exist to make what would be peaceful as difficult and troublesome as possible which then impacts children and family's forever.

I have said for years if the plan does not completely overhaul and abolish the fed and all the other taxes I will genuinely question it because we are all wage slaves with no ability to be autonomous until we are able to control our money.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

The star thar burns twice as bright burns half as long. It was a short time but it was entertaining. Lol

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most convincing one to me was hoe many bellwether counties were wrong. Those counties had been right every single election for over 40 years and magically were almost all wrong.

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